/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConfClass.cpp) ENABLED START -----*/
static const char *TagName    = "$Name:  $";
static const char *CvsPath    = "$Source: /home/cvsadm/cvsroot/fermi/servers/accessconf/src/AccessConfClass.cpp,v $";
static const char *SvnPath    = "$HeadURL:  $";
static const char *HttpServer = "http://www.esrf.eu/computing/cs/tango/tango_doc/ds_doc/";
// file :        AccessConfClass.cpp
// description : C++ source for the AccessConfClass. A singleton
//               class derived from DeviceClass. It implements the
//               command list and all properties and methods required
//               by the �name� once per process.
// project :     Storage Ring Access.
// $Author: graziano $
// $Revision: 1.2 $
// $Date: 2019-11-06 08:23:36 $
// SVN only:
// $HeadURL:  $
// CVS only:
// $Source: /home/cvsadm/cvsroot/fermi/servers/accessconf/src/AccessConfClass.cpp,v $
// $Log: AccessConfClass.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.2  2019-11-06 08:23:36  graziano
// Added cutoff_ind to change/disable index for cutoff
// Revision 1.1  2012-10-30 09:29:15  graziano
// *** empty log message ***
//                This file is generated by POGO
//        (Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)

#include <AccessConfClass.h>

/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/

 *	Create AccessConfClass singleton and
 *	return it in a C function for Python usage
extern "C" {
#ifdef _TG_WINDOWS_



	Tango::DeviceClass *_create_AccessConf_class(const char *name) {
		return AccessConf_ns::AccessConfClass::init(name);

namespace AccessConf_ns

//	Initialize pointer for singleton pattern
AccessConfClass *AccessConfClass::_instance = NULL;

 * method : 		AccessConfClass::AccessConfClass(string &s)
 * description : 	constructor for the AccessConfClass
 * @param s	The class name
AccessConfClass::AccessConfClass(string &s):DeviceClass(s)
	cout2 << "Entering AccessConfClass constructor" << endl;

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::constructor) ENABLED START -----*/

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::constructor

	cout2 << "Leaving AccessConfClass constructor" << endl;

 * method : 		AccessConfClass::~AccessConfClass()
 * description : 	destructor for the AccessConfClass
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::destructor) ENABLED START -----*/

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::destructor

	_instance = NULL;

 * method : 		AccessConfClass::init
 * description : 	Create the object if not already done.
 *                  Otherwise, just return a pointer to the object
 * @param	name	The class name
AccessConfClass *AccessConfClass::init(const char *name)
	if (_instance == NULL)
			string s(name);
			_instance = new AccessConfClass(s);
		catch (bad_alloc)
	return _instance;

 * method : 		AccessConfClass::instance
 * description : 	Check if object already created,
 *                  and return a pointer to the object
AccessConfClass *AccessConfClass::instance()
	if (_instance == NULL)
		cerr << "Class is not initialised !!" << endl;
	return _instance;

//	Command execution method calls

//	Properties management

 * method : 		AccessConfClass::get_class_property
 * description : 	Get the class property for specified name.
 * @param	name  The property name
Tango::DbDatum AccessConfClass::get_class_property(string &prop_name)
	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<cl_prop.size() ; i++)
		if (cl_prop[i].name == prop_name)
			return cl_prop[i];
	//	if not found, returns  an empty DbDatum
	return Tango::DbDatum(prop_name);

 *	Method      : AccessConf::AccessConfClass::get_default_device_property()()
 *	Description : Return the default value for device property.
Tango::DbDatum AccessConfClass::get_default_device_property(string &prop_name)
	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<dev_def_prop.size() ; i++)
		if (dev_def_prop[i].name == prop_name)
			return dev_def_prop[i];
	//	if not found, return  an empty DbDatum
	return Tango::DbDatum(prop_name);

 *	Method      : AccessConf::AccessConfClass::get_default_class_property()()
 *	Description : Return the default value for class property.
Tango::DbDatum AccessConfClass::get_default_class_property(string &prop_name)
	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<cl_def_prop.size() ; i++)
		if (cl_def_prop[i].name == prop_name)
			return cl_def_prop[i];
	//	if not found, return  an empty DbDatum
	return Tango::DbDatum(prop_name);

 *	Method      : AccessConf::AccessConfClass::get_class_property()
 *	Description : //	Add your own code to initialize
void AccessConfClass::get_class_property()

 *	Method      : AccessConf::AccessConfClass::set_default_property()
 *	Description : Set default property (class and device) for wizard.
 *	              For each property, add to wizard property name and description.
 *	              If default value has been set, add it to wizard property and.
 *	              store it in a DbDatum.
void AccessConfClass::set_default_property()
	string	prop_name;
	string	prop_desc;
	string	prop_def;
	vector<string>	vect_data;
	//	Set Default Class Properties

	//	Set Default Device Properties

	prop_name = "Low_level_srv";
	prop_desc = "";
	prop_def  = "";
	if (prop_def.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
		data << vect_data ;
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);

	prop_name = "Attr_config_prop";
	prop_desc = "";
	prop_def  = "";
	if (prop_def.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
		data << vect_data ;
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);

	prop_name = "Attr_config_file";
	prop_desc = "";
	prop_def  = "";
	if (prop_def.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
		data << vect_data ;
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);

	prop_name = "Cutoff_ind";
	prop_desc = "";
	prop_def  = "3";
	if (prop_def.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
		data << vect_data ;
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);

 *	Method      : AccessConf::AccessConfClass::write_class_property()
 *	Description : Set class description fields as property in database
void AccessConfClass::write_class_property()
	//	First time, check if database used
	if (Tango::Util::_UseDb == false)

	Tango::DbData	data;
	string	classname = get_name();
	string	header;
	string::size_type	start, end;

	//	Put title
	Tango::DbDatum	title("ProjectTitle");
	string	str_title("Storage Ring Access");
	title << str_title;

	//	Put Description
	Tango::DbDatum	description("Description");
	vector<string>	str_desc;
	description << str_desc;
	//	put cvs or svn location
	string	filename("AccessConf");
	filename += "Class.cpp";
	// check for cvs information
	string	src_path(CvsPath);
	start = src_path.find("/");
	if (start!=string::npos)
		end   = src_path.find(filename);
		if (end>start)
			string	strloc = src_path.substr(start, end-start);
			//	Check if specific repository
			start = strloc.find("/cvsroot/");
			if (start!=string::npos && start>0)
				string	repository = strloc.substr(0, start);
				if (repository.find("/segfs/")!=string::npos)
					strloc = "ESRF:" + strloc.substr(start, strloc.length()-start);
			Tango::DbDatum	cvs_loc("cvs_location");
			cvs_loc << strloc;
	// check for svn information
		string	src_path(SvnPath);
		start = src_path.find("://");
		if (start!=string::npos)
			end = src_path.find(filename);
			if (end>start)
				header = "$HeadURL: ";
				start = header.length();
				string	strloc = src_path.substr(start, (end-start));
				Tango::DbDatum	svn_loc("svn_location");
				svn_loc << strloc;

	//	Get CVS or SVN revision tag
	// CVS tag
	string	tagname(TagName);
	header = "$Name: ";
	start = header.length();
	string	endstr(" $");
	end   = tagname.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strtag = tagname.substr(start, end-start);
		Tango::DbDatum	cvs_tag("cvs_tag");
		cvs_tag << strtag;
	// SVN tag
	string	svnpath(SvnPath);
	header = "$HeadURL: ";
	start = header.length();
	end   = svnpath.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strloc = svnpath.substr(start, end-start);
		string tagstr ("/tags/");
		start = strloc.find(tagstr);
		if ( start!=string::npos )
			start = start + tagstr.length();
			end   = strloc.find(filename);
			string	strtag = strloc.substr(start, end-start-1);
			Tango::DbDatum	svn_tag("svn_tag");
			svn_tag << strtag;

	//	Get URL location
	string	httpServ(HttpServer);
	if (httpServ.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	db_doc_url("doc_url");
		db_doc_url << httpServ;

	//  Put inheritance
	Tango::DbDatum	inher_datum("InheritedFrom");
	vector<string> inheritance;
	inher_datum << inheritance;

	//	Call database and and values

//	Factory methods

 * method : 		AccessConfClass::device_factory
 * description : 	Create the device object(s)
 *                  and store them in the device list
 * @param	*devlist_ptr	The device name list
void AccessConfClass::device_factory(const Tango::DevVarStringArray *devlist_ptr)

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::device_factory_before) ENABLED START -----*/

	//	Add your own code

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::device_factory_before

	//	Create devices and add it into the device list
	for (unsigned long i=0 ; i<devlist_ptr->length() ; i++)
		cout4 << "Device name : " << (*devlist_ptr)[i].in() << endl;
		device_list.push_back(new AccessConf(this, (*devlist_ptr)[i]));

	//	Manage dynamic attributes if any
	erase_dynamic_attributes(devlist_ptr, get_class_attr()->get_attr_list());

	//	Export devices to the outside world
	for (unsigned long i=1 ; i<=devlist_ptr->length() ; i++)
		//	Add dynamic attributes if any
		AccessConf *dev = static_cast<AccessConf *>(device_list[device_list.size()-i]);

		//	Check before if database used.
		if ((Tango::Util::_UseDb == true) && (Tango::Util::_FileDb == false))
			export_device(dev, dev->get_name().c_str());

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::device_factory_after) ENABLED START -----*/

	//	Add your own code

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::device_factory_after


 *	Method      : AccessConf::AccessConfClass::attribute_factory()
 *	Description : Create the attribute object(s)
 *	              and store them in the attribute list
void AccessConfClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::attribute_factory_before) ENABLED START -----*/

	//	Add your own code

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::attribute_factory_before

#if 0
	//	Attribute : BoolScalarDyn
	BoolScalarDynAttrib	*boolscalardyn = new BoolScalarDynAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	boolscalardyn_prop;
	//	description	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	label	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	unit	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	standard_unit	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	display_unit	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	format	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	max_value	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	min_value	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	max_alarm	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	min_alarm	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	max_warning	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	min_warning	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	delta_t	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	delta_val	not set for	BoolScalarDyn
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not memorized

	//	BoolScalarDyn does not fire change event
	//	BoolScalarDyn does not fire archive event
	//	BoolScalarDyn does not fire data_ready event

	//	Attribute : BoolSpectrumDyn
	BoolSpectrumDynAttrib	*boolspectrumdyn = new BoolSpectrumDynAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	boolspectrumdyn_prop;
	//	description	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	label	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	unit	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	standard_unit	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	display_unit	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	format	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	max_value	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	min_value	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	max_alarm	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	min_alarm	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	max_warning	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	min_warning	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	delta_t	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	delta_val	not set for	BoolSpectrumDyn
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not memorized

	//	BoolSpectrumDyn does not fire change event
	//	BoolSpectrumDyn does not fire archive event
	//	BoolSpectrumDyn does not fire data_ready event
	//	Attribute : Version
	VersionAttrib	*version = new VersionAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	version_prop;
	//	description	not set for	Version
	//	label	not set for	Version
	//	unit	not set for	Version
	//	standard_unit	not set for	Version
	//	display_unit	not set for	Version
	//	format	not set for	Version
	//	max_value	not set for	Version
	//	min_value	not set for	Version
	//	max_alarm	not set for	Version
	//	min_alarm	not set for	Version
	//	max_warning	not set for	Version
	//	min_warning	not set for	Version
	//	delta_t	not set for	Version
	//	delta_val	not set for	Version
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not memorized

	//	Version does not fire change event
	//	Version does not fire archive event
	//	Version does not fire data_ready event

	//	Create a list of static attributes

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::attribute_factory_after) ENABLED START -----*/

	//	Add your own code

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::attribute_factory_after


 *	Method      : AccessConf::AccessConfClass::command_factory()
 *	Description : Create the command object(s)
 *	              and store them in the command list
void AccessConfClass::command_factory()
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::command_factory_before) ENABLED START -----*/

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::command_factory_before

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::command_factory_after) ENABLED START -----*/

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::command_factory_after


//	Dynamic attributes related methods

 * method : 		AccessConfClass::create_static_attribute_list
 * description : 	Create the a list of static attributes
 * @param	att_list	the ceated attribute list 
void AccessConfClass::create_static_attribute_list(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
	for (unsigned long i=0 ; i<att_list.size() ; i++)
		string att_name(att_list[i]->get_name());
		transform(att_name.begin(), att_name.end(), att_name.begin(), ::tolower);

	cout2 << defaultAttList.size() << " attributes in default list" << endl;

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::create_static_att_list) ENABLED START -----*/

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::create_static_att_list


 * method : 		AccessConfClass::erase_dynamic_attributes
 * description : 	delete the dynamic attributes if any.
 * @param	devlist_ptr	the device list pointer
 * @param	list of all attributes
void AccessConfClass::erase_dynamic_attributes(const Tango::DevVarStringArray *devlist_ptr, vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
	Tango::Util *tg = Tango::Util::instance();
	//cout << __FUNCTION__<< ": entering..."<<endl;
	for (unsigned long i=0 ; i<devlist_ptr->length() ; i++)
		Tango::DeviceImpl *dev_impl = tg->get_device_by_name(((string)(*devlist_ptr)[i]).c_str());
		AccessConf *dev = static_cast<AccessConf *> (dev_impl);
		vector<Tango::Attribute *> &dev_att_list = dev->get_device_attr()->get_attribute_list();
		vector<Tango::Attribute *>::iterator ite_att;
		for (ite_att=dev_att_list.begin() ; ite_att != dev_att_list.end() ; ++ite_att)
			string att_name((*ite_att)->get_name_lower());
			if ((att_name == "state") || (att_name == "status"))
			vector<string>::iterator ite_str = find(defaultAttList.begin(), defaultAttList.end(), att_name);
			if (ite_str == defaultAttList.end())
				cout2 << att_name << " is a UNWANTED dynamic attribute for device " << (*devlist_ptr)[i] << endl;
				Tango::Attribute &att = dev->get_device_attr()->get_attr_by_name(att_name.c_str());
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::erase_dynamic_attributes) ENABLED START -----*/

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::erase_dynamic_attributes


	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(AccessConf::Class::Additional Methods) ENABLED START -----*/

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	AccessConf::Class::Additional Methods

} //	namespace