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cs / gui / dispersivemagnet
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
cs / lib / libhlf
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterSet of c++ libraries and SQL database for modelling accelerator components and lattices
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Collection of utilities to migrate device source code to Tango 9.4.0
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Methods for recording information about simulations and storing them in a common location.
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A tool for plotting the optics and tweaking the quadrupoles in the linac and FEL lines to improve and understand the beam transport.
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cs / util / pogo4ripogo
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterPogo from tango-9.3.3 This is the last pogo (to my knowledge) capable of opening old pogo projects (.h) and generate an xmi file Useful for porting old tango devices to the nwe project format
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Update cache for Tango Device Attribute configuration data on redis, subscribing to Tango ATTR_CONF_EVENT events
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cs / util / sddstango
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterPython and matlab modules for reading and setting FERMI machinr parameters from elegant. The project includes also the database source uesd for tarnslating elegant element namse to Fermi Tango attributes
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caserver for synchronous operations (synchronous readings and write operations)
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Forward client requests to the caserver "sync", "async" and supervisor services. Handle subscriptions of vanished clients.