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Tango device used to break up a vector of values into distinct attributes.
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cs / util / tango-check
GNU General Public License v3.0 or latercman line utility for checking if a tango device is running
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cs / gui / synoptic-elettra
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlysinottico riassiuntivo dei principali parametri di macchina
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Tango server for swiching FERMI vacuum valves and shutters from FEL01 to FEL02 and vice-versa
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cs / ds / switchfel12power-supply
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterTango server for swiching FERMI power supplies from FEL01 to FEL02 and vice-versa
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scripts and other infos to help switch FERMi configuration from FEL01 to FEL02 and vice-versa.
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cs / ds / supergap
Othertango device server for mdeling Fermi insertion devices (undulators)
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Python script for execute start command on sequence deviced given in argument
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cs / ds / srvacuum
OtherTango server for aggregating all the main vacuum readings of the Elettra storage ring ,mixing in legacy RPC and Tango access to the field devices.
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cs / ds / srinfo
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterTango device server provinding some information about the status the elettra storage ring operations: top up, injection, etc. for the beamline users
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cs / ds / srbeamorbit
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