# Formula syntax The formula is an expression with operators, operands and functions. Operands can be variables, constant values, or other expression optionally enclosed by parentheses. ## Operands ### Variables - Attributes names with or without fqdn (e.g. ```tango://host:port/name/of/dev/attr```, ```name/of/dev/attr```) - attribute properties ```.quality```, ```.alarm```, ```.normal``` so that - ```name/of/dev/attr.quality``` returns the Tango quality (the integer value) of the attribute - ```name/of/dev/attr.alarm``` returns true if the attribute ==UNACK or ==ACK - ```name/of/dev/attr.normal``` returns true if the attribute ==NORM or ==RTNUN ### Constants - Real numbers (e.g. ```name/of/dev/attr >= 35```, ```name/of/dev/attr < -23.5```) - Hexadecimal numbers (e.g. ```name/of/dev/attr != 0xaf```, ```name/of/dev/attr & 0x1A```) - Strings as any character between an opening and a closing ' (e.g. ```name/of/dev/status == 'The device is in ON state.'```) - Tango states enum labels (*ON, OFF, CLOSE, OPEN, INSERT, EXTRACT, MOVING, STANDBY, FAULT, INIT, RUNNING, ALARM, DISABLE, UNKNOWN*) (e.g. ```name/of/dev/state == FAULT```) - Tango quality enum labels (*ATTR_VALID, ATTR_INVALID, ATTR_WARNING, ATTR_ALARM, ATTR_CHANGING*) (e.g. ```name/of/dev/attr.quality == ATTR_ALARM```) - Alarm state enum labels (*NORM, UNACK, ACKED, RTNUN, SHLVD, DSUPR, OOSRV*) (e.g. ```name/of/dev/alarm_attr != NORM```) ### Expressions - A combination of operands and operators enclosed by parentheses ## Operators ### Binary Math - Multiplication ```*``` - Division ```/``` - Addition ```+``` - Subtraction ```-``` ### Binary Comparison - Equal ```==``` - Not equal ```!=``` - Greater than ```>``` - Greater than or equal to ```>=``` - Less than ```<``` - Less than or equal to ```<=``` ### Binary Logical - Logical AND ```&&``` - Logical OR ```||``` ### Binary Bitwise - Left shift ```<<``` - Right shift ```>>``` - Bitwise AND ```&``` - Bitwise OR ```|``` - Bitwise XOR ```^``` ### Unary Math - Minus ```-``` ### Unary Logical - Logical NOT ```!``` ### Binary operators order of precedence ``` *, /, +, -, <<, >>, <=, >=, >, <, ==, !=, &, |, ^, &&, || ``` ## Functions ### Unary Functions - Absolute value of X ```abs(X)``` - Sine of X ```sin(X)``` - Cosine of X ```cos(X)``` ### Binary Functions - Minimum between two values X and Y ```min(X,Y)``` - Maximum between two values X and Y ```max(X,Y)``` - Power: X raised to the power of Y ```pow(X,Y)``` ### Ternary Functions - Conditional operator: if X then Y else Z ```X ? Y : Z``` ### Reduce Functions - Reduce OR: reduce array X applying logical OR to each element ```OR(X)``` - Reduce AND: reduce array X applying logical AND to each element ```OR(X)``` # Attributes types The following types of attribute are supported: ``` Scalar, Spectrum, Image ``` with data types: ``` DevBoolean, DevUChar, DevShort, DevUShort, DevLong, DevULong, DevLong64, DevULong64, DevFloat, DevDouble, DevString, DevState, DevEnum ``` ```DevEncoded``` is not supported. The read part of every attribute is internally extracted in a vector of double with the ```extract_read``` method of the ```DeviceAttribute``` class. In this ways operations between attribute with different data types and sizes can be performed with the following constraints: - DevString attributes can only be compared with 'equal' or 'not equal' operators to DevString attributes or string constants - Binary operators can operate on arrays if both operands have the same size, or one of the two has size equal to one. # Operation on arrays ## Indexes to access elements - A single element of a one-dimensional array attribute (Spectrum) can be extracted with a single index between square brackets (e.g. ```name/of/dev/attr[ind]```). - A single element of a two-dimensional array attribute (Image) can be extracted with two indexes between square brackets (e.g. ```name/of/dev/attr[ind_row][ind_column]```). - A one-dimensional array can be extracted from a two-dimensional array attribute (Image) with a single index between square brackets (e.g. ```name/of/dev/attr[ind_row]```). ## Lists and ranges of indexes to slice arrays Indexes can be specified as a comma separated list and/or hyphen-separated range (e.g. ```[i0,i1-i2,...]```). In this way: - A slice can be extracted from a one-dimensional array with a list and/or range of indexes between square brackets (e.g. ```name/of/dev/1Dattr[i0,i1-i2,...]```). - A subset of rows can be extracted from a two-dimensional array with a list and/or range of indexes for the first dimension (e.g. ```name/of/dev/2Dattr[i0,i1-i2,...]```). - A single column slice can be extracted from a two-dimensional array with a list and/or range of indexes for the first dimension and a single index for the second dimension (e.g. ```name/of/dev/2Dattr[i0,i1-i2,...][i3]```). - A single row slice can be extracted from a two-dimensional array with a single index for the first dimension and list/range of indexes for the second dimension (e.g. ```name/of/dev/2Dattr[i0][i1-i2,i3,...]```). - An array slice can be extracted from a two-dimensional array with a list and/or range of indexes for both the first and second dimensions (e.g. ```name/of/dev/2Dattr[i0-i1,...][i2,i3,...]```). - To specify all elements of one dimension index -1 can be used (e.g. Column 3 of all rows of 2D array ```name/of/dev/2Dattr[-1][3]```). If any index exceeds actual dimensions of the array, the formula is evaluated to ERROR with an out of bounds exception. No check is done on the order and uniqueness of indexes, so it is allowed to concatenate duplicated and out of order elements/rows/columns (e.g. ```name/of/dev/2Dattr[0-2,1,0,..]``` evaluates to an array with rows 0,1,2,1,0 of 2Dattr) ## Limitations - It is not possible to specify array constants (e.g. ```name/of/dev/attr > [val1,val2]```). - It is not possible to use indexes on expressions (e.g. ```(any_expression)[ind]```). ## Unary operators and functions Unary operators and functions are applied to every element of the array ## Binary operators and functions - If both operands have the same size, operators are applied element by element. Result is an array with the same size. - If one operand has size one, operators apply it to every element of the other operand. Result is an array with the same size. - Otherwise an exception is raised and the formula is evaluated to the *ERROR* state with the Reason, Descrption and Origin DevFailed fields properly filled. ## Ternary Function - Conditional operator: if X then Y else Z. X is implicitly reduced with *OR* to have a boolean value, then Y or Z are evaluated depending on the result # Formula result Every formula produce a boolean result in the following way: 1. each element of the array is tested as not equal to zero in order to have an array of booleans 2. the array of boolean is reduced with OR (i.e. if at least one element of the array is TRUE, the result is TRUE) # Errors If a formula cannot be evaluated, the corresponding alarm is set to the *ERROR* value with the Reason, Description and Origin DevFailed fields properly filled. Possible errors are: - Errors coming from the event system for one or more attributes involved in the formula - Errors coming from evaluation of array with different sizes - Errors coming from indexes out of bound while extracting elements from arrays - Unexpected errors while evaluating formulas