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anti-bridge for mapping Tango attributes to lagacy lpc service F_M_A_M calls. Used by legacy hls programs of Elettra
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Methods for recording information about simulations and storing them in a common location.
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Monitor the status of the running services and handle failover
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cs / ds / srinfo
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterTango device server provinding some information about the status the elettra storage ring operations: top up, injection, etc. for the beamline users
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cs / util / pogo4ripogo
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterPogo from tango-9.3.3 This is the last pogo (to my knowledge) capable of opening old pogo projects (.h) and generate an xmi file Useful for porting old tango devices to the nwe project format
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Update cache for Tango Device Attribute configuration data on redis, subscribing to Tango ATTR_CONF_EVENT events
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cs / util / sddstango
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterPython and matlab modules for reading and setting FERMI machinr parameters from elegant. The project includes also the database source uesd for tarnslating elegant element namse to Fermi Tango attributes
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cs / lib / lpcresolve
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterrcp server for associating F_M_A_M to a host:port used by legacy rpc based panels and services
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Tango device server for Princeton cameras based on the PIcam library and SDK
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cs / gui / okintck-sh-pfe-f01-01
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
cs / ds / metabump
Othermixed rpc/tango server for the bumper server. Exposes the old rpc bump service (interface) and calls the new tango bump server. Thi is not tango server, it is an rpc server , internally a tango client.