/* * alarm_table.cpp * * $Author: graziano $ * * $Revision: 1.5 $ * * $Log: alarm_table.cpp,v $ * * * copyleft: Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. di interesse nazionale * Strada Statale 14 - km 163,5 in AREA Science Park * 34012 Basovizza, Trieste ITALY */ #include <sys/time.h> #include <tango.h> #include "alarm_table.h" #include "alarm_grammar.h" #include "log_thread.h" #include "cmd_thread.h" #define _ACCESS_NODE_D 1 static const char __FILE__rev[] = __FILE__ " $Revision: 1.5 $"; /* * alarm_t class methods */ alarm_t::alarm_t() { grp=0; counter=0; } bool alarm_t::operator==(const alarm_t &that) { // return((stat == that.stat) && (ack == that.ack)); //verify if stat not equal but only contained because added *n in internal alarm return((stat.find(that.stat) != std::string::npos) && (ack == that.ack)); } bool alarm_t::operator==(const string &n) { return(name == n); } void alarm_t::str2alm(const string &s) { istringstream is(s); ostringstream temp_msg; string temp_grp; is >> ts.tv_sec >> ts.tv_usec >> name >> stat >> ack >> counter >> lev >> silent_time >> temp_grp >> msg; //stop at first white space in msg temp_msg << is.rdbuf(); //read all remaining characters as msg msg += temp_msg.str(); str2grp(temp_grp); } string alarm_t::alm2str(void) { ostringstream os; os.clear(); os << ts.tv_sec << "\t" << ts.tv_usec << "\t" << name << "\t" \ << stat << "\t" << ack << "\t" << counter << "\t" << lev << "\t" << silent_time << "\t" << grp2str() << "\t" << msg << ends; return(os.str()); } map<string, unsigned int> alarm_t::grp_str; //needed here because static void alarm_t::init_static_map(vector<string> &group_names) { //LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::init_static_map(vector<string> &group_names): Entering..." << endl; int j=0; vector<string>::iterator i; if(grp_str.size() > 0) return; if(group_names.empty()) { //LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::init_static_map(): inserting: default group " << GR_NONE_NAME << " = " << showbase << hex << GR_NONE << endl; grp_str.insert(make_pair(string(GR_NONE_NAME), GR_NONE)); } for (i = group_names.begin(); i != group_names.end(); i++) { if((*i) == string(GR_ALL_NAME)) continue; if(i == group_names.begin()) { //LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::init_static_map(): inserting: group " << *i << " = " << showbase << hex << GR_NONE << endl; grp_str.insert(make_pair(*i, GR_NONE)); } else { //LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::init_static_map(): inserting: group " << *i << " = " << showbase << hex << int(0x1 << j) << endl; grp_str.insert(make_pair(*i, 0x1 << j)); j++; } } //LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::init_static_map(): inserting: group " << GR_ALL_NAME << " = " << showbase << hex << GR_ALL << endl; grp_str.insert(make_pair(string(GR_ALL_NAME), GR_ALL)); } string alarm_t::grp2str(void) { map<string, unsigned int>::iterator i = grp_str.begin(); bool first=true; string argout; if(grp == GR_ALL) argout = string(GR_ALL_NAME); else if(grp == GR_NONE) { if(i != grp_str.end()) argout = i->first; else argout = string(GR_NONE_NAME); } else { for (; i != grp_str.end(); i++) { if(i->first == string(GR_ALL_NAME)) continue; if(grp & i->second) { if(first) { argout = i->first; first = false; } else argout += string("|") + i->first; } } } return argout; } void alarm_t::add_grp_from_str(string &s) { map<string, unsigned int>::iterator i = grp_str.find(s); if(i != grp_str.end()) grp |= (*i).second; } void alarm_t::str2grp(string &s) { for(map<string, unsigned int>::iterator i=grp_str.begin(); i != grp_str.end(); i++) if(s.find(i->first) != string::npos) grp |= i->second; } void alarm_t::insert(const string& s) { s_event.insert(s); } void alarm_t::clear() { name.clear(); formula.clear(); msg.clear(); lev.clear(); grp=0; s_event.clear(); to_be_evaluated = false; stat.clear(); ack.clear(); done = false; // ts = 0; } /* * alarm_table class methods */ /* typedef std::string::iterator iterator_t; typedef boost::spirit::node_val_data_factory<unsigned int> factory_t; /////TEMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! typedef boost::spirit::tree_match<iterator_t, factory_t> parse_tree_match_t; typedef boost::spirit::tree_parse_info<iterator_t, factory_t> tree_parse_info_t; */ /* void alarm_table::init(vector<string>& avs, vector<string> &evn, map< string,vector<string> > &alarm_event) { //LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::init(vector<string>& avs,map< string,vector<string> > &alarm_event): Entering..." << endl; alarm_t tmp_alm; LOG_STREAM << gettime().tv_sec << " " << __FILE__rev << endl; LOG_STREAM << gettime().tv_sec << " alarm_table::init(): Creating Spirit Parser..." << endl; alarm_parse al(tmp_alm); // Construct Spirit grammar if (avs.empty() == false) { for (vector<string>::iterator i = avs.begin(); \ i != avs.end(); i++) { tmp_alm.name.clear(); tmp_alm.formula.clear(); tmp_alm.msg.clear(); tmp_alm.lev.clear(); tmp_alm.grp=0; #ifndef _ACCESS_NODE_D parse_info<> info = parse(i->c_str(), al, space_p); //parse string i with grammar al, skipping white spaces #else tree_parse_info_t info = ast_parse<factory_t>(i->begin(), i->end(), al, space_p); #endif if (info.full) { LOG_STREAM << gettime().tv_sec << " Parsing succeeded: " << tmp_alm.name << endl; for (vector<string>::iterator i = evn.begin(); i != evn.end(); i++) LOG_STREAM << gettime().tv_sec << " READ Event! ->" << *i << endl; } else { #ifndef _ACCESS_NODE_D LOG_STREAM << gettime().tv_sec << " Parsing failed, stopped at: " << info.stop << endl; #else LOG_STREAM << gettime().tv_sec << " Parsing failed, stopped at: " << string(info.stop, i->end()) << ends; //TODO #endif } if ((tmp_alm.name.empty() == false) && \ (tmp_alm.formula.empty() == false) && \ ((tmp_alm.lev==LEV_LOG)||(tmp_alm.lev==LEV_WARNING)|| \ (tmp_alm.lev==LEV_FAULT)||(tmp_alm.lev.empty() == true))) { tmp_alm.stat = S_NORMAL; tmp_alm.ack = ACK; tmp_alm.done = false; if(tmp_alm.grp == 0) tmp_alm.grp = GR_DEFAULT; if(tmp_alm.lev.empty() == true) tmp_alm.lev = LEV_DEFAULT; push_back(tmp_alm); } else { cerr << gettime().tv_sec << " alarm_table::init(): syntax error in '" << *i \ << "', skipping!" << endl; } } } }*/ void alarm_table::push_back(alarm_t &a) { #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->lock(); #else vlock->writerIn(); #endif //v_alarm.push_back(a); v_alarm.insert(make_pair(a.name,a)); #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->unlock(); #else vlock->writerOut(); #endif } void alarm_table::show(vector<string> &al_table_string) { #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->lock(); #else vlock->readerIn(); #endif ostringstream log_msg; string log_str; if (v_alarm.empty() == false) { log_msg << "### alarms table: ###" << ends; al_table_string.push_back(log_msg.str()); log_msg.str(string()); alarm_container_t::iterator i = v_alarm.begin(); unsigned int j = 0; while (i != v_alarm.end()) { log_msg << j << " - name: '" << i->second.name << "'" << ends; al_table_string.push_back(log_msg.str()); log_msg.str(string()); log_msg << " formula: '" << i->second.formula << "'" << ends; al_table_string.push_back(log_msg.str()); log_msg.str(string()); log_msg << " stat: '" << i->second.stat << "'" << ends; al_table_string.push_back(log_msg.str()); log_msg.str(string()); log_msg << " ack: '" << i->second.ack << "'" << ends; al_table_string.push_back(log_msg.str()); log_msg.str(string()); log_msg << " msg: '" << i->second.msg << "'" << ends; al_table_string.push_back(log_msg.str()); log_msg.str(string()); log_msg << " grp: '" << showbase << hex << i->second.grp << "'" << ends; al_table_string.push_back(log_msg.str()); log_msg.str(string()); log_msg << " lev: '" << i->second.lev << "'" << ends; al_table_string.push_back(log_msg.str()); log_msg.str(string()); i++; j++; } } #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->unlock(); #else vlock->readerOut(); #endif } unsigned int alarm_table::size(void) { return(v_alarm.size()); } alarm_container_t& alarm_table::get(void) { return(v_alarm); } void alarm_table::stored(vector<alarm_t>& a) { #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->lock(); #else vlock->readerIn(); #endif if (a.empty() == false) { for (vector<alarm_t>::iterator i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); i++) { alarm_container_t::iterator found = v_alarm.find(i->name); if (found != v_alarm.end()) { found->second.ts = i->ts; found->second.stat = i->stat; found->second.ack = i->ack; found->second.done = i->done; found->second.is_new = i->is_new; } else { /* * shouldn't happen!!! */ LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::stored(): " << i->name \ << " NOT found in alarm table" << endl; } } /* for */ } /* if */ #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->unlock(); #else vlock->readerOut(); #endif } bool alarm_table::update(const string& alm_name, Tango::TimeVal ts, formula_res_t res, string &attr_values, string grp, string msg, string formula) { bool ret_changed=false; //Tango::TimeVal now = gettime(); TangoSys_MemStream out_stream; alm_log_t a; #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->lock(); #else vlock->readerIn(); #endif alarm_container_t::iterator found = v_alarm.find(alm_name); if (found != v_alarm.end()) { if(found->second.silenced > 0) { Tango::TimeVal now = gettime(); double dnow = now.tv_sec + ((double)now.tv_usec) / 1000000; double dsilent = found->second.ts_time_silenced.tv_sec + ((double)found->second.ts_time_silenced.tv_usec) / 1000000; double dminutes = (dnow - dsilent)/60; if(dminutes < found->second.silent_time) found->second.silenced = found->second.silent_time - floor(dminutes); else found->second.silenced = 0; } found->second.quality = res.quality; found->second.ex_reason = res.ex_reason; found->second.ex_desc = res.ex_desc; found->second.ex_origin = res.ex_origin; bool status_time_threshold; if(found->second.time_threshold > 0) //if enabled time threshold status_time_threshold = ((int)res.value) && (found->second.counter >= 1) && ((ts.tv_sec - found->second.time_threshold) > found->second.ts_time_threshold.tv_sec); //formula gives true and time threshold is passed else status_time_threshold = (int)res.value; //if status changed: // - from S_NORMAL to S_ALARM considering also time threshold //or // - from S_ALARM to S_NORMAL if((status_time_threshold && (found->second.stat == S_NORMAL)) || (!(int)res.value && (found->second.stat == S_ALARM))) { ret_changed=true; a.type_log = TYPE_LOG_STATUS; a.name = alm_name; a.time_s = ts.tv_sec; a.time_us = ts.tv_usec; a.status = (int)res.value ? S_ALARM : S_NORMAL; //a.level = found->second.lev; if((int)res.value) found->second.ack = NOT_ACK; //if changing from NORMAL to ALARM -> NACK a.ack = found->second.ack; a.values = attr_values; //a.grp = found->second.grp2str(); //a.msg = (int)res.value ? found->second.msg : ""; logloop->log_alarm_db(a); found->second.ts = ts; /* store event timestamp into alarm timestamp */ //here update ts only if status changed if((int)res.value) { found->second.is_new = 1; //here set this alarm as new, read attribute set it to 0 //12-06-08: StopNew command set it to 0 if(found->second.dp_a && ((ts.tv_sec - startup_complete.tv_sec) > 10)) //action from S_NORMAL to S_ALARM { /*try { long call_id; ostringstream tmp; tmp << alm_name << ";" << attr_values; Tango::DevString str = CORBA::string_dup(tmp.str().c_str()); Tango::DeviceData Din; Din << str; CORBA::string_free(str); //found->second.dp_a->ping(); cmdloop->mutex_dp->lock(); //call_id = found->second.dp_a->command_inout_asynch(found->second.cmd_action_a, Din, true); //true -> "fire and forget" mode: client do not care at all about the server answer call_id = found->second.dp_a->command_inout_asynch(found->second.cmd_action_a, Din); //true -> "fire and forget" mode: client do not care at all about the server answer cmdloop->mutex_dp->unlock(); LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::update() executed action: " << found->second.cmd_name_a << " !!!" << endl; cmd_t arg; arg.cmd_id = call_id; arg.dp_add = (long)found->second.dp_a; arg.arg_s = found->second.cmd_name_a; cmdloop->list.push_back(arg); } catch(Tango::DevFailed e) { string err(e.errors[0].desc); if(err.find("is not yet arrived") == string::npos) //TODO: change this!! out_stream << "Failed to execute action " << found->second.cmd_name_a << ", err=" << e.errors[0].desc << ends; //LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::update() ERROR: " << out_stream.str() << endl; }*/ ostringstream tmp; string tmp_attr_val = attr_values; replace(tmp_attr_val.begin(), tmp_attr_val.end(), ';' , ','); string tmp_msg = msg; replace(tmp_msg.begin(), tmp_msg.end(), ';' , ','); tmp << "name=" << alm_name << ";groups=" << grp << ";msg="<<tmp_msg<<";values="<<tmp_attr_val<<";formula="<<formula; cmd_t arg; arg.cmd_id = CMD_COMMAND; arg.dp_add = (long)found->second.dp_a; arg.arg_s1 = tmp.str(); arg.arg_s2 = found->second.cmd_action_a; arg.arg_s3 = found->second.cmd_name_a; arg.arg_b = found->second.send_arg_a; cmdloop->list.push_back(arg); } } else { if(found->second.dp_n && ((ts.tv_sec - startup_complete.tv_sec) > 10)) //action from S_ALARM to S_NORMAL { /*try { long call_id; ostringstream tmp; tmp << alm_name << ";" << attr_values; Tango::DevString str = CORBA::string_dup(tmp.str().c_str()); Tango::DeviceData Din; Din << str; CORBA::string_free(str); //found->second.dp_n->ping(); cmdloop->mutex_dp->lock(); //call_id = found->second.dp_n->command_inout_asynch(found->second.cmd_action_n, Din, true); //true -> "fire and forget" mode: client do not care at all about the server answer call_id = found->second.dp_n->command_inout_asynch(found->second.cmd_action_n, Din); //true -> "fire and forget" mode: client do not care at all about the server answer cmdloop->mutex_dp->unlock(); LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::update() executed action: " << found->second.cmd_name_n << " !!!" << endl; cmd_t arg; arg.cmd_id = call_id; arg.dp_add = (long)found->second.dp_n; arg.arg_s = found->second.cmd_name_n; cmdloop->list.push_back(arg); } catch(Tango::DevFailed e) { string err(e.errors[0].desc); if(err.find("is not yet arrived") == string::npos) //TODO: change this!! out_stream << "Failed to execute action " << found->second.cmd_name_n << ", err=" << e.errors[0].desc << ends; //LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::update() ERROR: " << out_stream.str() << endl; }*/ ostringstream tmp; string tmp_attr_val = attr_values; replace(tmp_attr_val.begin(), tmp_attr_val.end(), ';' , ','); string tmp_msg = msg; replace(tmp_msg.begin(), tmp_msg.end(), ';' , ','); tmp << "name=" << alm_name << ";groups=" << grp << ";msg="<<tmp_msg<<";values="<<tmp_attr_val<<";formula="<<formula; cmd_t arg; arg.cmd_id = CMD_COMMAND; arg.dp_add = (long)found->second.dp_n; arg.arg_s1 = tmp.str(); arg.arg_s2 = found->second.cmd_action_n; arg.arg_s3 = found->second.cmd_name_n; arg.arg_b = found->second.send_arg_n; cmdloop->list.push_back(arg); } } } if (status_time_threshold) { found->second.stat = S_ALARM; //found->second.ack = NOT_ACK; } if((int)res.value) { found->second.counter++; } else { found->second.stat = S_NORMAL; found->second.counter = 0; } if(found->second.counter == 1) found->second.ts_time_threshold = gettime(); //first occurrance of this alarm, now begin to wait for time threshold if(found->second.counter >= 1) found->second.attr_values_time_threshold = attr_values; //save last attr_values to be used in timer_update if this alarm pass over time threshold //found->second.ts = ts; /* store event timestamp into alarm timestamp */ //here update ts everytime } else { /* * shouldn't happen!!!! */ out_stream << "couldn't find alarm '" << alm_name << "' in 'alarms' table" << ends; LOG_STREAM << gettime().tv_sec << " alarm_table::update(): " << out_stream.str() << endl; } #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->unlock(); #else vlock->readerOut(); #endif if(out_stream.str().length() > 0) throw out_stream.str(); return ret_changed; } bool alarm_table::timer_update() { bool ret_changed=false; Tango::TimeVal ts = gettime(); TangoSys_MemStream out_stream; alm_log_t a; #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->lock(); #else vlock->readerIn(); #endif for(alarm_container_t::iterator i = v_alarm.begin(); i != v_alarm.end(); i++) { bool status_time_threshold; if(i->second.time_threshold > 0) //if enabled time threshold status_time_threshold = (i->second.counter >= 1) && ((ts.tv_sec - i->second.time_threshold) > i->second.ts_time_threshold.tv_sec); //waiting for threshold and time threshold is passed else continue; //if not enabled time threshold, nothing to do in timer //if status changed from S_NORMAL to S_ALARM considering also time threshold if(status_time_threshold && (i->second.stat == S_NORMAL)) { ret_changed = true; if(i->second.silenced > 0) { Tango::TimeVal now = gettime(); double dnow = now.tv_sec + ((double)now.tv_usec) / 1000000; double dsilent = i->second.ts_time_silenced.tv_sec + ((double)i->second.ts_time_silenced.tv_usec) / 1000000; double dminutes = (dnow - dsilent)/60; if(dminutes < i->second.silent_time) i->second.silenced = i->second.silent_time - floor(dminutes); else i->second.silenced = 0; } a.type_log = TYPE_LOG_STATUS; a.name = i->second.name; a.time_s = ts.tv_sec; a.time_us = ts.tv_usec; a.status = S_ALARM; //a.level = found->second.lev; i->second.ack = NOT_ACK; //if changing from NORMAL to ALARM -> NACK a.ack = i->second.ack; a.values = i->second.attr_values_time_threshold; logloop->log_alarm_db(a); i->second.ts = ts; /* store event timestamp into alarm timestamp */ //here update ts only if status changed i->second.is_new = 1; //here set this alarm as new, read attribute set it to 0 //12-06-08: StopNew command set it to 0 if(i->second.dp_a && ((ts.tv_sec - startup_complete.tv_sec) > 10)) { /*try { long call_id; ostringstream tmp; tmp << i->second.name << ";" << i->second.attr_values_time_threshold; Tango::DevString str = CORBA::string_dup(tmp.str().c_str()); Tango::DeviceData Din; Din << str; CORBA::string_free(str); //i->second.dp_a->ping(); cmdloop->mutex_dp->lock(); //call_id = i->second.dp_a->command_inout_asynch(i->second.cmd_action_a, Din, true); //true -> "fire and forget" mode: client do not care at all about the server answer call_id = i->second.dp_a->command_inout_asynch(i->second.cmd_action_a, Din); cmdloop->mutex_dp->unlock(); LOG_STREAM << gettime().tv_sec << " alarm_table::timer_update() executed action: " << i->second.cmd_name_a << " !!!" << endl; cmd_t arg; arg.cmd_id = call_id; arg.dp_add = (long)i->second.dp_a; arg.arg_s = i->second.cmd_name_a; cmdloop->list.push_back(arg); } catch(Tango::DevFailed e) { string err(e.errors[0].desc); if(err.find("is not yet arrived") == string::npos) //TODO: change this!! out_stream << "Failed to execute action " << i->second.cmd_name_a << ", err=" << e.errors[0].desc << ends; //LOG_STREAM << "alarm_table::timer_update() ERROR: " << out_stream.str() << endl; }*/ ostringstream tmp; string tmp_attr_val = i->second.attr_values_time_threshold; replace(tmp_attr_val.begin(), tmp_attr_val.end(), ';' , ','); string tmp_msg = i->second.msg; replace(tmp_msg.begin(), tmp_msg.end(), ';' , ','); tmp << "name=" << i->second.name << ";groups=" << i->second.grp2str() << ";msg="<<tmp_msg<<";values="<<tmp_attr_val<<";formula="<<i->second.formula; cmd_t arg; arg.cmd_id = CMD_COMMAND; arg.dp_add = (long)i->second.dp_a; arg.arg_s1 = tmp.str(); arg.arg_s2 = i->second.cmd_action_a; arg.arg_s3 = i->second.cmd_name_a; arg.arg_b = i->second.send_arg_a; cmdloop->list.push_back(arg); } *(i->second.attr_value) = true; try { if(i->second.ex_reason.length() == 0) { timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); mydev->push_change_event(i->second.attr_name,(Tango::DevBoolean *)i->second.attr_value,now,(Tango::AttrQuality)i->second.quality, 1/*size*/, 0, false); mydev->push_archive_event(i->second.attr_name,(Tango::DevBoolean *)i->second.attr_value,now,(Tango::AttrQuality)i->second.quality, 1/*size*/, 0, false); } else { Tango::DevErrorList errors(1); errors.length(1); errors[0].desc = CORBA::string_dup(i->second.ex_desc.c_str()); errors[0].severity = Tango::ERR; errors[0].reason = CORBA::string_dup(i->second.ex_reason.c_str()); errors[0].origin = CORBA::string_dup(i->second.ex_origin.c_str()); Tango::DevFailed except(errors); mydev->push_change_event(i->second.attr_name, &except); mydev->push_archive_event(i->second.attr_name, &except); } } catch(Tango::DevFailed &e) {} } if (status_time_threshold) { i->second.stat = S_ALARM; //found->second.ack = NOT_ACK; } //found->second.ts = ts; /* store event timestamp into alarm timestamp */ //here update ts everytime } #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->unlock(); #else vlock->readerOut(); #endif if(out_stream.str().length() > 0) throw out_stream.str(); return ret_changed; } void alarm_table::erase(alarm_container_t::iterator i) { #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->lock(); #else vlock->writerIn(); #endif v_alarm.erase(i); #ifndef _RW_LOCK this->unlock(); #else vlock->writerOut(); #endif } bool alarm_table::exist(string& s) { alarm_container_t::iterator found = v_alarm.find(s); if (found != v_alarm.end()) return true; else return false; } #ifdef _RW_LOCK void alarm_table::new_rwlock() { vlock = new(ReadersWritersLock); } void alarm_table::del_rwlock() { delete vlock; } #endif void alarm_table::init_logdb(string dbhost, string dbuser, string dbpw, string dbname, int dbport, string instance_name) { logloop = new log_thread(dbhost, dbuser, dbpw, dbname, dbport, instance_name); logloop->start(); } void alarm_table::stop_logdb() { alm_log_t a; a.name = LOG_THREAD_EXIT; a.time_s = LOG_THREAD_EXIT_TIME; logloop->log_alarm_db(a); //sleep(1); //delete logloop; } void alarm_table::init_cmdthread() { cmdloop = new cmd_thread(); cmdloop->start(); } void alarm_table::stop_cmdthread() { cmd_t arg; //arg.arg_s = CMD_THREAD_EXIT; arg.cmd_id = CMD_THREAD_EXIT; cmdloop->list.push_back(arg); } void alarm_table::log_alarm_db(unsigned int type, Tango::TimeVal ts, string name, string status, string ack, string formula, unsigned int time_threshold, string grp, string lev, string msg, string action, int silent_time, vector<string> alm_list) { alm_log_t a; a.type_log = type; a.name = name; a.time_s = ts.tv_sec; a.time_us = ts.tv_usec; a.time_threshold = time_threshold; a.status = status; a.level = lev; a.ack = ack; a.grp = grp; a.msg = msg; a.action = action; a.formula = formula; a.alm_list = alm_list; a.silent_time = silent_time; logloop->log_alarm_db(a); } void alarm_table::get_alarm_list_db(vector<string> &al_list) { logloop->get_alarm_list(al_list); } /* EOF */