isEmpty(CUMBIA_ROOT) { CUMBIA_ROOT=/usr/local/cumbia-libs } include($${CUMBIA_ROOT}/include/quapps/quapps.pri) # CONFIG += debug | release DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT # RESOURCES += SOURCES += src/main.cpp \ src/tdklambda-genesis.cpp HEADERS += src/tdklambda-genesis.h # cuuimake runs uic # FORMS += \ # - ui: where to find cuuimake ui_*.h files # since FORMS is not used # - src: where to find headers included by # ui_*.h (e.g. for custom widget promoted # from the Qt designer) # INCLUDEPATH += ui src TARGET = pstdklambda-genesis-gui !wasm-emscripten { TARGET = bin/$${TARGET} } else { TARGET = wasm/$${TARGET} } # # make install works if INSTALL_DIR is given to qmake # !isEmpty(INSTALL_DIR) { wasm-emscripten { inst.files = wasm/* } else { inst.files = $${TARGET} } inst.path = $${INSTALL_DIR} INSTALLS += inst message("-") message("INSTALLATION") message(" execute `make install` to install '$PROJECT_NAME$' under $${INSTALL_DIR} ") message("-") } else { message("-") message("INSTALLATION") message(" call qmake INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/bin to install $PROJECT_NAME$ later with `make install` ") message("-") } # unix:LIBS += -L. -lmylib # unix:INCLUDEPATH += . ../../src message("-") message("NOTE") message("You need to run cuuimake in order to build the project") message("-") message(" cuuimake --show-config to see cuuimake configuration options") message(" cuuimake --configure to configure cuuimake") message(" cuuimake -jN to execute cuuimake and then make -jN") message(" cuuimake --make to run cuuimake and then make") message("-")