From 94836396dfcc47496633b85bfc3a6e85fbb12649 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lucio Zambon <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 13:35:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update 19 files

- /blm.js
- /blm2d.js
- /bpm2d.js
- /component.php
- /elettra_lattice.php
- /fermi_lattice.php
- /magnet.php
- /open.svg
- /panther.js
- /panther.php
- /panther_conf.js
- /panther_lattice.json
- /panther2d.js
- /panther2d.php
- /save.svg
- /updater.php
- /elettra_lattice.json
- /fermi_lattice.json
- /
---            |   23 +-
 blm.js               |  104 ++
 blm2d.js             |   91 ++
 bpm2d.js             |  171 +++
 component.php        |   79 ++
 elettra_lattice.json | 1719 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 elettra_lattice.php  |  374 +++++++
 fermi_lattice.json   | 2404 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 fermi_lattice.php    |  114 ++
 magnet.php           |  292 +++++
 open.svg             |    4 +
 panther.js           |  923 ++++++++++++++++
 panther.php          |   85 ++
 panther2d.js         |  654 ++++++++++++
 panther2d.php        |   47 +
 panther_conf.js      |    7 +
 panther_lattice.json |  133 +++
 save.svg             |    4 +
 updater.php          |  152 +++
 19 files changed, 7379 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 blm.js
 create mode 100644 blm2d.js
 create mode 100644 bpm2d.js
 create mode 100644 component.php
 create mode 100644 elettra_lattice.json
 create mode 100644 elettra_lattice.php
 create mode 100644 fermi_lattice.json
 create mode 100644 fermi_lattice.php
 create mode 100644 magnet.php
 create mode 100644 open.svg
 create mode 100644 panther.js
 create mode 100644 panther.php
 create mode 100644 panther2d.js
 create mode 100644 panther2d.php
 create mode 100644 panther_conf.js
 create mode 100644 panther_lattice.json
 create mode 100644 save.svg
 create mode 100644 updater.php

diff --git a/ b/
index 9468f3b..cd09414 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1,22 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+# PAnTHer
+Particle Accelerator on THreeJS 
+PAnTHer is a model of particle accelerators
+A live demo is available at this page: 
+A short video introduction is available at this page: 
+## Installation
+- Install Three.js from
+- Install JQuery and JQuery UI from
+- Install Hammer.js from
+- Install svg-pan-zoom from
+- Create a lattice file in JSON format according to the specifications:
+for example:
+- create a component bundle for 3D using component.php?machine=<your_machine>&save and a coponent bundle for 2D using component.php?machine=<your_machine>&2d&save
+- edit file panther_conf.js, panther.php and panther2d.php according to your setup
diff --git a/blm.js b/blm.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e2bbfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blm.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// jshint esversion: 6 
+	export function label(blm, params, camera, THREE) {
+		const widthHalf = window.innerWidth / 2, heightHalf = window.innerHeight / 2;
+		if (blm[params.blm].obj.length) $('.blm.'+params.blm).each(function(i, obj) {
+			const id = $(this)[0].id;
+			if (typeof blm[params.blm].tag[id] != 'undefined' && typeof blm[params.blm].obj[i] != 'undefined') {
+				const pos = blm[params.blm].obj[i].position.clone();
+				pos.project(camera);
+				const frustum = new THREE.Frustum();
+				const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4().multiplyMatrices(camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse);
+				frustum.setFromProjectionMatrix(matrix);
+				const dist = Math.abs(camera.position.x-blm[params.blm].tag[id].position.x)+Math.abs(camera.position.y-blm[params.blm].tag[id].position.y)+Math.abs(camera.position.z-blm[params.blm].tag[$(this)[0].id].position.z);
+				document.getElementById(id).style.display = (frustum.containsPoint(blm[params.blm].tag[id].position) && dist>140 && dist<25000*params.highlightScale)? 'block': 'none';
+				document.getElementById(id) = (-(pos.y * heightHalf) + heightHalf - 20)+'px';
+				const val = typeof blm[params.blm].val[blm[params.blm].map[i]] == 'undefined'? '???': blm[params.blm].val[blm[params.blm].map[i]].toPrecision(3);
+				document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = id+': <span class="blmVal">'+val+'</span>';
+				if (blm[params.blm].dir[i]>0) document.getElementById(id).style.left = ((pos.x * widthHalf ) + widthHalf + 35)+'px'; else document.getElementById(id).style.right =  (widthHalf - (pos.x * widthHalf ) + 35)+'px';
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	export function menu(lattice, facilities, params, gui, blm, componentCreator) {
+		params.blm = '';
+		if ('blm')>-1) {params.blm ='blm'); myswitch(blm, params, componentCreator);}
+		gui.add(params, 'blm', facilities).onChange(function() {myswitch(blm, params, componentCreator);});
+		for (let f in facilities) {
+			const b = facilities[f];
+			if (b=='') continue;
+			console.log('blmMenu() - ',b);
+			blm[b] = {map: [], dir: [], tag: {}, val: [], obj: [], confsrc: lattice[b].blm.confsrc, datasrc: lattice[b].blm.datasrc, skip: lattice[b].blm.skip};
+			fetch(lattice[b].blm.confsrc)
+				.then((response) => {return response.json();})
+				.then((blmData) => {
+				let blmCounter = 0;
+				let photoCounter = 0;
+				for (let i in blmData) {
+					if (!blmData[i] || blmData[i].indexOf('/')==-1) continue;
+					console.log(typeof blmData[i]);
+					const name = blmData[i].split('/')[2].toUpperCase();
+					if (name.indexOf(blm[b].skip)>-1) continue;
+					for (let bl in blm[b].obj) {
+						if (name==blm[b].obj[bl].name.replace('BPM','BLM') || name=='BLM_'+blm[b].obj[bl].name) {blm[b].map[bl] = blmCounter; blmCounter++; break;}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	export function myswitch(blm, params, componentCreator) {
+		if (blm.reader !== false) clearInterval(blm.reader);
+		blm.reader = false;
+		$('.blm').css('display', 'none');
+		if (typeof blm[blm.oldIndex] != 'undefined') for (let i=0; i<blm[blm.oldIndex].obj.length; i++) componentCreator.blmUpdate(blm[blm.oldIndex].obj[i], 0);
+		if (params.blm=='') {
+			$('#application').hide();
+			$('#applicationFrame').removeAttr("src");
+		} 
+		else {
+			blm.oldIndex = params.blm;
+			read(blm, params);
+			blm.reader = setInterval(read, 1000, blm, params);
+			$('#application').show();	
+			$('.blm.'+params.blm).css('display', 'block');
+			$('#applicationFrame').attr("src", "/spa/index.html?s=blm&src="+params.blm+('demo')>-1? '&demo': ''));
+			$("#applicationFrame").height(window.innerHeight); 
+		}
+	}
+	export function render(blm, params, componentCreator, camera, THREE) {
+		if (params.blm!='' && typeof blm[params.blm] !== 'undefined' && blm[params.blm].val != [] && blm[params.blm].map != [] && window.blmTime != blm.acqTime) {
+			console.log('blmRender()', params.blm,  blm[params.blm].val, blm[params.blm].map, window.blmTime, blm.acqTime);
+			blm.acqTime = window.blmTime;
+			const blmMax = Math.max.apply(null, blm[params.blm]; //
+			let blmPeak = (Math.log10(blmMax) + 2) * 5000;
+			blmPeak = blmPeak>20000? 20000: (blmPeak<2000? 2000: blmPeak);
+			const blmFactor = blmPeak/blmMax;
+			for (let i=0; i<blm[params.blm].obj.length; i++) {
+				componentCreator.blmUpdate(blm[params.blm].obj[i], blm[params.blm].val[blm[params.blm].map[i]], blm[params.blm].dir[i], 100, blmFactor);
+			}
+		}
+		if (params.blm) {label(blm, params, camera, THREE);}
+	}
+	export function read(blm, params) {
+		fetch(blm[params.blm].datasrc)
+		.then((response) => {return response.json();})
+		.then((eventData) => {
+			blm[params.blm].val = eventData;
+			window.blmTime = +new Date();
+		});
+	}
+	export function append(blm, facility, mycomp, direction) {
+		if (!blm[facility]) return;
+		if ('PHOTO')==-1) {
+			blm[facility].obj.push(mycomp);
+			blm[facility].tag[] = mycomp;
+			blm[facility].dir.push(direction*('_R')==-1? 1: -1));
+			const div = document.createElement('div');
+ =;
+			div.className = 'blm '+facility;
+			// = 'position: absolute; color: white; display: none;';
+ = 'position: absolute; color: white;';
+			div.innerHTML =;
+			document.body.appendChild(div);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/blm2d.js b/blm2d.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a6e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blm2d.js
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// jshint esversion: 6 
+	const blm = {obj: [], dir: []};
+	function blmMenu(lattice, facilities, params) {
+		params.blm = false;
+		if ('blm')>-1) {params.blm ='blm')>-1; blmSwitch(blm, params);}
+		gui.add(params, 'blm').onChange(function() {blmSwitch(blm, params);});
+ = [];
+		// console.log('blmMenu(), src', conf.blmSrcUrl);
+		fetch((conf.blmSrcUrl.indexOf('http')==-1? conf.rchan: '')+conf.blmSrcUrl)
+		.then((response) => {return response.json();})
+		.then((blmData) => {
+			// console.log('blmMenu(), blmData', blmData);
+			let blmCounter = 0;
+			for (let i in blmData) {
+				const name = blmData[i].split('/')[2].toUpperCase();
+				// console.log('blmMenu(), name', name);
+				// if (name.indexOf(blm.skip)>-1) continue; // blm skip feature
+				for (let bl in blm.obj) {
+					// console.log('bl', bl, blm.obj);
+					if (name==blm.obj[bl] || name=='BLM_'+blm.obj[bl]) {[bl] = blmCounter; blmCounter++;}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	function blmSwitch(blm, params) {
+		if (blm.reader !== false) clearInterval(blm.reader);
+		blm.reader = false;
+		// $('.blm').css('display', 'none');
+		if (blm.reader) $('.blm').show(); else $('.blm').hide();
+		if (typeof blm[blm.oldIndex] != 'undefined') for (let i=0; i<blm[blm.oldIndex].obj.length; i++) blmUpdate(blm[blm.oldIndex].obj[i], 0);
+		if (params.blm=='') {
+			$('#application').hide();
+			$('#applicationFrame').removeAttr("src");
+		} 
+		else {
+			blm.oldIndex = params.blm;
+			blmRead(blm, params);
+			blm.reader = setInterval(blmRead, 997, blm, params);
+			$('.blm').show(); // $('#application').show();	
+			// $('.blm.'+params.blm).css('display', 'block');
+			$('#applicationFrame').attr("src", "/spa/index.html?s=blm&src="+params.blm+('demo')>-1? '&demo': ''));
+			$("#applicationFrame").height(window.innerHeight); 
+		}
+	}
+	function blmRender() {
+		// console.log('blmRender()', blm);
+		const blmMax = Math.max.apply(null,; //
+		let blmPeak = (Math.log10(blmMax) + 2) * 5000;
+		blmPeak = blmPeak>20000? 20000: (blmPeak<2000? 2000: blmPeak);
+		const blmFactor = blmPeak/blmMax;
+		// console.log(blm.obj[i], blm.val[[i]], blm.dir[i], 100, blmFactor);
+		for (let i=0; i<blm.obj.length; i++) {
+			// console.log(blm.obj[i], blm.val[[i]], blm.dir[i], 100, blmFactor);
+			blmUpdate(blm.obj[i], blm.val[[i]], blm.dir[i], 100, blmFactor);
+		}
+		// if (params.blm) {blmLabel(blm, params, camera, THREE);}
+	}
+	function blmRead(blm, params) {
+		fetch((conf.blmUrl.indexOf('http')==-1? conf.rchan: '')+conf.blmUrl)
+		.then((response) => {return response.json();})
+		.then((eventData) => {
+			blm.val = eventData;
+			blmRender();
+		});
+	}
+	function blmColor(val) {
+		if ('demo')>-1) {
+			if (val < 0) return 'white';
+			else if (val < 1) return 'yellow';
+			else if (val < 2) return 'orange';
+			else if (val < 3) return 'red';
+			else return 'violet';
+		}
+		if (val < 20) return 'white';
+		else if (val < 50) return 'yellow';
+		else if (val < 100) return 'orange';
+		else if (val < 200) return 'red';
+		else return 'violet';
+	}
+	function blmUpdate(c, val, direction, width, blmFactor) {
+		// console.log('blmUpdate()', c, val, direction, width, blmFactor);
+		if (typeof val !== 'undefined' && typeof blmFactor !== 'undefined') {
+			document.getElementById(c).height.baseVal.value = Math.abs(val*blmFactor);
+			document.getElementById(c).style.fill = blmColor(val); 
+		}
+		else {
+			document.getElementById(c).height.baseVal.value = Math.abs(40);
+			document.getElementById(c).style.fill = 'black'; 
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/bpm2d.js b/bpm2d.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d1d32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bpm2d.js
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// jshint esversion: 6 
+	const bpmData = {};
+	const corr = {};
+	function bpmMenu(lattice, facilities, params) {
+		if ('new')>-1) {bpmMenuNew(params); return;}
+		params.bpm = '';
+		$('.bpmhor').css('display', 'none');
+		$('.bpmver').css('display', 'none');
+		if ('bpm=')>-1) {params.bpm ='bpm=')[1].split('&')[0]; bpmSwitch(bpmData, params);}
+		gui.add(params, 'bpm', facilities).name('bpm H <img id="h" src="red.svg" style="margin-bottom: -4px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;V <img id="v" src="green.svg" style="margin-bottom: -4px;"> ').onChange(function() {bpmSwitch(bpmData, params);});
+		for (let f in facilities) {
+			const b = facilities[f];
+			if (b=='' || typeof bpmData[b] == 'undefined' || typeof lattice[b].bpm == 'undefined' || typeof lattice[b].bpm.orbitconf == 'undefined') continue;
+			console.log('bpmMenu() - ',b);
+			// bpmData[b].datasrc = lattice[b].bpm.orbithor+';'+lattice[b].bpm.orbitver;
+			bpmData[b].datasrc = lattice[b].bpm.orbithor;
+			bpmData[b].map = [];
+			fetch(conf.rchan+lattice[b].bpm.orbitconf) 
+			.then((response) => {return response.json();})
+			.then((bpmData2) => {			
+				let bpmCounter = 0;
+				let photoCounter = 0;
+				for (let i in bpmData2) {
+					const name = bpmData2[i];
+					if (name.indexOf(bpmData[b].skip)>-1) continue;
+					for (let bl in bpmData[b].obj) {
+						// console.log('b', bl, bpmData[b].obj, bpmData[b].obj[bl]);
+						if (name==bpmData[b].obj[bl]) {bpmData[b].map[bl] = bpmCounter; bpmCounter++;}
+					}
+				}
+				console.log('bpmMenu(), name', b, bpmData[b], lattice[b]);
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	function bpmMenuNew(params) {
+		params.bpm = '';
+		bpmSwitchNew(params);
+		fetch(conf.bpmSrcUrl)
+		.then((response) => {return response.json();})
+		.then((bpmData) => {			
+			let bpmCounter = 0;
+			let photoCounter = 0;
+			console.log('bpmMenu(), name', bpmData);
+			for (let i in bpmData) {
+				const name = bpmData[i];
+				if (name.indexOf(conf.bpmSkip)>-1) continue;
+				for (let bl in bpmData[i].obj) {
+					console.log('bl', bl, bpmData[i].obj, bpmData[i].obj[bl]);
+					if (name==bpmData[i].obj[bl]) {bpmData[i].map[bl] = bpmCounter; bpmCounter++;}
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	const threshold ='threshold=')>-1?'threshold=')[1].split('&')[0]: 1000;
+	const f ='factor=')>-1?'factor=')[1].split('&')[0]: 3000;
+	function bpmInit(facility) {
+		if (bpmData[facility].obj.length>0) {
+			console.log('bpmInit', facility, bpmData[facility]);
+			const dhor = [];
+			const dver = [];
+			for (i=0; i<bpmData[facility].pos.length; i++) {
+				if (i>threshold) break; 
+				const dir = bpmData[facility].dir[i]; 
+				const beta = Math.PI*dir/180;
+				if (threshold<1000) console.log('i', i, 'pos',bpmData[facility].pos[i], 'dir', dir, beta, Math.cos(beta), Math.sin(beta));
+				dhor.push((i==0?'M':'L')+ 
+					  Math.round(bpmData[facility].pos[i][0] - f*Math.sin(beta)) + ' ' + 
+					  Math.round(bpmData[facility].pos[i][1] + f*Math.cos(beta))
+				);
+				dver.push((i==0?'M':'L')+ 
+					  Math.round(bpmData[facility].pos[i][0] - f*1.05*Math.sin(beta)) + ' ' + 
+					  Math.round(bpmData[facility].pos[i][1] + f*1.05*Math.cos(beta))
+				);
+			}
+			appendSvg("path", {id:facility+"_bpmhor", class: "bpmhor "+facility, visibility:"hidden", name:"bpmhor", fill: "none", "stroke-width":"50", "stroke":"red", d: dhor.join(' ')+(lattice[facility].sections[0].chamber?' Z':'')});
+			appendSvg("path", {id:facility+"_bpmver", class: "bpmver "+facility, visibility:"hidden", name:"bpmver", fill: "none", "stroke-width":"50", "stroke":"green", d: dver.join(' ')+(lattice[facility].sections[0].chamber?' Z':'')});
+			console.log("path", {id:facility+"_bpmhor", name:"bpmhor", d: dver.join(' ')+' Z'});
+		}
+	}
+	function bpmSwitch(bpmData, params) {
+		if (bpmData.reader !== false) clearInterval(bpmData.reader);
+		bpmData.reader = false;
+		if (params.bpm=='') {
+			$('#application').hide();
+			$('#applicationFrame').removeAttr("src");
+		} 
+		else {
+			if (typeof params.bpm != 'string') return;
+			const bpms = params.bpm.split(',');
+			for (let bs=0; bs<bpms.length; bs++) { 
+				bpmData.oldIndex = bpms[bs];
+				bpmRead(bpmData, params);
+				$('#'+bpms[bs]+"_bpmhor").attr('visibility', "visible");
+				$('#'+bpms[bs]+"_bpmver").attr('visibility', "visible");
+			}
+			bpmData.reader = setInterval(bpmRead, 3000, bpmData, params);
+			$('#application').show();	
+			$('.bpmhor').css('display', 'block');
+			$('.bpmver').css('display', 'block');
+			$('#applicationFrame').attr("src", "/spa/index.html?s=bpm&src="+params.bpm+('demo')>-1? '&demo': ''));
+			$("#applicationFrame").height(window.innerHeight); 
+		}		
+	}
+	function bpmSwitchNew(bpmData, params) {
+		if (bpmData.reader !== false) clearInterval(bpmData.reader);
+		bpmData.reader = false;
+		$('.bpmhor').css('display', 'none');
+		$('.bpmver').css('display', 'none');
+		if (params.bpm=='') {
+			$('#application').hide();
+			$('#applicationFrame').removeAttr("src");
+		} 
+		else {
+			bpmData.oldIndex = params.bpm;
+			bpmRead(bpmData, params);
+			$('#'+params.bpm+"_bpmhor").attr('visibility', "visible");
+			$('#'+params.bpm+"_bpmver").attr('visibility', "visible");
+			bpmData.reader = setInterval(bpmRead, 3000, bpmData, params);
+			$('#application').show();	
+			$('.bpmhor.'+params.bpm).css('display', 'block');
+			$('.bpmver.'+params.bpm).css('display', 'block');
+			$('#applicationFrame').attr("src", "/spa/index.html?s=bpm&src="+params.bpm+('demo')>-1? '&demo': ''));
+			$("#applicationFrame").height(window.innerHeight); 
+		}		
+	}
+	function bpmRender(bpm, bpmData) {
+		const facility = bpm.split('_')[0];
+		console.log('bpmRender(), facility', facility, 'bpmData', bpmData);
+		const bpmd = facility==''? bpmData: bpmData[facility];
+		const bpmMax = Math.max.apply(null,; //
+		let bpmPeak = (Math.log10(bpmMax) + 2) * 5000;
+		bpmPeak = bpmPeak>20000? 20000: (bpmPeak<2000? 2000: bpmPeak);
+		const bpmFactor = bpmPeak/bpmMax;
+			const dhor = [];
+			const dver = [];
+			for (i=0; i<bpmd.pos.length; i++) {
+				if (i>threshold) break; 
+				const dir = bpmd.dir[i]; 
+				const beta = Math.PI*dir/180;
+				if (threshold<1000) console.log('i', i, 'pos',bpmd.pos[i], 'dir', dir, beta, Math.cos(beta), Math.sin(beta));
+				dhor.push((i==0?'M':'L')+ 
+					  Math.round(bpmd.pos[i][0] - bpmd.val[0][i]/1000*Math.sin(beta)) + ' ' + 
+					  Math.round(bpmd.pos[i][1] + bpmd.val[0][i]/1000*Math.cos(beta))
+				);
+				dver.push((i==0?'M':'L')+ 
+					  Math.round(bpmd.pos[i][0] - bpmd.val[1][i]/1000*Math.sin(beta)) + ' ' + 
+					  Math.round(bpmd.pos[i][1] + bpmd.val[1][i]/1000*Math.cos(beta))
+				);
+			}
+			$('#'+facility+"_bpmhor").attr('d', dhor.join(' ')+(lattice[facility].sections[0].chamber?' Z':''));
+			$('#'+facility+"_bpmver").attr('d', dver.join(' ')+(lattice[facility].sections[0].chamber?' Z':''));
+			console.log("bpmRender(),", {id:facility+"_bpmhor", name:"bpmhor", d: dver.join(' ')+' Z'});
+		// if (params.bpm) {bpmLabel(bpmData, params, camera, THREE);}
+	}
+	function bpmRead(bpmData, params) {
+		const bpms = params.bpm.split(',');
+		console.log('bpms',bpms);
+		for (let bs=0; bs<bpms.length; bs++) { 
+			if (bpmData[bpms[bs]] && bpmData[bpms[bs]].datasrc) {
+				console.log((bpmData[bpms[bs]].datasrc.indexOf('http')>-1? '': conf.rchan)+bpmData[bpms[bs]].datasrc);
+				fetch((bpmData[bpms[bs]].datasrc.indexOf('http')>-1? '': conf.rchan)+bpmData[bpms[bs]].datasrc)
+				.then((response) => {return response.json();})
+				.then((eventData) => {
+					bpmData[bpms[bs]].val = eventData;
+					console.log('bpmRead()', conf.rchan+bpmData[bpms[bs]].datasrc, bpms[bs], bpmData, eventData);
+					bpmRender(bpms[bs], bpmData);
+				});
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/component.php b/component.php
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
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+	global $import, $bundle;
+	$f = file("./components/{$c}.js");
+	foreach($f as $i=> $l) {
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+		if (strpos($l, 'jshint')!==false) {unset($f[$i]);}
+	}
+	$bundle .= implode('', $f)."\n";
+function bundle_include2d($c) {
+	global $import, $bundleArray;
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+$machine = empty($_REQUEST['machine'])? 'elettra': $_REQUEST['machine'];
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+$latticeStr = file_get_contents($latticeFile);
+$lattice = json_decode($latticeStr, true);
+if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {echo "latticeFile: $latticeFile\nlattice: \n"; print_r($lattice);}
+$comp = $import = array();
+$bundle = "\n";
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+foreach ($lattice as $l) {
+	foreach ($l['sections'] as $s) {
+		$comp[$s['bending']['type']] = true; 
+		foreach ($s['components'] as $m) $comp[$m['type']] = true;
+	}
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+	foreach ($comp as $c=>$v) {
+		if (file_exists("./components/{$c}.svg")) bundle_include2d($c); else unset($comp[$c]);
+	}
+	ksort($bundleArray);
+	$bundle .= implode('', $bundleArray);
+	if (isset($_REQUEST['import'])) {
+		$f = file_get_contents('./panther.js');
+		$js = explode('// import components', $f);
+		$c = implode(',', array_keys($comp));
+		die(strtr($js[0], array('let lattice'=>'//let lattice'))."\nimport { $c } from './component.php';\nconst amesh = { $c };\n\nconst lattice = $latticeStr;\n	init();\nfor (var key in lattice) {if ('=hide')==-1) initLattice(lattice[key], key);}\n//".$js[2]);
+	}
+	if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) {file_put_contents("./components/bundle_{$machine}2d.svg", implode('', array_keys($import)).$bundle);}
+	die(implode('', array_keys($import)).$bundle);
+foreach ($comp as $c=>$v) {
+	$fast = (isset($_REQUEST['fast']) && file_exists("./components/{$c}fast.js"))? 'fast': '';
+	if (file_exists("./components/{$c}{$fast}.js")) bundle_include($c.$fast); else unset($comp[$c]);
+if (isset($_REQUEST['import'])) {
+	$f = file_get_contents('./panther.js');
+	$js = explode('// import components', $f);
+	$c = implode(',', array_keys($comp));
+	die(strtr($js[0], array('let lattice'=>'//let lattice'))."\nimport { $c } from './component.php';\nconst amesh = { $c };\n\nconst lattice = $latticeStr;\n	init();\nfor (var key in lattice) {if ('=hide')==-1) initLattice(lattice[key], key);}\n//".$js[2]);
+$fast = isset($_REQUEST['fast'])? 'fast': '';
+if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) {file_put_contents("./components/bundle_{$machine}{$fast}.js","/*jshint esversion: 6 */\n".implode('', array_keys($import)).$bundle);}
+echo implode('', array_keys($import)).$bundle;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a13ce8
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+	"preinjector": {
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+			{
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+					{"type": "quadrupolebooster", "position": 1932, "length": 50, "name": "Q_P1.3"},
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+					{"type": "blm", "position": 2282, "name": "BPM_P1.1_R"},
+					{"type": "blm", "position": 2282, "name": "BPM_P1.1_L"},
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+					{"type": "cm", "position": 7000, "name": "CM_P1.3"},
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+					{"type": "correctorbooster", "position": 7486.5, "name": "CV_P1.2"},
+					{"type": "quadrupolebooster", "position": 7772, "length": 50, "name": "Q_P1.4"},
+					{"type": "quadrupolebooster", "position": 8085, "length": 50, "name": "Q_P1.5"},
+					{"type": "quadrupolebooster", "position": 8338, "length": 50, "name": "Q_P1.6"},
+					{"type": "bpm", "position": 8723, "name": "BPM_P1.2"},
+					{"type": "blm", "position": 8783, "name": "BPM_P1.2_R"},
+					{"type": "blm", "position": 8783, "name": "BPM_P1.2_L"},
+					{"type": "flsc", "position": 9198, "name": "FLSC_P1.3"},
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+					{"type": "correctorbooster", "position": 13869, "name": "CH_PTB1.1"},
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+					{"type": "blm", "position": 698, "name": "BLM_FLSC_PTB1.2", "labelReverse": [270, 1800, -50]},
+					{"type": "bpm", "position": 847.9, "name": "BPM_PTB1.3", "labelReverse": [270, 1800, -50]},
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+					{"type": "blm", "position": 4273, "name": "BLM_SCRV_PTB1.1_L"},
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+					{"type": "correctorbooster", "position": 4717.9, "name": "CV_PTB1.4"},
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+					{"type": "blm", "position": 5184, "name": "BLM_Q_PTB1.8"},
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+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": -2910, "z": 9230},
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+				"components": [
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 3560, "z": 11640},
+				"components": [
+				]
+			},
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+				"start": {"x": 1975, "z": 11391},
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+				]
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+			"sections": [
+				{
+					"start": {"x": -2910, "z": 9230},
+					"components": [
+					]
+				}	
+			]
+		},
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+			"pos": "",
+			"rms": "",
+			"length": 6,
+			"offset": 3
+		},
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+			"confsrc": "",
+			"datasrc": ""
+		}
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+			{
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+				]
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+					{"type": "blm", "position": 1000, "name": "BLM_B_B3.1_L"},
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+				"start": {"x": -20225, "z": 2665},
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+					{"type": "blm", "position": 1000, "name": "BLM_B_B4.1_R"},
+					{"type": "blm", "position": 1000, "name": "BLM_B_B4.1_L"},
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+					{"type": "quadrupolebooster", "position": 1480, "length": 175, "name": "QD_B4.1"},
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+				]
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+				"start": {"x": -22025, "z": -90},
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+			},
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+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 1960, "z": -41400},
+				"components": [
+					{"type": "beamlineDown", "position": 1000, "name": "Microfluorescence", "labelReverse": true},
+					{"type": "beamlineUp", "position": 1000, "name": "DXRL", "labelReverse": true}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 24660, "z": -42900},
+				"chamber": {"type": "chamberbl"}
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 14160, "z": -38960},
+				"components": [
+					{"type": "beamlineDown", "position": 1000, "name": "IUVS"},
+					{"type": "beamlineUp", "position": 1000, "name": "BaDElPh"}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 38560, "z": -34080},
+				"chamber": {"type": "chamberbl"}
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 22360, "z": -34900},
+				"components": [
+					{"type": "beamlineDown", "position": 1000, "name": "XAFS"},
+					{"type": "beamlineUp", "position": 1000, "name": "WhITE"}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 42860, "z": -24750},
+				"chamber": {"type": "chamberbl"}
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 22360, "z": -34900},
+				"start": {"x": 31720, "z": -26640},
+				"components": [
+					{"type": "beamlineDown", "position": 1000, "name": "XDR2"},
+					{"type": "beamlineUp", "position": 1000, "name": "XPRESS"}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 50440, "z": -10120},
+				"chamber": {"type": "chamberbl"}
+			}
+		]
+	}
diff --git a/elettra_lattice.php b/elettra_lattice.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8a4e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elettra_lattice.php
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+$src = array(
+	'preinjector' => '',
+	'booster'=> '',
+	'bts'=> '',
+	'sr'=> ''
+$blmSrcs = array('sr'=>'',
+				 'booster'=>"",
+				 'bts'=>"",
+				 'preinjector'=>""
+				);
+$blm = array('sr'=>array(),'booster'=>array(),'bts'=>array(),'preinjector'=>array());
+foreach ($blmSrcs as $facility=>$blmSrc) {
+	$blms = json_decode(file_get_contents($blmSrc));
+	foreach ($blms as $b) {
+		$c = explode(':', $b); 
+		$d = strtoupper(strtr(implode('_', array_slice(explode('_',$c[2]), 2)), array('chv'=>'ch'))); 
+		$blm[$facility][$d] = $c[2];
+		$n = explode('/', $c[2]);
+		if (isset($_REQUEST['blm']) && isset($_REQUEST['json'])) echo '				{"type": "blm", "position": xyz, "name": "'.strtoupper($n[2]).'"},<br>';
+	}
+if (isset($_REQUEST['blm'])) {die("<pre>".print_r($blm, true)."</pre>\n");}
+if ($_REQUEST['json']=='src') {header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); die(json_encode($src));}
+if (isset($_REQUEST['src'])) {echo "<h2>elettra lattice sources</h2>"; foreach ($src as $s) {$a = explode('/', $s); echo "<a href='$s'>{$a[count($a)-1]}</a><br>";} exit();}
+$prefix = array(
+	"AC" => "cavitylinac",
+	"B_" => "dipolebooster",
+	"SI" => "si",
+	"BP" => "bpm",
+	"CT" => "dcct",
+	"CA" => "cavity",
+	"CS" => "correctorbooster",
+	"CB" => "corrector",
+	"CH" => "corrector",
+	"CV" => "corrector",
+	"HC" => "corrector",
+	"VC" => "corrector",
+	"CM" => "cm",
+	"D_" => "drift",
+	"D1" => "drift",
+	"D2" => "drift",
+	"D3" => "drift",
+	"DK" => "drift",
+	"DB" => "drift",
+	"DC" => "drift",
+	"DF" => "drift",
+	"DM" => "drift",
+	"DS" => "drift",
+	"DP" => "drift",
+	"DT" => "drift",
+	"D0" => "drift",
+	"DL" => "drift",
+	"MO" => "drift",
+	"FL" => "flsc",
+	"ID" => "id",
+	"KI" => "kicker",
+	"KE" => "kicker",
+	"Q_" => "quadrupole",
+	"QB" => "quadrupolebooster",
+	"Q1" => "quadrupole",
+	"Q2" => "quadrupole",
+	"Q3" => "quadrupole",
+	"QD" => "quadrupole",
+	"QF" => "quadrupole",
+	"RF" => "rf",//"cavitylinac",
+	"SE" => "spte",
+	"SB" => "sextupolebooster",
+	"S1" => "sextupole",
+	"S2" => "sextupole",
+	"S3" => "sextupole",
+	"S4" => "sextupole",
+	"S5" => "sextupole",
+	"S6" => "sextupole",
+	"S7" => "sextupole",
+	"S8" => "sextupole",
+	"S9" => "sextupole",
+	"SF" => "sextupole",
+	"SD" => "sextupole",
+	"SR" => "srpm",
+	"SC" => "scraper",
+	"ST" => "strp",
+	"TA" => "tag",
+	"ZI" => "zigzag"
+$latticeFile = empty($_REQUEST['lattice'])? './elettra_lattice.json': $_REQUEST['lattice'];
+$json = file($latticeFile);
+$buf = isset($_REQUEST['json'])? "<pre>{ <br>": "<table>\n";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// emit diff
+function eval_diff($a, $b) {
+	$old_error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ALL);
+	require_once('../../lib/diff.php');
+	error_reporting($old_error_reporting);
+	$diff = new diff;
+	$text = $diff->inline($a,$b,2);
+	echo '<h3>Differences between JSON lattice and references</h3>'.count($diff->changes).' changes';
+	echo $text;
+function component_diff() {
+	global $latticeFile;
+	echo '<h3>Supported components</h3><table>';
+	$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($latticeFile), true);
+	$comp = array();
+	foreach ($json as $devname=>$device) {
+		foreach ($device as $kseg=>$segment) {
+			foreach ($segment['magnets'] as $m) $comp[$m['type']] = true;
+		}
+	}
+	foreach ($comp as $component=>$v) {
+		if (strpos($component, '_FLSC')!==false) continue;
+		echo "<tr><td>$component </td><td> ".(file_exists("./components/{$component}.js")? "OK": "missing")."</td></tr>\n";
+	}
+	die("</table>");
+// ------------------ Preinjector -------------------
+$f = file($src['preinjector']);
+$pos = 2200;
+$skip = true;
+$p = array();
+$j = 0;
+function initBranch() {
+	global $p, $j, $json;
+	if (empty($p)) $pbuf = '	"preinjector": [<br>		{<br>'; else {$pbuf .= '			]<br>		},<br>		{<br>';};
+	while (strpos($json[$j], '"start":')===false && $j<10000) {$j++;}
+	$pbuf .= $json[$j];
+	$j++;
+	if (strpos($json[$j], '"bending":')!==false) {$pbuf .= $json[$j]; $j++;}
+	if (strpos($json[$j], '"chamber":')!==false) {$pbuf .= $json[$j]; $j++;}
+	$pbuf .= '			"magnets": [<br>';
+	if (empty($p)) $pbuf .= '				{"type": "gun", "position": 0, "name": "Gun", "href": ""},<br>';
+	$p[] = $pbuf;
+foreach($f as $r) {
+	if (strpos($r, "marker('EXIT")!==false) {$skip = true; }
+	if (substr($r, 0, 2)=='B_') initBranch();
+	if (!$skip) $p[] = $r;
+	if (strpos($r, "marker('START")!==false) {$skip = false; }
+// initBranch();
+foreach($p as $r) {
+	if (strpos($r, '"start":')!==false) {$buf = substr($buf, 0, -5).'<br>'.$r; continue;}
+	$c = explode(',', $r);
+	if (count($c)<2) continue;
+	$nq = explode("'", $c[0]);
+	$n = explode("=", strtr($c[0],array(' '=>'','Q_'=>$nq[1].'_', 'P1_'=>'P1.', 'PTB1_'=>'PTB1.')));
+	$p = 0;
+	if (strpos($c[1], "'")===false) $p = $c[1]*1000.0;
+	$type = substr($n[0], 0, 2);
+	if (strpos($c[0], "drift")===false && !isset($prefix[$type])) $buf .= "<h3>$r</h3>\n";
+	$len = $p;
+	if ($prefix[$type] == "sextupole" && $len==230) $len = 0;
+	if ($prefix[$type] == "quadrupole" && $len==260) $len = 0;
+	if ($prefix[$type] == "quadrupole") $type = 'QB';
+	if ($type=='CV') continue;
+	if ($prefix[$type] == "corrector") $type = 'CS';
+	if (strpos($c[0], "ACCT")!==false) $len = $len.', "rotateY": "PI/2", "href": ""';
+	if ((strpos($c[0], "drift")===false || strpos($c[0], "ACCT")!==false) && $type!='B_') $buf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '				{"type": "'.$prefix[$type].'", "position": '.($pos+$p/2).($len>0? ', "length": '.$len:'').', "name": "'.$n[0].'"},<br>': "<tr><td>{$n[0]}</td><td>".($pos+$p/2)."</td><td>$p</td></tr>\n";
+	$pos += $p;
+	if ($type=='B_') {$pos = $p/2;}
+$buf .= '			]<br>		}<br>	],<br>';
+// ------------------ BOOSTER -------------------
+$pos = 4800; //-2400000000000;
+$booster = '';
+$f = file($src['booster']);
+$section = 28; $qnum = 1;
+$j = 0;
+foreach($f as $r) {
+	if (strpos($r, 'ring =')!==false || strpos($r, 'atringparam')!==false) continue;
+	if (strpos($r, '};')!==false) break;
+	$c = explode(',', $r);
+	if (strpos($r, 'atsbend(')!==false) {
+		$section++;
+		if ($section == 29) {$bbuf = "$booster			]<br>		},<br>"; $booster = ''; $section = 1;} else $booster .= '			]<br>		},<br>';
+		$k = "B_B{$section}.1";
+		$pos += $c[1]*1000.0/2;
+		if (isset($_REQUEST['json'])) {while (strpos($json[$j], $k)===false && $j<10000) {$j++;} $booster .= '		{<br>'.$json[$j-1].$json[$j].$json[$j+1].'			"magnets": [<br>';}
+		else $booster .= "</table>\nlength: $pos<h3>$k</h3>\n<table>\n";
+		$pos = $c[1]*1000.0/2;
+		if (isset($blm['booster'][$k.'_R'])) {
+			$blmfound = $blm['booster'][$k.'_R']; 
+			$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['booster'][$k.'_R']));
+			$booster .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
+			// "<tr><td>$k.'_R'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
+			unset($blm['booster'][$k.'_R']);
+			$blmfound = $blm['booster'][$k.'_L']; 
+			$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['booster'][$k.'_L']));
+			$booster .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
+			// "<tr><td>$k.'_L'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
+			unset($blm['booster'][$k.'_L']);
+		}
+		$qnum = 0;
+	}
+	else {
+		$n = explode("'", $c[0]);
+		$p = 0;
+		if (strpos($c[1], "'")===false) $p = $c[1]*1000.0;
+		$type = substr($n[1], 0, 2);
+		if (!isset($prefix[$type])) $booster .= "<h3>$r</h3>\n";
+		$len = $p;
+		if ($prefix[$type] == "sextupole" && $len==230) $len = 0;
+		if ($prefix[$type] == "quadrupole" && $len==260) $len = 0;
+		if ($prefix[$type] == "sextupole") $type = 'SB';
+		if ($prefix[$type] == "quadrupole") {$type = 'QB'; $qnum++;}
+		// if (strpos($r, "RF_B") $type = 'CB';
+		if (strpos($r, "atmarker('DCCT')")!==false) $type = 'CT';
+		if ($type=='CV') continue;
+		if ($prefix[$type] == "corrector") $type = 'CS';
+		$num = $type=='QB'? $qnum: 1;
+		$name = "{$n[1]}_B{$section}.$num";;
+		if (strpos($c[0], "drift")===false) $booster .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '				{"type": "'.$prefix[$type].'", "position": '.($pos+$p/2).($len>0? ', "length": '.$len:'').', "name": "'.$name.'"},<br>': "<tr><td>$name</td><td>".($pos+$p/2)."</td><td>$p</td></tr>\n";
+		$pos += $p;
+	}
+$booster = strtr($booster.substr($bbuf,0,-5), array('},<br>			]'=>'}<br>			]', "},\n			]"=>"}\n			]"));
+$buf .= (isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '	"booster": [<br>': "</table><br><br><br><br><br><h1>Booster</h1><table>\n").$booster."\n	],\n";
+// ------------------ BTS -------------------
+$f = file($src['bts']);
+$start = false;
+$btsbuf = isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '	"bts": [<br>		{<br>			"start": {"x": -3100, "z": -21558},<br>			"magnets": [<br>': "<br><br><br><br><h1>BTS</h1><br>\n";
+$j = 0;
+$bending = array(
+	'BTS_B1' => 'B_BTS1.1',
+	'BTS_B2' => 'B_BTS1.2',
+	'BTS_B3' => 'B_BTS1.3',
+	'BTS_B4' => 'B_BTS2.1',
+	'BTS_B5' => 'B_BTS2.2',
+	'BTS_B6' => 'B_BTS2.3'
+foreach($f as $r) {
+	if ($r{0}=='%') continue;
+	$eq = explode('=', $r);
+	$c = explode(',', $r);
+	if (strpos($r, "drift('BTS_D")!==false) {
+		$drift[trim($eq[0])] = $c[1]-0;
+	}
+	$Lquad = 0.495;
+	if (strpos($r, "quadrupole(")!==false) {
+		$quadrupole[trim($eq[0])] = $Lquad;
+	}
+	if (strpos($r, "START_BTS")!==false) {$start = true; $pos = 0; continue;}
+	if (strpos($r, "EXIT")!==false) {$start = false;}
+	if ($start) {
+		$sp = explode(' ', $r);
+		foreach ($sp as $comp) {
+			if (trim($comp) == '...') continue;
+			if (isset($drift[$comp])) $pos += $drift[$comp]*1000;
+			else {
+				if (strpos($comp, 'BTS_B')!==false && strpos($comp, 'BPM')===false) {
+					if (isset($_REQUEST['json'])) {while (strpos($json[$j], $bending[$comp])===false && $j<10000) {$j++;} $btsbuf .= '			]<br>		},<br>		{<br>'.$json[$j-1].$json[$j].$json[$j+1].'			"magnets": [<br>';}
+					// $btsbuf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '			]<br>			"bending": {"type": "dipolebooster", "label": "show", "name": "'.trim($comp).'"},<br>			"magnets": [<br>': "</table>\nlength: $pos<h3>$comp</h3>\n<table>\n";
+					$pos = $comp=='BTS_B6'? 1217: 737;
+					echo "{$bending[$comp]}_R<br>";
+					if (isset($blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_R'])) {
+						$blmfound = $blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_R']; 
+						$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_R']));
+						$btsbuf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
+						// "<tr><td>$comp.'_R'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
+						unset($blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_R']);
+						$blmfound = $blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_L']; 
+						$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_L']));
+						$btsbuf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
+						// "<tr><td>$comp.'_L'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
+						unset($blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_L']);
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					$type = isset($quadrupole[$comp])? 'quadrupolebooster': (strpos($comp, 'BPM')!==false? 'bpm': $comp);
+					if ($comp=='CH' || $comp=='CV') $type = 'corrector';
+					$btsbuf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '				{"type": "'.$type.'", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$comp.'"},<br>': "<tr><td>{$comp}</td><td>".$pos."</td></tr>\n";
+					if (isset($blm['bts'][$comp.'_R'])) {
+						$blmfound = $blm['bts'][$comp.'_R']; 
+						$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['bts'][$comp.'_R']));
+						$btsbuf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
+						// "<tr><td>$comp.'_R'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
+						unset($blm['bts'][$comp.'_R']);
+						$blmfound = $blm['bts'][$comp.'_L']; 
+						$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['bts'][$comp.'_L']));
+						$btsbuf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
+						// "<tr><td>$comp.'_L'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
+						unset($blm['bts'][$comp.'_L']);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+$btsbuf .= '			]<br>		},<br>		{<br>			"start": {"x": 38740, "z": -13180},<br>			"bending": {"rotateY": "PI"},<br>			"chamber": {"type": "chamber"},<br>			"magnets": [<br>			]<br>		}<br>	],<br>';
+$buf .= strtr($btsbuf, array('},<br>			]'=>'}<br>			]')); 
+// ------------------ SR -------------------
+$f = file($src['sr']);
+$k = 'B_S12.1';
+$pos = 6996;
+$buf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '	"sr": [<br>': "</table><br><br><br><br><br><h1>SR</h1><table>\n";
+$srbuf = '';
+foreach($f as $r) {
+	$c = explode(',', $r);
+	if (count($c)<2) continue;
+	if (strpos($r, 'atrbend(')!==false) {
+		$k = strtr($c[0], array("atrbend("=>'', "'"=>''));
+		$pos += $c[1]*1000.0/2;
+		if (strpos($r, "atrbend('B_S1.1")!==false) {$srtail = $srbuf; $srbuf = '';}
+		if (isset($_REQUEST['json'])) {$j=0; while (strpos($json[$j], trim($k))===false && $j<10000) {$j++;} $srbuf .= (strpos($r, "atrbend('B_S1.1")===false? '			]<br>		},<br>':'').'		{<br>'.$json[$j-1].$json[$j].$json[$j+1].'			"magnets": [<br>';}
+		else $srbuf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '			]<br>			"bending": {"type": "dipole", "label": "show", "name": "'.trim($k).'"},<br>			"magnets": [<br>': "</table>\nlength: $pos<h3>$k</h3>\n<table>\n";
+		$pos = $c[1]*1000.0/2;
+	}
+	else {
+		$n = explode("'", $c[0]);
+		$p = 0;
+		if (strpos($c[1], "'")===false) $p = $c[1]*1000.0;
+		$type = substr($n[1], 0, 2);
+		if (!isset($prefix[$type])) $srbuf .= "<h3>$r</h3>\n";
+		$len = $p;
+		if ($prefix[$type] == "sextupole" && $len==230) $len = 0;
+		if ($prefix[$type] == "quadrupole" && $len==260) $len = 0;
+		if ($type=='CV') continue;
+		$blmfound = '';
+		if (isset($blm['sr'][$n[1]])) {$blmfound = $blm['sr'][$n[1]]; $blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['sr'][$n[1]]));}
+		if (strpos($c[0], "drift")===false) $srbuf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? 
+			'				{"type": "'.$prefix[$type].'", "position": '.($pos+$p/2).($len>0? ', "length": '.$len:'').', "name": "'.$n[1].'"},<br>'.
+			(isset($blm['sr'][$n[1]])? '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.($pos+$p/2).', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>': ''): 
+			"<tr><td>{$n[1]}</td><td>".($pos+$p/2)."</td><td>$p</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
+		if (isset($blm['sr'][$n[1]])) {unset($blm['sr'][$n[1]]);}
+		$pos += $p;
+	}
+$srbuf .= $srtail.(isset($_REQUEST['json'])? "			]<br>		}<br>	]<br>}</pre>": "</table>\n");
+$buf .= strtr($srbuf,array('},<br>			]'=>'}<br>			]', "},\n			]"=>"}\n			]"));
+$envelope = $bpm = false;
+if ($_REQUEST['json']=='diff') {
+	foreach ($json as $i=>$j) {
+		$json[$i] = rtrim($j); 
+		if (strpos($j,'undulator')!==false || strpos($j,"wiggler")!==false) unset($json[$i]);
+		if (strpos($j,'envelope')!==false) {
+			if (strpos($j,'{')!==false && strpos($j,'}')===false) $envelope = true;
+			unset($json[$i]);
+		}
+		else if ($envelope) {
+			if (strpos($j,'}')!==false) $envelope = false;
+			unset($json[$i]);
+		}
+		if (strpos($j,'"bpm": ')!==false) {
+			if (strpos($j,'{')!==false && strpos($j,'}')===false) $bpm=3;
+			unset($json[$i]);
+		}
+		else if ($bpm>0) {
+			if (strpos($j,'}')!==false) $bpm--;
+			unset($json[$i]);
+		}
+	}
+	$b = explode("\n", strtr($buf, array('<br>'=>"\n", '<pre>'=>'', '</pre>'=>'', "},\n			]"=>"}\n			]")));
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+					]},
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+				"bending": {"rotateY": "PI"},
+				"components": [
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 108000, "y": 100, "z": -1600},
+				"components": [
+					{"type": "rpsb", "position": 1000, "name": "RPS_ESA.02", "width": 800, "height": 2000, "depth": 800, "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300], "devices":[
+						"PSB_MBDFEL01.01"
+					]},
+					{"type": "rpsb", "position": 2000, "name": "RPS_ESA.03", "width": 800, "height": 2000, "depth": 800, "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300], "devices":[
+						"PSB_MBDFEL02.01"
+					]},					
+					{"type": "rps", "position": 2300, "name": "RPS_ESA.04", "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300], "devices":[
+						"sw-ps-esa-01","PSQ_MBDFEL01.01","PSQ_MBDFEL01.02","PSQ_MBDFEL01.03","PSQ_MBDFEL01.04", "PSQ_MBDFEL01.05","PSQ_MBDFEL01.06", "PSQ_MBDFEL02.01","PSQ_MBDFEL02.02","PSQ_MBDFEL02.03","PSQ_MBDFEL02.04", "PSQ_MBD.01","PSQ_MBD.02","PSQ_MBD.03","PSQ_MBD.04"
+					]},
+					{"type": "rc", "position": 2900, "name": "RC_ESA.01", "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300]}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 108000, "y": 100, "z": 6000},
+				"bending": {"rotateY": "PI"},
+				"components": [
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 110000, "y": 100, "z": -1400},
+				"components": [
+					{"type": "rps", "position": 300, "name": "RPS_ESA.05", "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300], "devices":[
+						"sw-ps-esa-02","PSCV_MBDFEL01.01","PSCH_MBDFEL01.01","PSCV_MBDFEL01.02","PSCH_MBDFEL01.02", "PSCV_MBDFEL01.03","PSCH_MBDFEL01.03","PSCV_MBDFEL01.04","PSCH_MBDFEL01.04", "PSCV_MBDFEL02.01","PSCH_MBDFEL02.01","PSCH_MBDFEL02.02","PSCH_MBDFEL02.02", "PSCV_MBD.02","PSCH_MBD.02"
+					]},
+					{"type": "rc", "position": 900, "name": "RC_ESA.02", "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300], "devices":[
+						"CMM-PS-ESA-01","sw-c-esa-02","ESA/YAMS/11","PDU-RC-ESA-02"
+					]},
+					{"type": "rv", "position": 1700, "name": "RV_ESA.01", "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300], "devices":[
+						"PSSIP_ESA.05","SIP300_POS_F01.01","SIP300_POS_F01.02",
+						"PSSIP_ESA.06","SIP300_POS_F02.01","SIP300_POS_F02.02",
+						"PSSIP_ESA.07","SIP300_POS.01","SIP300_POS.03",
+						"PSSIP_ESA.08","SIP300_POS_02",
+						"MAX_ESA.05","VGFR_POS_F01.01","VGFR_POS_F01.02","VGFR_POS_F02.01","VGFR_POS_F02.02",
+						"MAX_ESA.06","VGFR_POS.01","VGPE_POS.01","VGPI_POS.01","VGFR_POS.02",
+						"MAX_ESA.07","VGFR_PFE.02","VGFR_I0_PFE.01","VGHP_G1_PFE.01","VGHP_G2_PFE.01","VGHP_G3_PFE.01","VGHP_G4_PFE.01",
+						"sds-vac-esa-01"
+					]},
+					{"type": "rv", "position": 2500, "name": "RV_ESA.02", "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300], "devices":[
+						"PSSIP_ESA.01","SIP150_PFE_F01.01","SIP150_PFE_F01.02",
+						"PSSIP_ESA.02","SIP300_PFE_F01.01","SIP20_PFE_F01.01",
+						"PSSIP_ESA.03","SIP150_PFE_F02.01","SIP150_PFE_F02.02",
+						"PSSIP_ESA.04","SIP300_PFE_F02.01","SIP20_PFE_F02.01",
+						"TPG_ESA.01","VGPE_PFE_F01.01","VGPI_PFE_F01.01","VGPE_PFE_F01.02","VGPI_PFE_F01.02",
+						"TPG_ESA.02","VGPE_PFE_F01.03","VGPI_PFE_F01.03","VGPE_PFE_F01.04","VGPI_PFE_F01.04",
+						"TPG_ESA.03","VGPE_PFE_F01.05","VGPI_PFE_F01.05","VGPE_PFE_F01.06",
+						"MAX_ESA.01","VGCA_PFE_F01.01","VGFR_PFE_F01.01","VGFR_PFE.01",
+						"MAX_ESA.02","VGFR_PFE_F01.02","VGFR_PFE_F01.03","VGPI_PFE_F01.06","VGFR_PFE_F01.04","VGFR_PFE_F01.05",
+						"TPG_ESA.04","VGPE_PFE_F02.01","VGPI_PFE_F02.01","VGPE_PFE_F02.02","VGPI_PFE_F02.02",
+						"TPG_ESA.05","VGPE_PFE_F02.03","VGPI_PFE_F02.03","VGPE_PFE_F02.04","VGPI_PFE_F02.04",
+						"TPG_ESA.06","VGPE_PFE_F02.05","VGPI_PFE_F02.05","VGPE_PFE_F02.06",
+						"MAX_ESA.03","VGCA_PFE_F02.01","VGFR_PFE_F02.01",
+						"MAX_ESA.04","VGFR_PFE_F02.02","VGFR_PFE_F02.03","VGPI_PFE_F02.06","VGFR_PFE_F02.04","VGFR_PFE_F02.05",
+						"sds-esa-vac-02", "MASTIN_FE.01"
+					]}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 110000, "y": 100, "z": 6000},
+				"bending": {"rotateY": "PI"},
+				"components": [
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 112000, "y": 100, "z": -1400},
+				"components": [
+					{"type": "rc", "position": 0, "name": "RC_ESA.03", "width": 800, "height": 2000, "depth": 800, "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300], "devices":[
+						"SPAC_ESA.01","SPAC_ESA.02", "SPW_ESA.01", "pdu-rc-esa-03"
+					]},
+					{"type": "rv", "position": 600, "name": "RV_ESA.03", "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300]},
+					{"type": "rc", "position": 1400, "name": "RC_ESA.04", "devices":["PDU-RC-ESA-04"], "width": 800, "height": 2000, "depth": 800, "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300], "devices":[
+						"sw-c-esa-04", "pdu-rc-esa-04"
+					]},
+					{"type": "rd", "position": 2000, "name": "RD_ESA.01", "labelReverse": [90, 950, 300], "devices": [
+						"sw-c-esa-05","sw-mscr-esa-01","sw-bpm-esa-01","ec-bpm-esa-01","CM_SFEL01.01", "CM_SFEL02.01", "CM_MBD_FEL01.01", "BPM_MBD_FEL01.01", "MSCR_MBD_FEL01.01", "BPM_MBD_FEL01.02", "BPM_MBD_FEL01.03", "CM_MBD_FEL02.01", "BPM_MBD_FEL02.01", "MSCR_MBD_FEL02.01", "BPM_MBD_FEL02.02", "BPM_MBD.01", "BPM_MBD.02", "BPM_MBD.03", "CM_MBD.01", "MSCR_MBD.01","EC-BPM-ESA-01","LIBERA_BPM_IUFEL01.01","LIBERA_BPM_MBD01.02","LIBERA_BPM_MBD02.01","LIBERA_BPM_MBD01.01","LIBERA_BPM_IUFEL02.02","LIBERA_BPM_MBD01.03","LIBERA_BPM_MBD02.02","LIBERA_BPM_MBD01","LIBERA_BPM_MBD02","LIBERA_BPM_MBD03"
+					]}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 112000, "y": 100, "z": 6000},
+				"bending": {"rotateY": "PI"},
+				"components": [
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 114000, "y": 100, "z": -1400},
+				"components": [
+					{"type": "rps", "position": 300, "name": "RPS_ESA_PAD.01", "labelReverse": [40, 1250, 300], "devices":[
+						"ESA/YAMS/01","ESA/YAMS/02","ESA/YAMS/03","ESA/YAMS/04","ESA/YAMS/05","ESA/YAMS/06","PDU-RPS-ESA-PAD-01"
+					]},
+					{"type": "rps", "position": 900, "name": "RPS_ESA_PAD.02", "labelReverse": [40, 1250, 300], "devices":[
+						"ESA/YAMS/TF08","ESA/YAMS/TF09","ESA/YAMS/TF10","yams-esa-10","PDU-RPS-ESA-PAD-02"
+					]},
+					{"type": "rc", "position": 1500, "name": "RC_ESA_PAD.05", "labelReverse": [40, 1250, 300], "devices":[
+						"CMM-PADRES-ESA-01","PDU-RC-ESA-05", "srv-ccd-padres-01"
+					]}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 114000, "y": 100, "z": 6000},
+				"bending": {"rotateY": "PI"},
+				"components": [
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 116000, "y": 100, "z": -1600},
+				"components": [
+					{"type": "rtf", "position": 0, "name": "RTF_ESA.01", "width": 800, "height": 2000, "depth": 800, "devices":[
+					]},
+					{"type": "rc", "position": 900, "name": "RC_ESA_TF.02", "devices":[
+					]},
+					{"type": "rc", "position": 1500, "name": "RC_ESA_TF.01", "width": 800, "height": 2000, "depth": 800, "devices":[
+						"CMM-TF-ESA-01","PDU-RC-TF-01", "sw-c-tf-01", "sw-tf-esa-01"
+					]}
+				]
+			},
+			{
+				"start": {"x": 116000, "y": 100, "z": 6000},
+				"bending": {"rotateY": "PI"},
+				"components": [
+				]
+			}
+		]
+	}
diff --git a/fermi_lattice.php b/fermi_lattice.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0afe08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fermi_lattice.php
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+$f = file('./lattice/Fermi_CM_coord.csv'); // extracted from //sincro-share/Private/FERMI_CM/Fermi_CM.xls
+$blmSrcs = array(
+	'',
+	'',
+	''
+$blm = array();
+foreach ($blmSrcs as $b) {
+	$data = json_decode(file_get_contents($b), false);
+	foreach ($data as $d) {
+		$k = explode('/BLM_', strtoupper($d));
+		$end = substr($k[1], -2);
+		$v = ($end=='_L' || $end=='_R')? substr($k[1], 0, -2): (($end=='DN' || $end=='UP')? substr($k[1], 0, -3): $k[1]);
+		$blm[$k[1]] = $v;
+	}
+$components = array(
+	"Q" => "quadrupolefermi",
+	"CBPM" => "bpm",
+	"BPM" => "bpm",
+	/*"ACCT0" => "cavitylinac",
+	"ACCT" => "cavitylinac",
+	"ACCBT" => "cavitylinac",
+	"ID" => "wiggler",
+	"UND" => "undulator",*/
+	"CHV" => "correctorfermi",
+	"CH" => "correctorfermi",
+	"CV" => "correctorfermi"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// emit diff
+function eval_diff($a, $b) {
+	$old_error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ALL);
+	require_once('../../lib/diff.php');
+	error_reporting($old_error_reporting);
+	$diff = new diff;
+	$text = $diff->inline($b,$a,2);
+	echo '<h3>Differences between JSON lattice and references</h3>'.count($diff->changes).' changes';
+	echo $text;
+function component_diff() {
+	global $latticeFile;
+	echo '<h3>Supported components</h3><table>';
+	$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($latticeFile), true);
+	$comp = array();
+	foreach ($json as $devname=>$device) {
+		foreach ($device as $kseg=>$segment) {
+			foreach ($segment['magnets'] as $m) $comp[$m['type']] = true;
+		}
+	}
+	foreach ($comp as $component=>$v) {
+		if (strpos($component, '_FLSC')!==false) continue;
+		echo "<tr><td>$component </td><td> ".(file_exists("./components/{$component}.js")? "OK": "missing")."</td></tr>\n";
+	}
+	die("</table>");
+$bending = array();
+$json = file('./fermi_lattice.json');
+foreach ($json as $r) if (strpos($r, "bending")!==false) {
+	$b = explode('"name": "', $r);
+	$n = explode('"', $b[1]);
+	$bending[$n[0]] = rtrim($r);
+$buf = '{<br>	"linac": [<br>		{<br>';
+$table = '<head>
+	<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
+</head >
+<table class="table table-hover table-striped">
+$magnets = 0;
+foreach($f as $i=>$r) {
+	if ($i<1) {continue;}
+	$c = explode(';', strtr($r, array(','=>'.')));
+	$comp = explode('_', $c[0]);
+	if ($i==2) {$x = round($c[2]); $z = -round($c[3]); $buf .= '			"start": {"x": '.$x.', "z": '.($z+60000).'},<br>			"chamber": {"type": "chamber"},<br>			"magnets": [<br>'; }
+	if ($comp[0]=='B' && $c[1] != 'DRIFT') {
+		$x = round($c[2]);
+		$z = -round($c[3]);
+		if ($magnets>0) $buf = substr($buf, 0, strlen($buf)-5).'<br>';
+		$buf .= '			]<br>		},<br>		{<br>			"start": {"x": '.$x.', "z": '.($z+60000).'},<br>'.$bending[$c[0]].'<br>			"chamber": {"type": "chamber"},<br>			"magnets": [<br>';
+		if (($i = array_search($c[0], $blm))!==false) {$buf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": 100, "name": "BLM_'.$i.'"},<br>'; unset($blm[$i]);}
+		if (($i = array_search($c[0], $blm))!==false) {$buf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": 100, "name": "BLM_'.$i.'"},<br>'; unset($blm[$i]);}
+		$magnets = 0;
+	}
+	else if ($comp[0]!='DR' && !empty($comp[0])) {
+		$magnets++;
+		$name = $c[0];
+		if (strpos($name, '(')!==false) {$n = explode('(', $c[0]); $name = trim($n[0]);} 
+		$buf .= '				{"type": "'.strtr($comp[0], $components).'", "position": '.round(sqrt(($x-$c[2])**2+($z+$c[3])**2)).', "name": "'.$c[0].'"},<br>';
+		if (($i = array_search($name, $blm))!==false) {$buf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.round(sqrt(($x-$c[2])**2+($z+$c[3])**2)).', "name": "BLM_'.$i.'"},<br>'; unset($blm[$i]);}
+		if (($i = array_search($name, $blm))!==false) {$buf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.round(sqrt(($x-$c[2])**2+($z+$c[3])**2)).', "name": "BLM_'.$i.'"},<br>'; unset($blm[$i]);}
+	}
+	$table .= "<tr><td>{$comp[0]}</dt><td>{$c[1]}</dt><td>".round($c[2])."</dt><td>".round($c[3])."</dt><td>".round($c[6]*1000)."</dt><td>$r</td></tr>\n";
+$buf = substr($buf, 0, strlen($buf)-5).'<br>			]<br>		}<br>	]<br>}<br>';
+$table .= "</table>\n<br><br><br><br>";
+if ($_REQUEST['json']=='diff') {
+	$b = explode("\n", strtr($buf, array('<br>'=>"\n", '<pre>'=>'', '</pre>'=>'', "},\n			]"=>"}\n			]")));
+	foreach ($b as $i=>$j) $b[$i] = rtrim($j);
+	eval_diff($json, $b);
+	component_diff();
+foreach ($blm as $k=>$v) {
+	echo "$k $v ".(strpos($buf, $v)===false? "NOK": "ok")."<br>\n";
+if (isset($_REQUEST['table'])) echo "$table\n<br><br><br><br>";
+echo "<pre>$buf</pre>";
diff --git a/magnet.php b/magnet.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99d0699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/magnet.php
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+if (empty($_REQUEST['component'])) {
+	$list = empty($_REQUEST['list'])? array(): explode(',', $_REQUEST['list']);
+	if (!empty($_REQUEST['machine'])) {
+		$f = json_decode(file_get_contents($_REQUEST['machine'].'_lattice.json'), true);
+		foreach($f as $facility) foreach($facility['sections'] as $sec) foreach($sec['components'] as $c) $l[$c['type']] = true;
+		$list = array_keys($l);
+		// print_r($l); exit();
+	}
+	$f = scandir('./components/src');
+	$background = empty($_REQUEST['background'])? '': " background-color: {$_REQUEST['background']};";
+	echo "<div class='flex-container' style='display: flex; flex-direction: row;  flex-wrap: wrap;$background'>\n";
+	foreach($f as $file) {
+		if (strpos($file, 'bundle')!==false) continue;
+		if (isset($_REQUEST['svg'])) {
+			if (strpos($file, '.svg')===false) continue;
+			$comp = strtr($file, array('.svg'=>''));
+			if (!empty($list) && !in_array($comp, $list)) continue;
+			echo "<div><img style='max-width: 250px;' src='./components/src/$file'><br><br>$file<br><br></div>";
+		}
+		else {
+			if (strpos($file, '.js')===false) continue;
+			$comp = strtr($file, array('.js'=>''));
+			if (!empty($list) && !in_array($comp, $list)) continue;
+			echo "<div style='text-align: center;'><a href='?component=$comp'><img style='max-width: 250px;' src='./components/preview/{$comp}_preview.jpg'><br>$comp</a></div>\n";
+		}
+	}
+	die("</div>");
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+	<head>
+		<title>Components</title>
+		<meta charset="utf-8">
+		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
+		<style>
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+				height: 100%;
+				display: block;
+			}
+		</style>
+	</head>
+	<body>
+		<canvas id="c"></canvas>
+		<div id="info" style='display: none'>
+			<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">three.js</a> - map controls
+			<span id="timer" title="loading" style="display: none"><img src="../../egiga2m/img/timer.gif"></span>
+			camera position, x: <input id="cameraX" size="20" value="-7500"> y: <input id="cameraY" size="20" value="1500"> z: <input id="cameraZ" size="20" value="4500">
+			camera rotation, x: <input id="rx" size="20" value="-0.6"> y: <input id="ry" size="20" value="-0.3"> z: <input id="rz" size="20" value="-0.2">
+			cdebug <input id="cdebug" size="3" value="0">
+		</div>
+		<div style="position: absolute; left: 5px; bottom: 5px;">
+			<button onclick="document.location = './magnet.php?component=<?php echo $_REQUEST['component'];?>'">1x</button>
+			<button onclick="document.location = './magnet.php?component=<?php echo $_REQUEST['component'];?>&mul=2'">8x</button>
+			<button onclick="document.location = './magnet.php?component=<?php echo $_REQUEST['component'];?>&mul=5'">125x</button>
+			<button onclick="document.location = './magnet.php?component=<?php echo $_REQUEST['component'];?>&mul=10'">1000x</button>
+			<button onclick="document.location = './magnet.php?component=<?php echo $_REQUEST['component'];?>&mul=20'">8000x</button>
+		</div>
+		<script type="importmap">
+			{
+				"imports": {
+					"three": "../../lib/node_modules/three/build/three.module.js",
+					"three/addons/": "../../lib/node_modules/three/examples/jsm/",
+					"components/": "./components/src/"
+				}
+			}
+		</script>
+		<script type="module">
+			// coordinates in millimeters relative to the center of the ring
+			console.log('globalThis', globalThis, window, self, frames, Object);
+			import * as THREE from 'three';
+			import Stats from 'three/addons/libs/stats.module.js'
+			const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
+			const pointer = new THREE.Vector2();
+			// const dipole = [];
+			window.quadrupole = [];
+			window.sextupole = [];
+			window.corrector = [];
+			let selectedObjects = [];
+			const stats = new Stats();
+			const statmode ='statmode=')>-1?'statmode=')[1].split('&')[0]-0: 0;
+			stats.showPanel(statmode); // 0: fps, 1: ms, 2: mb, 3+: custom
+			document.body.appendChild(stats.dom);
+			const obj3d = new THREE.Object3D();
+			// import { GUI } from 'three/addons/libs/lil-gui.module.min.js';
+			import { OrbitControls } from 'three/addons/controls/OrbitControls.js';
+			import { MapControls } from 'three/addons/controls/OrbitControls.js';
+			// import { RoundedBoxGeometry } from 'three/addons/geometries/RoundedBoxGeometry.js';
+			import { <?php echo ($_REQUEST['component']=='ellipticaltube'? 'ellipticaltubeGeometry': $_REQUEST['component']); ?> } from 'components/<?php echo $_REQUEST['component']; ?>.js';
+			let camera, controls, scene, renderer;
+			let cx=-1500, cy=500, cz=4500, rx=-0.6, ry=-0.3, rz=-0.2, cdebug;
+			let composer, outlinePass;			
+			const chamberMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: 0xc0c0c0});
+			init();
+			//render(); // remove when using next line for animation loop (requestAnimationFrame)
+			animate();
+			function moveCamera() {
+				if (cdebug != document.getElementById('cdebug').value) {cdebug = document.getElementById('cdebug').value; console.log(cdebug, camera); return;}
+				if (cx==document.getElementById('cameraX').value && cy==document.getElementById('cameraY').value && cz==document.getElementById('cameraZ').value &&
+					rx==document.getElementById('rx').value && ry==document.getElementById('ry').value && rz==document.getElementById('rz').value) return;
+				rx = document.getElementById('rx').value;
+				ry = document.getElementById('ry').value; 
+				rz = document.getElementById('rz').value;
+				cx = document.getElementById('cameraX').value;
+				cy = document.getElementById('cameraY').value; 
+				cz = document.getElementById('cameraZ').value;
+				// camera.position.set( document.getElementById('cameraX').value, document.getElementById('cameraY').value, document.getElementById('cameraZ').value );
+				console.log('moveCamera()');
+				camera.position.set(cx,cy,cz);
+				camera.rotation.set(rx,ry,rz);
+				controls.update();
+				window.scene = scene;
+ = camera;
+				window.controls = controls;
+			}
+			function init() {
+				scene = new THREE.Scene();
+				scene.background = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff );
+				//scene.fog = new THREE.FogExp2( 0xcccccc, 0.0000002 );
+				const canvas = document.querySelector('#c');
+				renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true, canvas, logarithmicDepthBuffer: true});
+				renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
+				renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
+				document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
+				camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.001, 100000 );
+				camera.position.set(-1500,500,4500);
+				camera.rotation.set(-0.6, -0.3, -0.2);
+				// camera.position.set( document.getElementById('cameraX').value, document.getElementById('cameraY').value, document.getElementById('cameraZ').value );
+				// controls
+				controls = new MapControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
+				controls.enableDamping = true; // an animation loop is required when either damping or auto-rotation are enabled
+				controls.dampingFactor = 0.1;
+				controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
+				controls.minDistance = 0.01;
+				controls.maxDistance = 300000;
+				controls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI / 2;
+				controls.update();
+				window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize );
+				if ('debug')>-1) {
+					var geometryDebug = new THREE.SphereGeometry(100, 32, 32);
+					var materialDebug = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0x000000 });
+					var meshDebug = new THREE.Mesh(geometryDebug, materialDebug);
+					meshDebug.position.set(0, 0, 0);
+ = 'debug000';
+					scene.add(meshDebug);
+					for (var c=1; c<=1000; c=c*10) {
+						geometryDebug = new THREE.SphereGeometry(50+100*c/2, 32, 32);
+						materialDebug = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 });
+						meshDebug = new THREE.Mesh(geometryDebug, materialDebug);
+						meshDebug.position.set(1000*c, 0, 0);
+ = 'debug100_'+c;
+						scene.add(meshDebug);
+						materialDebug = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
+						meshDebug = new THREE.Mesh(geometryDebug, materialDebug);
+						meshDebug.position.set(0, 1000*c, 0);
+ = 'debug010_'+c;
+						scene.add(meshDebug);
+						materialDebug = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff });
+						meshDebug = new THREE.Mesh(geometryDebug, materialDebug);
+						meshDebug.position.set(0, 0, 1000*c);
+ = 'debug001_'+c;
+						scene.add(meshDebug);
+						materialDebug = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0x800000 });
+						meshDebug = new THREE.Mesh(geometryDebug, materialDebug);
+						meshDebug.position.set(-1000*c, 0, 0);
+ = 'debug200_'+c;
+						scene.add(meshDebug);
+						materialDebug = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0x008000 });
+						meshDebug = new THREE.Mesh(geometryDebug, materialDebug);
+						meshDebug.position.set(0, -1000*c, 0);
+ = 'debug020_'+c;
+						scene.add(meshDebug);
+						materialDebug = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0x000080 });
+						meshDebug = new THREE.Mesh(geometryDebug, materialDebug);
+						meshDebug.position.set(0, 0, -1000*c);
+ = 'debug002_'+c;
+						scene.add(meshDebug);
+					}
+				}
+				camera.position.set(1, 100, 100);
+				camera.rotation.set(-1.5497719738079266e-16, -1.164613656151594, -1.4236759551018105e-16);
+				camera.updateMatrixWorld(true);
+				cx = 0;
+				if ('wiggler')>-1) {
+					scene.add(wiggler(1300));
+				}
+				/*else if ('cavity')>-1) {
+					scene.add(cavity(5000,0.5,500,8000));
+				}*/
+				// if ('envelope')>-1) magnet = envelopeMaster;
+				else if ('ellipticaltube')>-1) {
+					const envelopegeometry = ellipticaltubeGeometry(5,10,10,5,10,50);
+					console.log('envelopegeometry', envelopegeometry);
+					const envelopematerial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00f0f0, transparent: true, opacity: 0.2, side: THREE.DoubleSide,});
+					const envelopemesh = new THREE.Mesh( envelopegeometry, envelopematerial );
+					envelopemesh.position.set(500, 500, 500);
+					envelopemesh.scale.setX(100);
+					envelopemesh.scale.setY(100);
+					envelopemesh.scale.setZ(100);
+					envelopemesh.rotateY(Math.PI/2);
+					envelopemesh.rotateZ(Math.PI/2);
+					scene.add(envelopemesh);
+					const envelopegeometry2 = ellipticaltubeGeometry(10,5,6,8,10,50);
+					const envelopemesh2 = new THREE.Mesh( envelopegeometry2, envelopematerial );
+					envelopemesh2.position.set(1500, 500, 500);
+					envelopemesh2.scale.setX(100);
+					envelopemesh2.scale.setY(100);
+					envelopemesh2.scale.setZ(100);
+					envelopemesh2.rotateY(Math.PI/2);
+					envelopemesh2.rotateZ(Math.PI/2);
+					scene.add(envelopemesh2);
+				}
+				else if ('mul=')>-1) {
+					const component = <?php echo $_REQUEST['component']; ?>();
+					const dist ='dist=')>-1?'dist=')[1].split('&')[0]: 3000;
+					const mul ='mul=')[1].split('&')[0];
+					for (let i=0; i<mul; i++) {
+						for (let j=0; j<mul; j++) {
+							for (let k=0; k<mul; k++) {
+								const c = component.clone();
+								c.position.set(dist*i, dist*j, dist*k);
+								scene.add(c);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					const component = <?php echo $_REQUEST['component']; ?>();
+					scene.add(component);
+				}
+				const dirLight1 = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff );
+				dirLight1.position.set( 1, 1, 1 );
+				scene.add( dirLight1 );
+				const dirLight2 = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0x888888 );
+				dirLight2.position.set( - 1, - 1, - 1 );
+				scene.add( dirLight2 );
+				const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight( 0x555555 );
+				scene.add( ambientLight );
+			}
+			function onWindowResize() {
+				camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
+				camera.updateProjectionMatrix();
+				renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
+			}
+			function animate() {
+				requestAnimationFrame( animate );
+				stats.begin();
+				moveCamera();
+				controls.update(); // only required if controls.enableDamping = true, or if controls.autoRotate = true
+				render();
+				stats.end();
+				// composer.render();
+			}
+			function render() {
+				renderer.render(scene, camera);
+			}
+		</script>
+	</body>
diff --git a/open.svg b/open.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9530c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg xmlns="" id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="512" height="512" style="background-color:#000000;">
+<path fill="#00c040" d="m20.475,23H0V4C0,2.346,1.346,1,3,1h3.236l4,2h7.764c1.654,0,3,1.346,3,3v4h3.021l-3.547,13Zm-16.109-2h14.582l2.455-9H7.216l-2.851,9Zm-2.365,0h.268l3.483-11h13.249v-4c0-.551-.448-1-1-1h-8.236l-4-2h-2.764c-.552,0-1,.449-1,1v17Z"/>
diff --git a/panther.js b/panther.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8763708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/panther.js
@@ -0,0 +1,923 @@
+// jshint esversion: 6 
+	import * as THREE from 'three';
+	import Stats from 'three/addons/libs/stats.module.js';
+	import {GUI} from 'three/addons/libs/lil-gui.module.min.js';
+	import {OrbitControls} from 'three/addons/controls/OrbitControls.js';
+	import {MapControls} from 'three/addons/controls/MapControls.js';
+	import {EffectComposer} from 'three/addons/postprocessing/EffectComposer.js';
+	import {RenderPass} from 'three/addons/postprocessing/RenderPass.js';
+	import {OutlinePass} from 'three/addons/postprocessing/OutlinePass.js';
+	import {ellipticaltubeGeometry} from 'components/ellipticaltube.js';
+	import {chamber} from 'components/chamber.js';
+	import {wall} from 'components/wall.js';
+	import * as componentCreator from 'bundle';
+	import {conf} from './panther_conf.js';
+	import * as blmres from './blm.js';
+	let firstUrl = true;
+	let historytime = + new Date();
+	function setUrl(name, value) {
+		let t = + new Date();
+		if (t - historytime < 200) return;
+		historytime = t;
+		parameters[name] = value;
+		const pp = [];
+		for (let i in parameters) {pp.push(i+'='+parameters[i]);}
+		const url = document.location.origin+document.location.pathname+'?'+pp.join('&').replace('=undefined', '');
+		if (firstUrl) window.history.pushState({"html":'panther.php',"pageTitle":'PAnTHer'},"", url);
+		else window.history.replaceState({"html":'panther.php',"pageTitle":'PAnTHer'},"", url);
+		firstUrl = false;
+	}
+	function compLink(event) {
+"compdb").href, '_blank').focus();
+		event.stopPropagation();
+		return false;
+	}
+	const pa ='?','').split('&');
+	const parameters = {};
+	for (let i=0; i<pa.length; i++) {const p = pa[i].split('='); parameters[p[0]] = p[1];}
+	let cameraStarted = false;
+	const machineCaseSensitive ='machine=')>-1?'machine=')[1].split('&')[0]: conf.default_machine;
+	const machine = machineCaseSensitive.toLowerCase();
+	const latticeFile = document.location.href.split('?')[0].split('/').slice(0,-1).join('/')+'/'+machine+'_lattice.json';
+	window.names = [];
+	window.alias = [];
+	let lattice;
+	let dipoleNum = 0;
+	const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
+	const pointer = new THREE.Vector2();
+	const component = [];
+	const facilities = [];
+	const status = [];
+	let selectedObjects = [];
+	let found = false;
+	const vlv ='vlv')>-1;
+	const vlvs = [];
+	const ps ='ps')>-1;
+	const demo ='demo')>-1 ||'machine=elettra2')>-1;
+	if (demo) document.getElementById('demo').style.display = 'block';
+	let camera, controls, scene, renderer;
+	let composer, outlinePass;			
+	let tooltipObject = null;
+	let x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, rx1, ry1, rz1, rx2, ry2, rz2, tang, alpha, d, den;
+	const envelopeMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00f0f0, transparent: true, opacity: 0.5, side: THREE.DoubleSide,});
+	let envelopeCounter = 0, envelopeIndex=0;
+	let envelopeSrc = '';
+	const envelopeMesh = [];
+	const envelopeSize = [];
+	const envelopeFactorX = 5000000;
+	const envelopeFactorY = 10000000;
+	const envelopeNum = 1286; 
+	const envelopeOffset = 83;
+	const bpm = {radius: 100, srv: './bpm.php', mesh: {}};
+	const bpmMesh = {};
+	const bpmReferenceMesh = {};
+	const bpmPoints = {};
+	const bpmSkip = {};
+	const bpmIndex = {};
+	const bpmData = {};
+	let fast ='fast')>-1?'fast')[1].split('&')[0].split(','): false;
+	let premium ='premium')>-1?'premium')[1].split('&')[0].split(','): false;
+	const blm = {oldIndex: null, reader: false, acqTime: null};
+	let latticenodes = 0;
+	const Ydefault = 100;
+	let params = {machine: machineCaseSensitive, search: '', envelopeNum: 0, backgroundColor: '#777777'};
+	let fel1 = false;
+	let fel2 = false;
+	if (machine.indexOf('fermi')>-1) {
+		fetch(conf.rchan+'srv-tango-srf-01:20000/f/access_control/safety/Undulator_access_state').then((response) => {return response.json();}).then((fel) => {
+			fel1 = fel[5] == 1;
+			fel2 = fel[6] == 1;
+		});
+	}
+	const gui = new GUI();
+	gui.add(params, 'machine', conf.machineList).onChange(function() {toggleMachine(params.machine);});
+	params.mode ='fast')>-1? 'fast':'premium')>-1? 'premium': 'plus';
+	gui.add(params, 'mode', conf.modes).onChange(function() {toggleParam('mode', params.mode);});
+	params.vlv ='vlv')>-1;
+	gui.add(params, 'vlv').name('vlv & bst').onChange(function() {toggleParam('vlv');});
+ ='ps')>-1;
+	gui.add(params, 'ps').onChange(function() {toggleParam('ps');});
+	gui.title('PAnTHer - controls');
+	gui.add(params, 'search'); // .onKeyup(function() {console.log('search');});
+	gui.addColor(params, 'backgroundColor').onChange(function() {toggleParam('backgroundColor');});
+	const debugcamera ='debugcamera')>-1;
+	if (debugcamera) $('body').append('<div class="debug" style="top: 0; position: fixed;"> x: <input size="5" id="x"/>, y: <input size="5" id="y"/>, z: <input size="5" id="z"/>, cx: <input size="5" id="cx"/>, cy: <input size="5" id="cy"/>, cz: <input size="5" id="cz"/>');
+	const highlight ='highlight=')==-1? []:'highlight=')[1].split('&')[0].split(',');
+	params.highlightScale ='highlightScale=')==-1? (highlight.length? 0.5: 1):'highlightScale=')[1].split('&')[0]-0;
+	params.highlightShrink ='highlightShrink=')==-1? 0.2:'highlightShrink=')[1].split('&')[0]-0;
+	const stats = new Stats();
+	// window.stats = stats;
+	if ('stats')>-1) {
+		stats.showPanel(0); // 0: fps, 1: ms, 2: mb, 3+: custom
+		document.body.appendChild(stats.dom);
+	}
+	export function bpm_reference(action) {
+		const name = $('.name:contains("bpmReference")').parent().select('.widget').children().eq(1).children('input').val();
+		if (action=='save') fetch(bpm.srv+'?save='+name+'&content='+JSON.stringify(bpmData)).then((response) => {return response.text();}).then((res) =>{alert(res=='OK'? 'BPM reference saved': res);});
+		else fetch(bpm.srv+'?open='+name).then((response) => {return response.json();}).then((res) =>{
+			for (let facility in res) {
+				// if (facility=='bts') use
+				bpmIndex[facility] = lattice[facility].bpm.offset;
+				const path = bpmPath(res[facility], facility);
+				const skiplen = lattice[facility].bpm.skip? lattice[facility].bpm.skip.length: 0;
+				const bpmGeometry = new THREE.TubeGeometry(path, lattice[facility].bpm.length-1-skiplen, bpm.radius, 16, (typeof lattice[facility].sections[0].chamber)!='undefined');
+				const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff80, transparent: true, opacity: 0.5,});
+				bpmReferenceMesh[facility] = new THREE.Mesh(bpmGeometry, material);
+				facilities[facility].add(bpmReferenceMesh[facility]);
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	window.bpmreference = bpm_reference;
+	function updateBpm(data, facility) {
+		console.log('updateBpm(), data:', data, ', facility:', facility, ', bpmMesh', bpmMesh);
+		bpmData[facility] = data;
+		bpmMesh[facility].geometry.dispose();
+		bpmIndex[facility] = lattice[facility].bpm.offset;
+		const path = bpmPath(data, facility);
+		const len = lattice[facility].bpm.length-1-(typeof lattice[facility].bpm.skip=='undefined'? 0: lattice[facility].bpm.skip.length);
+		const bpmGeometry = new THREE.TubeGeometry(path, len, bpm.radius, 16, (typeof lattice[facility].sections[0].chamber)!='undefined');
+		bpmMesh[facility].geometry = bpmGeometry.clone();
+		bpmMesh[facility].geometry.computeVertexNormals();
+		bpmMesh[facility].geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = true;
+		bpmMesh[facility].geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
+		bpmMesh[facility].geometry.dynamic = true;
+		data = null;
+	}
+	function readBpm(facility) {
+		console.log('readBpm()', facility,lattice[facility].bpm.pos);
+		if ('bpm=')>-1) {
+			if(bpmPoints[facility]) {
+				const data = [new Array(bpmPoints[facility].length+bpmSkip[facility].length).fill(1), new Array(bpmPoints[facility].length+bpmSkip[facility].length).fill(1)];
+				data[0]['bpm=')[1].split('&')[0]] = 8;
+				for (let i=0; i<bpmSkip[facility].length; i++) {data[0].splice(bpmSkip[facility][i]+1, 1); data[1].splice(bpmSkip[facility][i]+1, 1);}
+				updateBpm(data, facility);
+			}
+		}
+		else fetch(lattice[facility].bpm.pos)
+		.then((response) => {return response.json();})
+		.then((data) => {
+			for (let i=0; i<bpmSkip[facility].length; i++) {data[0].splice(bpmSkip[facility][i]+1, 1); data[1].splice(bpmSkip[facility][i]+1, 1);}
+			updateBpm(data, facility);
+		});
+	}
+	function readBpms() {
+		for (let facility in lattice) { if (lattice[facility].bpm) readBpm(facility);}
+	}
+	function bpmPath(data, facility) {
+		let len = lattice[facility].bpm.length - bpmSkip[facility].length;
+		if (len>bpmPoints[facility].length) len = bpmPoints[facility].length;
+		// if (data!=-1) 
+			console.log('bpmDbg', len, facility, data, bpmPoints[facility].length); 
+		const bpmCurve = [];
+		for (let i=0; i<len; i++) {
+			const j = (i + 1) % len;
+			const tx ='radial')==-1? bpmPoints[facility][i][0].x + Math.sin(Math.atan(bpmPoints[facility][i][1])+Math.PI*0.5*bpmPoints[facility][i][2])*1000*(data[0]? data[0][j]: 1): bpmPoints[facility][i][0].x * (1+(data[0]? data[0][j]*0.02*params.bpmZoomX: 0));
+			const ty = Ydefault + bpmPoints[facility][i][0].y + (data[1]? data[1][j]*1000*params.bpmZoomY: 0);
+			const tz ='radial')==-1? bpmPoints[facility][i][0].z + Math.cos(Math.atan(bpmPoints[facility][i][1])+Math.PI*0.5*bpmPoints[facility][i][2])*1000*(data[0]? data[0][j]: 1): bpmPoints[facility][i][0].z * (1+(data[0]? data[0][j]*0.02*params.bpmZoomX: 0));
+			// console.log(i, facility, bpmCurve);
+			bpmCurve.push(new THREE.Vector3(tx, ty, tz));
+		}
+		return new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3(bpmCurve);
+	}
+	let bpmInited = false;
+	function bpmAdd(facility) {
+		console.log('bpmDbg(), facility:', facility);
+		if (lattice[facility] && lattice[facility].bpm && ('&bpm')>-1 ||'?bpm')>-1)) {
+			bpmIndex[facility] = lattice[facility].bpm.offset;
+			const path = bpmPath(-1, facility);
+			const skiplen = lattice[facility].bpm.skip? lattice[facility].bpm.skip.length: 0;
+			const bpmGeometry = new THREE.TubeGeometry(path, lattice[facility].bpm.length-1-skiplen, bpm.radius, 16, (typeof lattice[facility].sections[0].chamber)!='undefined');
+			const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x8000ff, transparent: true, opacity: 0.5,});
+			bpmMesh[facility] = new THREE.Mesh(bpmGeometry, material);
+			facilities[facility].add(bpmMesh[facility]);
+			if (!bpmInited) {bpmInited=true; readBpms(); if ('bpm=')==-1) setInterval(readBpms, 3000);}
+		}
+		console.log('bpmDbg(), bpmMesh:', bpmMesh, bpmMesh[facility]);
+	}
+	init();
+	export function setShrink(v) {console.log(params.highlightShrink, v); params.highlightShrink = v; toggleParam('highlightShrink', v); }
+	window.shrink = setShrink;
+	function mytoggle() {console.log('mytoggle()', this); toggleParam('highlight')==-1? '=hide': ''), this.value);} //
+	function initIndex(lattice) {
+		const index = [];
+		for (let l in lattice.conf.index) {
+			let servicearea = false;
+			for (let i in lattice.servicearea.sections) {
+				for (let j in lattice.servicearea.sections[i].components) {
+					if (lattice.conf.index[l]==lattice.servicearea.sections[i].components[j].name) {servicearea = true;}
+				}
+			}
+			const cmd = 'window.findComponent('+"'"+lattice.conf.index[l]+"'"+', '+(servicearea? 'true': 'false')+')';
+			index.push('<button onclick="'+cmd+'">'+l+'</button>');
+		}
+		$('body').append('<div style="position: absolute; left: 5px; bottom: 5px;">'+index.join(' ')+'</div>');
+	}
+	fetch(latticeFile).then((response) => {return response.json();}).then((flattice) => {
+		lattice = flattice;
+		const blmfacilities = [''];
+		const machineFolder = gui.addFolder('toggle facility');
+		if (Object.keys(lattice).length>1) {
+			const serviceareadefault ='servicearea')>-1 &&'servicearea=')==-1;
+			for (let i in lattice) {
+				if (i=='conf') {
+					params[i] = false;
+					continue;
+				}
+				params[i] ='=hide')==-1 && !(serviceareadefault &&;
+				if (i=='servicearea' && params[i] = false;
+				machineFolder.add(params, i).onChange(mytoggleFacility);
+				if (lattice[i].blm) {blmfacilities.push(i);}
+				console.log('fetch()', latticeFile, i, params[i]);
+				if (lattice[i].bpm && (typeof params.bpm == 'undefined')) {
+					params.bpm ='&bpm')>-1 ||'?bpm')>-1; gui.add(params, 'bpm').onChange(function() {toggleParam('bpm');});
+					if (params.bpm) {
+						params.bpmZoomX = 1;
+						gui.add(params, 'bpmZoomX', 0.1, 10);
+						params.bpmZoomY = 1;
+						gui.add(params, 'bpmZoomY', 0.1, 10);
+						params.bpmReference = '2GeV';
+						gui.add(params, 'bpmReference'); 
+						const ref = $('.name:contains("bpmReference")').parent().select('.widget').children().eq(1);
+						ref.append("<img src='./save.svg' style='height:20px; margin: 2px; cursor: pointer;' onClick='window.bpmreference(\"save\")'>");
+						ref.append("<img src='./open.svg' style='height:20px; margin: 2px; cursor: pointer;' onClick='window.bpmreference(\"open\")'>");
+					}
+				}
+				if (lattice[i].envelope) {envelopeMenu(params, gui, i);}
+			}
+		}
+		if ('servicearea')>-1 &&'servicearea=')==-1) {
+			for (let i in lattice) {
+				if (;
+			}
+		}
+		machineFolder.close();
+		if (Object.keys(blmfacilities).length>1) {, blmfacilities, params, gui, blm, componentCreator);}
+		const highlightFolder = gui.addFolder('highlight components');
+		for (let j in componentCreator) {
+			if (j.indexOf('Update')>-1) continue;
+			const k = 'highlight_'+j;
+			params[k] = typeof highlight == 'object' && highlight.includes(j); highlightFolder.add(params, k).name(j).onChange(mytoggle);
+		}
+		highlightFolder.close();
+		if ('highlight=')>-1) {
+			gui.add(params, 'highlightScale', 0.1, 0.8, 0.01).onFinishChange(event => {toggleParam('highlightScale',event);});
+		}
+		params.gotoAdmin = function() {document.location = './admin.php';};
+		gui.add(params, 'gotoAdmin').name('Admin');
+		$('#ui-id-1').css('z-index', 10000000);
+		if ('highlight=')>-1) {$('<div><iframe style="width: 100%;height:250px;" src="../misc/gauge.html?dark&r2only=1&r=100&ringwidth=58&max=1&throttlingPeriod=50&apply=shrink&val='+params.highlightShrink+'"></iframe></div>').insertBefore('.function');}
+		for (let i in lattice) {if (i!='conf') initLattice(lattice[i].sections, i);}
+			if (vlv) {
+				fetch(conf.vlvSrcUrl, {cache: "no-store"}).then((response) => {return response.text();}).then((data) => {
+					const vlvSrc = data.toUpperCase().substring(14).split(',');
+					for (let i=0; i<vlvs.length; i++) { 
+						for (let j=0; j<vlvSrc.length; j++) {
+							const name = vlvSrc[j].split('/')[3];
+							if (vlvs[i].name.indexOf(name)>-1) {vlvs[i].vlvsrc = vlv; vlvs[i].vlvindex = j;}
+							// conf.bstmap.base
+							if (vlvSrc[j].split('/')[2]=="ACCESS_CONTROL" && i>39 && i<41) console.log('bst', j, vlvSrc[j], conf.bstmap.base, vlvs[i].name);
+							if (vlvSrc[j].split('/')[2].indexOf(conf.bstmap.base)>-1) {
+								if (conf.bstmap[vlvs[i].name] && conf.bstmap[vlvs[i].name].indexOf(vlvSrc[j].split('/')[4])>-1) {vlvs[i].vlvsrc = 'bst'; vlvs[i].vlvindex = j;}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					console.log('vlvSrc', data, vlvSrc, conf.bstmap, vlvs);
+				});
+				setInterval(updateVlv, 1000);
+			}
+		params.goto2D = function() {document.location = './panther2d.php?machine='+params.machine;};
+		gui.add(params, 'goto2D').name('2D');
+		if ('search=')>-1) findComponent('search=')[1].split('&')[0], false);
+		if (lattice.conf && lattice.conf.index) initIndex(lattice);
+		console.log(lattice, facilities);
+		if (ps) {
+			fetch(conf.stateSrcUrl, {cache: "no-store"}).then((response) => {return response.text();}).then((data) => {
+				const statSrc = data.toUpperCase().split(',');
+				for (let j=0; j<statSrc.length; j++) {
+					statSrc[j] = statSrc[j].split('/')[3].replace('PS', '');
+					// if (statSrc[j].split('/')[1]=='POWER_SUPPLY') statSrc[j] = statSrc[j].split('/')[2].replace('PS', '');
+				}
+				for (let i=0; i<status.length; i++) { 
+					for (let j=0; j<statSrc.length; j++) {
+						if (status[i].name.indexOf(statSrc[j])>-1) {status[i].statsrc = ps; status[i].statindex = j;}
+					}
+				}
+				console.log('statSrc', statSrc, status);
+			});
+			setInterval(updateStatus, 1000);
+		}
+	});
+	function showStatus(i, stat) {
+		if (stat == 0 || stat == 'null' || stat == '' || stat == 'ON' || stat == 'RUNNING') {status[i].visible = false;}
+		else {status[i].visible = true; status[i].material.color.set(conf.stateLabelColor[stat]);}
+		// console.log(i, status[i], stat);
+	}
+	function clearStatus() {
+		for (let i=0; i<status.length; i++) {
+			if (status[i].statsrc==ps) showStatus(i, 0);
+		}
+	}
+	function updateStatus() {
+		fetch(conf.stateUrl, {cache: "no-store"}).then((response) => {return response.text();}).then((data) => {
+			// console.log(data);
+			const statVal = data.split(';');
+			for (let i=0; i<status.length; i++) {
+				if (status[i].statsrc==ps) {
+					if (status[i].statindex) showStatus(i, statVal[status[i].statindex]);
+					// if (status[i].name.indexOf('PSCH_B25')>-1) console.log(statVal, status, status[i].name, i, 'statindex: '+status[i].statindex, 'statVal: '+statVal[status[i].statindex]);
+				}
+			}
+			setTimeout(clearStatus, 600);
+		});
+	}
+	for (let i=0; i<envelopeNum; i++) { envelopeSize[i] = 500;}
+	function updateEnvelopeCenters(data) {
+		for (let i=0; i<envelopeMesh.length; i++) {
+			x1 = (i+envelopeOffset) % envelopeNum;
+			x2 = (i+envelopeOffset+1) % envelopeNum;
+			const direction = false; //!envelopeMesh[i].mydirection;
+			const width = envelopeMesh[i].width;
+			envelopeMesh[i].geometry.dispose();
+			const envelopeGeometry = ellipticaltubeGeometry(envelopeFactorX*params.envelopeZoomX*data[0][direction? x2: x1],envelopeFactorY*params.envelopeZoomY*data[1][direction? x2: x1], envelopeFactorX*params.envelopeZoomX*data[0][direction? x1: x2],envelopeFactorY*params.envelopeZoomY*data[1][direction? x1: x2], width);
+			envelopeMesh[i].geometry = envelopeGeometry.clone();
+			envelopeMesh[i].geometry.computeVertexNormals();
+			envelopeMesh[i].geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = true;
+			envelopeMesh[i].geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
+			envelopeMesh[i].geometry.dynamic = true;
+		}
+		data = null;
+	}
+	function envelopeMenu(params, gui, i) {
+		envelopeSrc = lattice[i].envelope.src;
+		params.envelope ='envelope')>-1; 
+		gui.add(params, 'envelope').onChange(function() {toggleParam('envelope');});
+		if ('envelope')>-1) {
+			params.envelopeZoomX = 1;
+			gui.add(params, 'envelopeZoomX', 0.1, 10);
+			params.envelopeZoomY = 1;
+			gui.add(params, 'envelopeZoomY', 0.1, 10);
+			if ('envelope=debug')>-1) {params.envelopeDebug = 0; gui.add(params, 'envelopeDebug', 0, envelopeNum-1, 1);}
+		}
+	}
+	function readEnvelope() {
+		// console.log('envelopeSrc', envelopeSrc);
+		if ('envelope=debug')>-1) {
+			const arr = Array(envelopeNum).fill(0.00001); arr[params.envelopeDebug] = 0.00015;
+			updateEnvelopeCenters([arr, arr]);
+		}
+		else fetch(envelopeSrc)
+			.then((response) => {return response.json();})
+			.then((eventData) => {
+			updateEnvelopeCenters(eventData);
+		});
+	}
+	if ('envelope')>-1) {
+		readEnvelope();
+		setInterval(readEnvelope, 1200);
+	}
+	function appendEnvelope(facility, i, distanceFromBendingCenter, width, size1, size2, tang, direction) {
+		if (tang==-Infinity) tang = -1e12;
+		if (tang==Infinity) tang = 1e12;
+		const x1 = i;
+		const z1 = i+1;
+		const d = distanceFromBendingCenter;
+		const den = Math.sqrt(tang*tang+1) * direction;
+		const envelopeGeometry = ellipticaltubeGeometry(size1,size2, size1,size2, width);
+		envelopeMesh[envelopeIndex] = new THREE.Mesh(envelopeGeometry, envelopeMaterial);
+		envelopeMesh[envelopeIndex].mydirection = direction>0;
+		envelopeMesh[envelopeIndex].width = width;
+		envelopeMesh[envelopeIndex].position.set(lattice[facility].sections[i].start.x + tang*d / den, Ydefault, lattice[facility].sections[i].start.z + d / den);
+		envelopeMesh[envelopeIndex].rotateY(Math.atan(tang));
+		facilities[facility].add(envelopeMesh[envelopeIndex]);
+		envelopeIndex++;
+	}
+	function envelopeAdd(flattice, i, j, facility, direction) {
+		if ('envelope')>-1 && flattice[j].bending && flattice[j].bending.lengthIndex && lattice[facility].envelope) {
+			let envelopePos = 0;
+			const stop = j==23? flattice[23].bending.lengthIndex + envelopeNum: flattice[j].bending.lengthIndex;
+			for (let e=flattice[(j+23)%24].bending.lengthIndex; e<stop; e++) {
+				let envelopeLen = lattice[facility].envelope.length[e % envelopeNum];
+				appendEnvelope(facility, i, envelopePos, envelopeLen*direction, envelopeSize[envelopeCounter+1], envelopeSize[envelopeCounter], tang, direction); 
+				envelopeCounter++;
+				envelopePos += envelopeLen * (e==flattice[j].bending.lengthIndex? 0.5: 1);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// status
+	const normalMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffff66});
+	const sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(300, 10, 10);
+	function appendComponent(facility, i, m, tang, direction, y=Ydefault) {
+		if (tang==-Infinity) tang = -1e12;
+		if (tang==Infinity) tang = 1e12;
+		let magnet = lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].type;
+		if (componentCreator[magnet+'fast'] && (fast==false || fast.indexOf(magnet)>-1)) magnet = magnet+'fast';
+		if (componentCreator[magnet+'premium'] && (premium==false || premium.indexOf(magnet)>-1)) magnet = magnet+'premium';
+		if (componentCreator[magnet]) {
+			const myname = lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].name;
+			const mycomp = componentCreator[magnet](lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m]);
+ = lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].name;
+			const id = extractId(myname);
+			const d = lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].position;
+			const den = Math.sqrt(tang*tang+1) * direction;
+			const offset = lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].offset3d? lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].offset3d: [0, 0, 0];
+			mycomp.position.set(params.highlightScale*(lattice[facility].sections[i].start.x + tang*d / den) + offset[0], y + offset[1], params.highlightScale*(lattice[facility].sections[i].start.z + d / den + offset[2]));
+			if (mycomp.rotatedX) {mycomp.rotateZ(Math.atan(-tang));} else mycomp.rotateY(Math.atan(tang));
+			window.names.push(lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].name);
+			if (lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].devices) {
+				// console.log('mycomp.devices',lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].devices);
+				for (let j=0; j<lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].devices.length; j++)  {names.push(lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].devices[j]); alias.push([myname,lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].devices[j]]);}
+			}
+			if (id[1]) {window.names.push(id[1]); alias.push(id);}
+			mycomp.magnetType = magnet;
+			if (lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].href) mycomp.href = lattice[facility].sections[i].components[m].href;
+			if (highlight.length && !highlight.find(element => element == magnet)) {mycomp.scale.set(params.highlightShrink, params.highlightShrink, params.highlightShrink);}
+			facilities[facility].add(mycomp);
+			if (magnet=='blm') {blmres.append(blm, facility, mycomp, direction);}
+			if (magnet=='vlv') {vlvs.push({'comp': mycomp, 'name':, 'type': magnet});}
+			if (magnet=='bst') {vlvs.push({'comp': mycomp, 'name':, 'type': magnet});}
+			if ( {
+				for (let pi=0; pi<; pi++) {
+					const sphere = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry,normalMaterial.clone());
+					sphere.position.set(params.highlightScale*(lattice[facility].sections[i].start.x + tang*d / den) - 50 + 50*pi, y+350, params.highlightScale*(lattice[facility].sections[i].start.z + d / den));
+ =[pi].replace('PS','') + '_status';
+					sphere.facility = facility;
+					sphere.visible = false;
+					status.push(sphere);
+					facilities[facility].add(sphere);
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				const sphere = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry,normalMaterial.clone());
+				sphere.position.set(params.highlightScale*(lattice[facility].sections[i].start.x + tang*d / den), y+350, params.highlightScale*(lattice[facility].sections[i].start.z + d / den));
+ ='_status';
+				sphere.visible = false;
+				status.push(sphere);
+				facilities[facility].add(sphere);
+			}
+			return mycomp.position;
+		}
+	}
+	function extractId(name) {
+		if (name.indexOf('(')>-1) {
+			let tok = name.split('(');
+			return [tok[0].replaceAll('.','_').replaceAll(' ','_'), tok[1].replaceAll('.','_').replaceAll(' ','_').replaceAll(')','')];
+		}
+		return [name.replaceAll('.','_').replaceAll(' ','_'), false];
+	}
+	function initLattice(flattice, facility) {
+		console.log('initLattice()', flattice, facility);
+		if (lattice[facility] && lattice[facility].bpm) {bpmPoints[facility] = []; bpmSkip[facility] = []; bpmData[facility] = [];}
+		facilities[facility] = new THREE.Object3D();
+		for (let i=0; i<flattice.length; i++) {
+			if ('maxlatticenodes=')>-1 &&'maxlatticenodes=')[1].split('&')[0]<latticenodes) break; else latticenodes++;
+			let j = (i+1) % flattice.length;
+			let k = (i+2) % flattice.length;
+			const y = typeof flattice[j].start.y == 'undefined'? Ydefault: flattice[j].start.y + Ydefault;
+			tang = (flattice[j].start.x-flattice[i].start.x)/(flattice[j].start.z-flattice[i].start.z);
+			const segmentLen = params.highlightScale*Math.sqrt((flattice[j].start.x-flattice[i].start.x)*(flattice[j].start.x-flattice[i].start.x) + (flattice[j].start.z-flattice[i].start.z)*(flattice[j].start.z-flattice[i].start.z));
+			if (flattice[j].chamber && (flattice[j].chamber.type=='chamber' || flattice[j].chamber.type=='wall')) {
+				const chamberMesh = flattice[j].chamber.type=='chamber'? chamber(segmentLen+15): wall(segmentLen+15);
+				const yy = typeof flattice[i].start.y=='undefined' || typeof flattice[j].start.y=='undefined'? Ydefault: params.highlightScale*(flattice[j].start.y+flattice[i].start.y)/2;
+				chamberMesh.position.set(params.highlightScale*(flattice[j].start.x+flattice[i].start.x)/2, yy, params.highlightScale*(flattice[j].start.z+flattice[i].start.z)/2);
+				if (chamberMesh.rotatedX) {chamberMesh.rotateZ(Math.atan(-tang));} else chamberMesh.rotateY(Math.atan(tang));
+				chamberMesh.scale.set(params.highlightScale, 1, params.highlightScale);
+				chamberMesh.magnetType = flattice[j].chamber.type;
+				facilities[facility].add(chamberMesh);
+			}
+			let bendingType = flattice[j].bending? flattice[j].bending.type: '';
+			if (componentCreator[bendingType+'fast'] && (fast==false || fast.indexOf(bendingType)>-1)) bendingType = bendingType+'fast';
+			if (componentCreator[bendingType+'premium'] && (premium==false || premium.indexOf(bendingType)>-1)) bendingType = bendingType+'premium';
+			if ('components=hide')==-1 && flattice[j].bending && bendingType && typeof componentCreator[bendingType]!== 'undefined') {
+				component[dipoleNum] = flattice[j].bending.length? componentCreator[bendingType](flattice[j].bending.length): componentCreator[bendingType]();
+				component[dipoleNum].position.set(params.highlightScale*flattice[j].start.x, y-params.highlightScale*100, params.highlightScale*flattice[j].start.z);
+				component[dipoleNum].name = flattice[j];
+				const a1 = Math.atan2((flattice[j].start.z-flattice[i].start.z), (flattice[j].start.x-flattice[i].start.x));
+				const a2 = Math.atan2((flattice[k].start.z-flattice[j].start.z),(flattice[k].start.x-flattice[j].start.x));
+				alpha = (a1 + a2)/2;
+				if (a1>0 && a2<0) alpha += Math.PI;
+				component[dipoleNum].rotateY(3*Math.PI/2-alpha);
+				if (highlight.length && !highlight.find(element => (element == 'bending' || element == bendingType))) {component[dipoleNum].scale.set(params.highlightShrink, params.highlightShrink, params.highlightShrink);}
+				component[dipoleNum].magnetType = bendingType;
+				facilities[facility].add(component[dipoleNum]);
+				if (1 || flattice[j].bending.label && flattice[j].bending.label=='show') {
+					const div = document.createElement('div');
+					facilities[facility].add(component[dipoleNum]);
+ = 'B' + dipoleNum; // 'B'+i; // flattice[j]; //
+					div.classList = [facility];
+ = 'position: absolute; color: white;';
+					div.innerHTML = flattice[j];
+					document.body.appendChild(div);
+					dipoleNum++;
+				}
+				window.names.push(flattice[j];
+			}
+			const direction = (flattice[j].start.z<flattice[i].start.z /*!= flattice[j].start.x<=flattice[i].start.x*/)? -1: 1;
+			if ('components=hide')==-1) if (flattice[i].components) for (let m=0; m<flattice[i].components.length; m++) {
+				const position = appendComponent(facility, i, m, tang, direction, y);
+				if (flattice[i].components[m].type=='bpm' && ('&bpm')>-1 ||'?bpm')>-1) && lattice[facility].bpm) {
+					if (lattice[facility].bpm.skip && (lattice[facility].bpm.skip.indexOf(flattice[i].components[m].name)>-1)) {bpmSkip[facility].push(bpmPoints[facility].length);}
+					else bpmPoints[facility].push([position.clone(), tang, direction]);
+				}
+			}
+			envelopeAdd(flattice, i, j, facility, direction);
+		}
+		// console.log('vlvs', vlvs); console.log('facilities', facilities, 'names', window.names.join(';'));
+		bpmAdd(facility);
+		facilities[facility].name = facility;
+		scene.add(facilities[facility]);
+		// console.log('mytoggleFacility()', facility, params[facility], 'names', names);
+		if (!params[facility]) mytoggleFacility(false, facility);
+	}
+	function updateVlv() {
+		fetch(conf.vlvUrl, {cache: "no-store"}).then((response) => {return response.text();}).then((data) => {
+			const vlvVal = data.split(';');
+			vlvVal[0] = vlvVal[0].split(':')[1];
+			// console.log(conf.vlvUrl, vlvVal, vlvs);
+			for (let i=0; i<vlvs.length; i++) {
+				if (vlvs[i].type=='vlv') componentCreator.vlvUpdate(vlvs[i].comp, vlvVal[vlvs[i].vlvindex]=='CLOSED'? 'yellow': (vlvVal[vlvs[i].vlvindex]=='OPENED'? 'limegreen': 'grey'));
+				if (vlvs[i].type=='bst') {
+					if (typeof vlvVal[vlvs[i].vlvindex] != 'string') continue;
+					const val = vlvVal[vlvs[i].vlvindex].split(',');
+					componentCreator.bstUpdate(vlvs[i].comp, val[0]=='true'? 'limegreen': (val[1]=='true'? 'yellow': 'grey'));
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	let cameraStep=0;
+	let cameraUpdate = null;
+	let focusPos = new THREE.Vector3();
+	const numSteps = 15;
+	function stepCamera(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) {
+		if (debugcamera) {$('#x').val(x); $('#y').val(y); $('#z').val(z); $('#cx').val(rx); $('#cy').val(ry); $('#cz').val(rz);}
+		camera.position.set(x, y, z);
+		camera.lookAt(rx, ry, rz);
+		//, y, z);
+		// scene.rotation.set(rx, ry, rz);
+		// camera.updateProjectionMatrix();
+		renderer.render(scene, camera);
+		// composer.render();
+	}
+	function updateCameraMatrix() {
+		camera.updateProjectionMatrix();
+		scene.updateMatrixWorld();
+		console.log('updateCameraMatrix()', camera);
+	}
+	function updateCamera() {
+		cameraStep = cameraStep>3? cameraStep-1: (cameraStep>1? cameraStep-0.5: cameraStep-0.25);
+		stepCamera(x2-(x2-x1)*cameraStep/numSteps, y2-(y2-y1)*cameraStep/numSteps, z2-(z2-z1)*cameraStep/numSteps, rx2-(rx2-rx1)*cameraStep/numSteps, ry2-(ry2-ry1)*cameraStep/numSteps, rz2-(rz2-rz1)*cameraStep/numSteps);
+		// console.log('updateCamera()', cameraStep, numSteps, camera.rotation, camera);
+		if (cameraStep<=0) {clearInterval(cameraUpdate); cameraUpdate = null; setTimeout(updateCameraMatrix, 2000);}
+	}
+	export function findComponent(name, outline=true) {
+		if (cameraStep>0) return;
+		if (name==null) name = document.getElementById('sname').value;
+		for (let i=0; i<alias.length; i++) if (alias[i][1]==name) name = alias[i][0];
+		document.getElementById('sname').value = name;
+		outlinePass.selectedObjects = [];
+		for (let facility in scene.children) {
+			for (let comp in scene.children[facility].children) {
+				if (scene.children[facility].children[comp].name==name) {
+					const dist = scene.children[facility].name=='servicearea'? 7000: 1000;
+					facilities[scene.children[facility].name].visible = true; // make facility visible
+					// transverse lil menu and check facility checkbox
+					const menu = $('.allow-touch-styles').children();
+					for (let i=0; i<menu.length; i++) {
+						if (menu[i].innerHTML=='toggle facility') {
+							// $('.allow-touch-styles').children().eq(3).children().eq(4).children().eq(1).children().attr('checked', true)
+							const fac = menu.eq(i+1).children();
+							for (let j=0; j<fac.length; j++) {
+								if (fac.eq(j).children()[0].innerHTML==scene.children[facility].name) {
+									fac.eq(j).children().eq(1).children().attr('checked', true);
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					found = true;
+					const selectedObject = scene.children[facility].children[comp];
+					if (outline) {outlinePass.selectedObjects = [selectedObject]; addSelectedObject(selectedObject);}
+					renderer.render(scene, camera);
+					x1 = camera.position.x;
+					y1 = camera.position.y;
+					z1 = camera.position.z;
+					x2 = scene.children[facility].children[comp].position.x+dist*Math.sign(scene.children[facility].children[comp].position.x);
+					y2 = scene.children[facility].children[comp].position.y+dist*Math.sign(scene.children[facility].children[comp].position.y);
+					z2 = scene.children[facility].children[comp].position.z+dist*Math.sign(scene.children[facility].children[comp].position.z);
+					console.log("findComponent()", name, selectedObject, x1, x2, scene.children[facility].children[comp].position, scene.children[facility]);
+					const lookat = (new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -20000)).applyQuaternion(camera.quaternion).add(camera.position); //
+					rx1 = lookat.x;
+					ry1 = lookat.y;
+					rz1 = lookat.z;
+					rx2 = scene.children[facility].children[comp].position.x;
+					ry2 = scene.children[facility].children[comp].position.y;
+					rz2 = scene.children[facility].children[comp].position.z;
+					if (debugcamera) {$('#x').val(x1); $('#y').val(y1); $('#z').val(z1); $('#cx').val(rx1); $('#cy').val(ry1); $('#cz').val(rz1);}
+					cameraStep = numSteps;
+					updateCamera();
+					if (cameraUpdate == null) cameraUpdate = setInterval(updateCamera, 100);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	window.findComponent = findComponent;
+	$(function() {$(".sname").autocomplete({source: names, close: function(event, ui) {findComponent($('#sname').val()); }, select: function(event, ui) {findComponent(ui.item.value); return false;}});});
+	function addSelectedObject(object) {
+		// console.log("addSelectedObject()", object, outlinePass.selectedObjects);
+		selectedObjects = [];
+		selectedObjects.push(object);
+	}
+	function checkOutline(selectedObject) {
+		raycaster.setFromCamera(pointer, camera);
+		addSelectedObject(selectedObject);
+		outlinePass.selectedObjects = selectedObjects;
+	}
+	if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox/63')==-1) document.onclick = handleMouseMove;
+	function handleMouseMove(event) {
+		let j=1;
+		const debug ='debug=')>-1?'debug=')[1].split('&')[0].split(','): '';
+		if (debug.indexOf(''+j++)>-1) console.log('handleMouseMove(), event',event);
+		pointer.x = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
+		pointer.y = - ((28+event.clientY) / (window.innerHeight)) * 2 + 1;
+		if (debug.indexOf(''+j++)>-1) console.log('handleMouseMove(), pointer',pointer);
+		raycaster.setFromCamera(pointer, camera);
+		const intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(scene.children);
+		if (debug.indexOf(''+j++)>-1) console.log('handleMouseMove(), intersects',intersects);
+		window.tooltipObject = tooltipObject = null;
+		document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src = document.getElementById('compdb').href = '';
+		document.getElementById('compdb').style.display = 'inline';
+		document.getElementById('tooltip').style.display = 'none';
+		document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').width = '500px';
+		if (debug.indexOf(''+j++)>-1) console.log('handleMouseMove(), tooltipObject',tooltipObject);
+		if (!found) outlinePass.selectedObjects = selectedObjects = [];
+		found = false;
+		if (typeof intersects[0] == 'undefined') return;
+		let selectedObject = intersects[0].object.parent;
+		for (let i=intersects.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+			if (debug.indexOf(''+j++)>-1) console.log('handleMouseMove(), i',i);
+			let visible = true;
+			let tobj = intersects[i].object;
+			//
+			while (tobj !== scene) {
+				if (tobj.visible == false) visible = false; 
+				tobj = tobj.parent;
+			}
+			if (debug.indexOf(''+j++)>-1) console.log('handleMouseMove(), tobj',tobj);
+			if (visible == false) continue;
+			// console.log("handleMouseMove()", event, intersects[i].object);
+			if (intersects[i] && intersects[i] continue;
+			if (debug.indexOf(''+j++)>-1) console.log('handleMouseMove(), intersects[i].object',intersects[i].object);
+			if (intersects[i].object.parent.href) {
+				window.tooltipObject = tooltipObject = intersects[i].object.parent;
+				document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src = demo? './magnetdemo.html?'+intersects[i].object.parent.href.split('?')[1]: intersects[i].object.parent.href;
+				document.getElementById('compdb').style.display = 'none';
+			}
+			else if (intersects[i].object.href) {
+				window.tooltipObject = tooltipObject = intersects[i].object;
+				document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src = demo? './magnetdemo.html?'+intersects[i].object.href.split('?')[1]: intersects[i].object.href;
+				document.getElementById('compdb').href = conf.compdb + intersects[i];
+				document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML = intersects[i];
+			}
+			else if (intersects[i].object.magnetType) {
+				window.tooltipObject = tooltipObject = intersects[i].object;
+				document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src = conf.tooltipApp+'?s='+(demo? 'knobdemo': intersects[i].object.magnetType.replace('fast', '').replace('premium', ''))+'&param='+intersects[i];
+				document.getElementById('compdb').href = conf.compdb+intersects[i];
+				document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML = intersects[i];
+			}
+			else if (intersects[i].object.parent.magnetType) {
+				window.tooltipObject = tooltipObject = intersects[i].object.parent;
+				document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src = conf.tooltipApp+'?s='+(demo? 'knobdemo': intersects[i].object.parent.magnetType.replace('fast', '').replace('premium', ''))+'&param='+intersects[i];
+				document.getElementById('compdb').href = conf.compdb+intersects[i];
+				document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML = intersects[i];
+			}
+			else if (intersects[i].object.parent.parent.magnetType) {
+				document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').height = '320px';
+				window.tooltipObject = tooltipObject = intersects[i].object.parent.parent;
+				selectedObject = intersects[i].object.parent.parent;
+				document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src = conf.tooltipAppNormal+'?s='+(demo? 'knobdemo': intersects[i].object.parent.parent.magnetType.replace('fast', '').replace('premium', ''))+'&param='+intersects[i];
+				document.getElementById('compdb').href = conf.compdb+intersects[i];
+				document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML = intersects[i];
+			}
+			else {
+				window.tooltipObject = tooltipObject = intersects[i].object.parent;
+				document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src = conf.tooltipApp+'?s=label&param='+intersects[i];
+				document.getElementById('compdb').href = conf.compdb+intersects[i];
+				document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML = intersects[i];
+			}
+			if (debug.indexOf(''+j++)>-1) console.log('handleMouseMove(), src',document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src, ', href',document.getElementById('compdb').href);
+			const name = document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML;
+			document.getElementById('compdb').removeAttribute("disabled");
+			if (name.indexOf('_B')>-1 || name.indexOf('_P')>-1 || (name.indexOf('_S')>-1 && name.indexOf('_SFEL')==-1 && name.indexOf('_SP')==-1 && name.indexOf('_SC')==-1)) document.getElementById('compdb').setAttribute("disabled", true);
+			document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML = document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML.replace('RTBPM','BPM');
+			document.getElementById('compdb').href = document.getElementById('compdb').href.replace('RTBPM','BPM').split(' ')[0].split('%')[0];
+			if (document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src.indexOf('?s=beamline')>-1) {
+				document.getElementById('compdb').href = '';
+				document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML = document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML + ' in ADAM Beamwatch';
+			}
+		}
+		// console.log('handleMouseMove()', intersects, document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src);
+		if (selectedObject.parent && selectedObject.parent.type && selectedObject.parent.type == "Scene") return; // avoid selecting everything
+		checkOutline(selectedObject);
+		renderer.render(scene, camera);
+		if (debug.indexOf(''+j++)>-1) console.log('handleMouseMove(), compdb',document.getElementById("compdb"));
+		document.getElementById("compdb").addEventListener("click", compLink); //
+	}
+	animate();
+	function moveCamera() {
+		const cameraPos = ('camera=')>-1)?'camera=')[1].split('&')[0].split(','): [-22000, 7200, 70000, -0.1, -0.3, -0.03];
+		if (debugcamera) {$('#x').val(camera.position.x); $('#y').val(camera.position.y); $('#z').val(camera.position.z); $('#cx').val(camera.rotation.x); $('#cy').val(camera.rotation.y); $('#cz').val(camera.rotation.z);}
+		if (cameraStarted) {if (debugcamera) setUrl('camera', camera.position.x+','+camera.position.y+','+camera.position.z+','+camera.rotation.x+','+camera.rotation.y+','+camera.rotation.z); return;}
+		console.log('moveCamera()', camera.rotation);
+		cameraStarted = true;
+		camera.position.set(cameraPos[0]*params.highlightScale, cameraPos[1]*params.highlightScale, cameraPos[2]*params.highlightScale);
+		camera.rotation.set(cameraPos[3],cameraPos[4],cameraPos[5]);
+	}
+	function init() {
+		scene = new THREE.Scene();
+		scene.background = new THREE.Color('background=')>-1?'background=')[1].split('&')[0]: 0x777777);
+		const canvas = document.querySelector('#c');
+		renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: false, canvas, logarithmicDepthBuffer: true});
+		renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio);
+		renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
+		document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement);
+		const fov ='fov=')>-1?'fov=')[1].split('&')[0]-0: 45;
+		camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(fov, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.001, 1000000);
+		// controls
+		if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) controls = new MapControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
+		else {
+			controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
+			controls.mouseButtons.LEFT = THREE.MOUSE.PAN;
+			controls.mouseButtons.RIGHT = THREE.MOUSE.ROTATE;
+			controls.keyPanSpeed = 1000;
+		}
+		console.log('controls', controls);
+		//
+		//
+		//
+		// controls.enableDamping = true;
+		controls.enableDamping = false; // an animation loop is required when either damping or auto-rotation are enabled
+		controls.dampingFactor = 0.1;
+		controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
+		controls.minDistance = 0.01;
+		controls.maxDistance = 300000;
+		controls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI / 2;
+		// controls.update();
+		window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize);
+		camera.updateMatrixWorld(true);
+		const dirLight1 = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 3);
+		dirLight1.position.set(1, 1, 1);
+		scene.add(dirLight1);
+		const dirLight2 = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0x888888, 3);
+		dirLight2.position.set(-1, -1, -1);
+		scene.add(dirLight2);
+		const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 2);
+		scene.add(ambientLight);
+		// postprocessing (derived from
+		composer = new EffectComposer(renderer);
+		const renderPass = new RenderPass(scene, camera);
+		composer.addPass(renderPass);
+		outlinePass = new OutlinePass(new THREE.Vector2(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight), scene, camera);
+		outlinePass.edgeStrength = 100;
+		outlinePass.edgeGlow = 0.2;
+		outlinePass.edgeThickness = 6;
+		outlinePass.pulsePeriod = 2;
+		outlinePass.visibleEdgeColor.set('#700080');
+		outlinePass.hiddenEdgeColor.set('#400050');
+		composer.addPass(outlinePass);
+		console.log('scene', scene, 'controls', controls, 'camera', camera);
+	}
+	function onWindowResize() {
+		camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
+		camera.updateProjectionMatrix();
+		renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
+	}
+	function animate() {
+		requestAnimationFrame(animate);
+		if ('stat')>-1) stats.begin();
+		moveCamera();
+		// controls.update(); // only required if controls.enableDamping = true, or if controls.autoRotate = true
+		render();
+		composer.render();
+		if ('stat')>-1) stats.end();
+	}
+	function render() {
+		const width = window.innerWidth, height = window.innerHeight;
+		const widthHalf = width / 2, heightHalf = height / 2;
+		if (dipoleNum>0) renderer.render(scene, camera);
+		for (let dipoleIndex=0; dipoleIndex<dipoleNum; dipoleIndex++) if (typeof component[dipoleIndex] != 'undefined' && document.getElementById('B'+(dipoleIndex))) {
+			const pos = component[dipoleIndex].position.clone();
+			pos.project(camera);
+			const frustum = new THREE.Frustum();
+			const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4().multiplyMatrices(camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse);
+			frustum.setFromProjectionMatrix(matrix);
+			const dist = Math.abs(camera.position.x-component[dipoleIndex].position.x)+Math.abs(camera.position.y-component[dipoleIndex].position.y)+Math.abs(camera.position.z-component[dipoleIndex].position.z);
+			const facility = document.getElementById('B'+(dipoleIndex)).className;
+			document.getElementById('B'+(dipoleIndex)).style.display = (frustum.containsPoint(component[dipoleIndex].position) && facilities[facility].visible && dist>140 && dist<40000*params.highlightScale)? 'block': 'none';
+			document.getElementById('B'+(dipoleIndex)) = (-(pos.y * heightHalf) + heightHalf - 20)+'px';
+			document.getElementById('B'+(dipoleIndex)).style.left = ((pos.x * widthHalf ) + widthHalf + 15)+'px';
+		}
+		blmres.render(blm, params, componentCreator, camera, THREE);
+		if (typeof tooltipObject !== 'undefined' && tooltipObject != null) {
+			let pos2 = window.tooltipObject.position.clone();
+			pos2.project(camera);
+			const frustum = new THREE.Frustum();
+			const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4().multiplyMatrices(camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse);
+			frustum.setFromProjectionMatrix(matrix);
+			document.getElementById('tooltip').style.display = (frustum.containsPoint(tooltipObject.position))? 'block': 'none';
+			let top = (-(pos2.y * heightHalf) + heightHalf );
+			if (window.innerHeight - top < 400) top = window.innerHeight - 400;
+			document.getElementById('tooltip') = top+'px';
+			document.getElementById('tooltip').style.left = ((pos2.x * widthHalf ) + widthHalf + 25)+'px';
+		}
+	}
+	function updateUrl(param, value) {
+		let url = document.location.href;
+		if (url.indexOf(param)==-1) url = url + (url.indexOf('?')==-1? '?': '&') + param + '=' + value;
+		else {
+			const a = url.split(param+'=');
+			const b = a[1].split('&');
+			url = a[0] + param + '=' + value + (b.length>1? '&' + b[1]: '');
+		}
+		window.history.pushState({"html":'panther.php',"pageTitle":'PAnTHer'},"", url);
+	}
+	function mytoggleFacility(value, facility=false) {
+		if (!facility) facility =;
+		console.log('facilities', facilities, facility);
+		facilities[facility].visible = value;
+	}
+	export function toggleMachine(machine) {
+		if ('machine=')==-1) document.location = document.location.href + (document.location.href.indexOf('?')==-1? '?': '&') + 'machine='+machine;
+		let search ='machine=')[1].split('&')[0];
+		document.location = document.location.href.replace('machine='+search, 'machine='+machine);
+	}
+	export function toggleParam(name, value) {
+		if (name=='backgroundColor') {scene.background = new THREE.Color(params.backgroundColor);return;}
+		const urlparam = {};
+		let search ='?', '').split('&');
+		if (search[0]=='') search.splice(0,1);
+		for (let i=0; i<search.length; i++) {const s = search[i].split('='); urlparam[s[0]] = s.length>1? s[1]: undefined;}
+		if (name.indexOf('highlight_')>-1) {
+			const hname = name.split('ighlight_')[1];
+			if (!highlight.includes(hname)) highlight.push(hname); else highlight.splice(highlight.indexOf(hname), 1);
+			urlparam.highlight = highlight.join(','); 
+			search=[];
+			for (let i in urlparam) search.push(i+(typeof urlparam[i]!='undefined'? '='+urlparam[i]: ''));
+		}
+		else if (name.indexOf('highlight')>-1) {
+			if (name=='highlightShrink') {
+				updateUrl(name, params.highlightShrink);
+				for (let i=0; i<scene.children.length; i++) {
+					for (let j=0; j<scene.children[i].children.length; j++) {
+						if (!highlight.find(element => element == scene.children[i].children[j].magnetType)) 
+							if (scene.children[i].children[j].magnetType != 'chamber') scene.children[i].children[j].scale.set(params.highlightShrink, params.highlightShrink, params.highlightShrink);
+					}
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+			urlparam[name] =value;
+			search=[];
+			for (let i in urlparam) search.push(i+(typeof urlparam[i]!='undefined'? '='+urlparam[i]: ''));
+		}
+		else if (search.includes(name)) {
+			search.splice(search.indexOf(name), 1);
+		}
+		else {
+			search.push(name);
+		}
+		if (search.indexOf("highlight=")>-1) {for (let j=search.length-1; j>=0; j--) if (search[j].indexOf("highlight")>-1) search.splice(j, 1);}
+		if (name=='mode') { 
+			if (search.indexOf(value)>-1 || (value=='plus' && search.indexOf('fast')==-1 && search.indexOf('premium')==-1)) return;
+			search = search.filter(item => item !== 'fast' && item !== 'premium' && item !== 'mode');
+			if (value!='plus') search.push(value);
+		}
+		const res = search.join('&');
+		document.location = document.location.href.split('?')[0]+(res.length? '?'+res: '');
+	}
+	window.mytoggle = toggleParam;
+	if (demo) {
+		$('.lil-gui').css({'top': '120px', 'right': '1px'});
+		$( "body" ).append('<div class="lil-gui allow-touch-styles root autoPlace" style="top: 0px;right: 1px;height: 120px;background-color: black;"></div>');
+	}
+	const sstring = $('.controller.string').children().eq(1).children().eq(0);
+	sstring.attr('id', 'sname');
+	sstring.attr('name', 'sname');
+	sstring.addClass("form-control sname");
+	if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) gui.close();
diff --git a/panther.php b/panther.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..968f271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/panther.php
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+	$machine = empty($_REQUEST['machine'])? 'elettra': strtolower($_REQUEST['machine']);
+	$mode = isset($_REQUEST['fast'])? 'fast': (isset($_REQUEST['premium'])? 'premium': '');
+	$mode = !empty($_REQUEST['fast'])? 'all': $mode;
+    file_put_contents('./logs'.date('Y').'.txt', date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'].' - '.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].PHP_EOL , FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+	<head>
+		<title>PAnTHer</title>
+		<meta charset="utf-8">
+		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
+		<!--
+			Firefox seems to not like having scripts that come in before the importmap
+		-->
+		<script type="importmap">
+			{
+				"imports": {
+					"three": "./threejs/three.module.js",
+					"three/addons/": "./threejs/",
+					"components/": "./components/src/",
+					"bundle": "./components/bundle_<?php echo $machine.$mode;?>.js"
+				}
+			}
+		</script>
+		<script>;
+			const client = '<?php echo gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);?>'.split('.')[0];
+			const fermi = ['do','re','mi','fa','sol','la','si'].indexOf(client)>-1? '?machine=fermi': '';
+			if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox/63')>-1) document.location = './ff63/'+fermi;
+		</script>
+		<style>
+			body {
+				background-color: #333333;
+				color: #000;
+				margin: 0px;
+			}
+			a {
+				color: #f00;
+			}
+			#c {
+				width: 100%;
+				height: 100%;
+				display: block;
+			}
+			.blm {
+				display: none;
+			}
+			.blmVal {
+				background-color: white;
+				padding: 2px;
+				color: black;
+				border-radius: 5px;
+			}
+		</style>
+		<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/jquery/jquery-ui.min.css">
+		<script src="../lib/jquery/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+		<script src="../lib/jquery/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+	</head>
+	<body style="overflow: hidden;">
+		<canvas id="c" style="margin-top: -15px;"></canvas>
+		<div id="demo" style="position: absolute; display: none; top: 0px; right: -8px; z-index: 10000;" <?php
+			 if ($_REQUEST['machine']=='elettra2') echo 'title="click me for Lattice source" onClick="document.location=\'\';"'; ?>>
+				 <svg width="150px" height="150px" viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="icon" version="1.1" xmlns="">
+			<path d="M0 0 h70 l30 30 v70 z" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red"></path>
+			<text transform="rotate(45)" x="43" y="-30" font-weight="bold" fill="white">DEMO</text>
+			<text transform="rotate(45)" x="14" y="-6" font-size="70%" fill="white"> all numbers are random</text>
+		</svg></div>
+		<script type="module" src="./panther.js"></script>
+		<div id='tooltip' style='position:absolute; display:none; z-index: 100000000;'>
+			<div style='width: 490px; background-color: white; padding:5px; border-width: 3px; border-color: blue; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px;'><button id='compdb'>find component <span id='compname'/> on components DB</button></div>
+			<iframe id='tooltipFrame' style="border:0; position:absolute; background:transparent; " width="240px" height="220px" src=''></iframe>
+		</div>
+		<div id='application' style='display:none; position:absolute; left:0; top:0; bottom:0; width:22%; max-width:600px; z-index: 10000;'>
+			<iframe id='applicationFrame' style="border:0; position:absolute; width: 100%; height: 200px;" src=''></iframe>
+		</div>
+		<div id='notice' style='display:<?php echo $_REQUEST['machine']=='elettra2'? 'block': 'none';?>; position:absolute; right:5px; bottom:5px; max-width:600px; z-index: 10000;'>
+			Data source <a href=''></a>
+		</div>
+	</body>
diff --git a/panther2d.js b/panther2d.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f5f94a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/panther2d.js
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+// jshint esversion: 6 
+	let gui = new lil.GUI();
+	let hideTimeout = false;
+	let svg;
+	let zoom = 1;
+	let oldZoom = 1;
+	let panZoomPanther;
+	let foundAnimate = 1;
+	let foundScale = 1.05;
+	let myPanZoomTimer = null;
+	let historytime = + new Date();
+	let fel1 = false;
+	let fel2 = false;
+	const panZoomTime = 500;
+	const facilities = [''];
+	const names = [];
+	const serviceareanames = [];
+	const alias = [];
+	let maxZoom = 230;
+	const status = [];
+	const point = {x: 0, y: 0};
+	const pa ='?','').split('&');
+	const parameters = {};
+	const state ='ps')>-1;
+	const vlv ='vlv')>-1;
+	const vlvs = [];
+	for (let i=0; i<pa.length; i++) {const p = pa[i].split('='); parameters[p[0]] = p[1];}
+	const machineCaseSensitive ='machine=')>-1?'machine=')[1].split('&')[0]: 'elettra';
+	const machine = machineCaseSensitive.toLowerCase();
+	// -> 5 FEL1, 6 FEL2
+	if (machine.indexOf('fermi')>-1) {
+		fetch(conf.rchan+'srv-tango-srf-01:20000/f/access_control/safety/Undulator_access_state').then((response) => {return response.json();}).then((fel) => {
+			fel1 = fel[5] == 1;
+			fel2 = fel[6] == 1;
+		});
+	}
+	const latticeFile = document.location.href.split('?')[0].split('/').slice(0,-1).join('/')+'/'+machine+'_lattice.json';
+	const params = {machine: machineCaseSensitive.toLowerCase(), search: '', backgroundColor: '#333333'};
+	gui.title('PAnTHer - controls');
+	// if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox/63')>-1) {$( "body" ).append('<button id="starter" style="align: center;height: 500px; width: 95%;background-color: #449944; font-size: 100px;" onClick="mystart()">START</button>');}
+	function mystart() {
+		panZoomPanther = svgPanZoom('#panther', {beforeZoom: myZoom, fit: false, contain: false});
+		$("#sname").on("keydown", searchText);
+		$('#starter').hide();
+	}
+	// Polyfill for parentNode.replaceChildren()
+	if (typeof Element.prototype.replaceChildren !== 'function') {
+		Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, 'replaceChildren', {
+			configurable: true,
+			writable: true,
+			value: function replaceChildren(...nodes) {
+				// Remove all existing child nodes
+				while (this.firstChild) {
+					this.removeChild(this.firstChild);
+				}
+				// Append new DOM objects
+				this.append(...nodes);
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	function toggleMachine(machine) {
+		document.location = document.location.href.split('?')[0] + '?machine='+machine;
+		/*if ('machine=')==-1) document.location = document.location.href + (document.location.href.indexOf('?')==-1? '?': '&') + 'machine='+machine;
+		let search ='machine=')[1].split('&')[0];
+		document.location = document.location.href.replace('machine='+search, 'machine='+machine);*/
+	}
+	function compLink(event) {
+		console.log('compLink()', event, document.getElementById("compdb").href);
+"compdb").href, '_blank').focus();
+		event.stopPropagation();
+		return false;
+	}
+	function searchText(e) {
+		console.log('searchText()', e, e.keyCode || e.which, $("#sname").val().toUpperCase().replace('.','_'));
+		if (e.keyCode == 13) findComponent($("#sname").val().toUpperCase().replace('.','_'));
+		// return -1;
+	}
+	if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox/63')==-1) {gui.add(params, 'machine', conf.machineList).onChange(function() {toggleMachine(params.machine);});}
+	gui.add(params, 'search');
+	gui.addColor(params, 'backgroundColor').onChange(function() {toggleParam('backgroundColor');});
+	params.vlv ='vlv')>-1;
+	gui.add(params, 'vlv').name('vlv & bst').onChange(function() {toggleParam('vlv');});
+ ='ps')>-1;
+	gui.add(params, 'ps').onChange(function() {toggleParam('ps');});
+	const sstring = $('.controller.string').children().eq(1).children().eq(0);
+	sstring.attr('id', 'sname');
+	sstring.attr('name', 'sname');
+	sstring.addClass("form-control sname");
+	function findComponent(name) {
+		let servicearea = false;
+		console.log('lattice', lattice);
+		if (lattice.servicearea) for (let i in lattice.servicearea.sections) {
+			for (let j in lattice.servicearea.sections[i].components) {
+				if (name.replace('.', '_')==lattice.servicearea.sections[i].components[j].name.replace('.', '_')) {servicearea = true;}
+				for (let k in lattice.servicearea.sections[i].components[j].devices) {
+					if (name==lattice.servicearea.sections[i].components[j].devices[k]) {servicearea = true;}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		console.trace(name, servicearea,'servicearea'),'search='+name)); // return;
+		if ((servicearea !='servicearea')>-1) &&'search='+name)==-1) {
+			document.location = './panther2d.php?machine='+machine+'&search='+name+(servicearea? '&servicearea': '');
+		}
+		if (name==null) name = document.getElementById('sname').value;
+		for (let i=0; i<alias.length; i++) if (alias[i][1]==name) name = alias[i][0];
+		document.getElementById('sname').value = name;
+		if (typeof $('#'+name)[0] == 'undefined') return;
+		console.log(name, window.innerWidth/2, $('#'+name)[0].getCTM().e, $('#'+name)[0].getCTM().f);
+		// panZoomPanther.zoomAtPoint(10, {x: window.innerWidth/2 - $('#'+name)[0].getCTM().e, y: window.innerHeight/2 - $('#'+name)[0].getCTM().f})
+		panZoomPanther.zoom(10);
+		// leave a delay between zoom and pan
+		setTimeout(mypan, 1200, name);
+	}
+	function mypan(name) {
+		$('.label').show(); 
+		const x = window.innerWidth/2 - $('#'+name)[0].getCTM().e + panZoomPanther.getPan().x;
+		const y = window.innerHeight/2 - $('#'+name)[0].getCTM().f + panZoomPanther.getPan().y;
+		const m = $("svg")[0].getTransformToElement($('#'+name)[0]);
+		panZoomPanther.pan({x: x, y: y});
+		setTimeout(pinhide, 100, name,  $('#'+name).eq(0).attr('transform'));
+	}
+	function pinhide(name, transform) {
+		console.log(foundAnimate, foundScale);
+		foundAnimate *= foundScale;
+		if (foundAnimate>1.5) foundScale = 0.95;
+		if (foundAnimate<1) {foundScale = 1.05; foundAnimate = 1;} else setTimeout(pinhide, 100, name, transform);
+		$('#'+name).eq(0).attr('transform',transform+',scale('+foundAnimate+')');
+	}
+	// $(function() {$(".sname").autocomplete({source: names, close: function(event, ui) {findComponent($('#sname').val()); }, select: function(event, ui) {findComponent(ui.item.value); return false;}});});
+	$(function() {$(".sname").autocomplete({source: names, select: function(event, ui) {findComponent(ui.item.value); return false;}});});
+	function toggleParam(name) {
+		if (name=='backgroundColor') {$('body').css('backgroundColor', params.backgroundColor); return;}
+		const urlparam = {};
+		let search ='?', '').split('&');
+		if (search[0]=='') search.splice(0,1);
+		const i=search.indexOf(name);
+		if (i==-1) search.push(name); else search.splice(i,1);
+		const res = search.join('&');
+		document.location = document.location.href.split('?')[0]+(res.length? '?'+res: '');
+	}
+	async function subscribe() {
+		let response = await fetch("./misc/talk.php?read");
+		if (response.status == 502) {
+			await subscribe();
+		} else if (response.status != 200) {
+			// An error - let's show it
+			mylog('subscribe() ERROR ', response.statusText);
+			// Reconnect in one second
+			await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
+			await subscribe();
+		} else {
+			// Get and show the message
+			let message = await response.text();
+			mylog('subscribe()', message);
+			highlightobjects(message);
+			// Call subscribe() again to get the next message
+			await subscribe();
+		}
+	}
+	// subscribe();
+	function mylog(...args) {
+		if ('debug')>-1) $('#debug').html($('#debug').html()+JSON.stringify(args).replaceAll(':',': ').replaceAll(',',', ')+'\n');
+		else {console.trace.apply(null, args);}
+	}
+	function initIndex(lattice) {
+		const index = [];
+		for (let l in lattice.conf.index) {
+			if (l=='start') continue;
+			const cmd = "findComponent('"+lattice.conf.index[l].replace('.','_')+"')";
+			index.push('<button onclick="'+cmd+'">'+l+'</button>');
+		}
+		$('body').append('<div style="position: absolute; left: 5px; bottom: 5px;">'+index.join(' ')+'</div>');
+	}
+	function init() {
+		fetch(latticeFile).then((response) => {return response.json();}).then((flattice) => {
+			lattice = flattice;
+			if (Object.keys(lattice).length>0) {
+				for (let i in lattice) {if (i!='conf') facilities.push(i);}
+				for (let i in lattice) {
+					if (i == 'conf') continue;
+					// logic XOR
+					if (('servicearea')==-1) != (i=='servicearea')) initLattice(lattice[i].sections, i); else initSearch(lattice[i].sections, i);
+				}
+				if ('servicearea')>-1) initSearch(lattice.servicearea.sections, 'servicearea');
+				if (typeof blm != 'undefined') blmMenu(lattice, facilities, params);
+				if (typeof bpmData != 'undefined') bpmMenu(lattice, facilities, params);
+				params.gotoAdmin = function() {document.location = './admin.php';};
+				gui.add(params, 'gotoAdmin').name('Admin');
+				params.goto3D =  function() {document.location = './panther.php?machine='+params.machine;}; gui.add(params, 'goto3D').name('3D');
+				if (lattice.conf && lattice.conf.index) initIndex(lattice);
+			}
+			$('.scale').attr('transform', "scale(2)");
+			// {$('<div><iframe style="width: 100%;height:250px;" src="../misc/gauge.html?dark&r1only=1&r=100&max=360&throttlingPeriod=50&apply=rotate&val='+0+'"></iframe></div>').insertBefore('.function');}
+			// panZoomPanther = svgPanZoom('#panther', {beforeZoom: myZoom, fit: false, contain: false}); //
+			// if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|Mac|Macintosh|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
+			if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
+				panZoomPanther = svgPanZoom('#panther', {
+					zoomEnabled: true,
+					controlIconsEnabled: false,
+					fit: 0,
+					center: 1,
+					maxZoom: maxZoom*2,
+					customEventsHandler: eventsHandler,
+					//beforeZoom: myZoom,
+				});
+			}
+			else {
+				panZoomPanther = svgPanZoom('#panther', {
+					zoomEnabled: true,
+					zoomScaleSensitivity: 0.3,
+					controlIconsEnabled: false,
+					fit: false,
+					center: false,
+					minZoom: 0.2,
+					maxZoom: maxZoom,
+					beforePan: myPan,
+					beforeZoom: myZoom,
+				});
+			}
+			if ('debug')>-1) {
+				$('#tooltip').show();
+				$('#tooltip').css('width', '100%');
+				$('#tooltip').html('<textarea id="debug" style="height: 100px; width:100%;"></textarea>');
+			}
+			let pan = [window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/2];
+			if ('pan=')>-1) pan ='pan=')[1].split('&')[0].split(',');
+			if ('search=')>-1) findComponent('search=')[1].split('&')[0]);
+			else {
+				const zoom ='zoom=')>-1?'zoom=')[1].split('&')[0]-0: 0.5;
+				panZoomPanther.zoom(zoom);
+				setTimeout(panZoomPanther.pan, 600, {x: pan[0], y: pan[1]});
+			}
+			if (state) {
+				fetch(conf.stateSrcUrl, {cache: "no-store"}).then((response) => {return response.text();}).then((data) => {
+					const statSrc = data.toUpperCase().split('.').join('_').split(',');
+					for (let j=0; j<statSrc.length; j++) {
+						// if (statSrc[j].split('/')[2]=='POWER_SUPPLY' || statSrc[j].split('/')[2]=='INJECTION' || statSrc[j].split('/')[2]=='EXTRACTION') 
+							statSrc[j] = statSrc[j].split('/')[3].replace('PS', '');
+					}
+					for (let i=0; i<status.length; i++) { 
+							if (status[i].name.indexOf('KICK')>-1) console.log('KICK state', i, status[i].name, statSrc);
+						for (let j=0; j<statSrc.length; j++) {
+							if (status[i].name.indexOf(statSrc[j])>-1) {status[i].statsrc = state; status[i].statindex = j;}
+						}
+					}
+					// console.log('statSrc', data, statSrc, status);
+				});
+				setInterval(updateStatus, 1000);
+			}
+			if (vlv) {
+				for (let i in conf.bstmap) { if (i.indexOf('.')>-1) conf.bstmap[i.replace('.','_')] = conf.bstmap[i];}
+				fetch(conf.vlvSrcUrl, {cache: "no-store"}).then((response) => {return response.text();}).then((data) => {
+					const vlvSrc = data.toUpperCase().substring(14).split(',');
+					for (let i=0; i<vlvs.length; i++) { 
+						for (let j=0; j<vlvSrc.length; j++) {
+							const name = vlvSrc[j].split('/')[3].replace('.','_');
+							if (vlvs[i].name.replace('.','_').indexOf(name)>-1) {vlvs[i].vlvsrc = state; vlvs[i].vlvindex = j; vlvs[i].type = 'vlv';}
+							if (vlvSrc[j].split('/')[2].indexOf(conf.bstmap.base)>-1) {
+								if (conf.bstmap[vlvs[i].name] && conf.bstmap[vlvs[i].name].indexOf(vlvSrc[j].split('/')[4])>-1) {
+									vlvs[i].vlvsrc = 'bst'; vlvs[i].vlvindex = j; vlvs[i].type = 'bst';
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					//console.log('vlvSrc', data, vlvSrc, vlvs);
+				});
+				setInterval(updateVlv, 1000);
+			}
+			$("#sname").on("keydown", searchText);
+		});
+	}
+	function showStatus(i, stat) {
+		if (stat == 0 || stat == 'null' || stat == '' || stat == 'ON' || stat == 'RUNNING' || (!fel1 && $('#'+status[i].name)[0].classList[0]=='fel1') || (!fel2 && $('#'+status[i].name)[0].classList[0]=='fel2')) {$('#'+status[i].name).hide();}
+		else {$('#'+status[i].name).show(); document.getElementById(status[i].name).style.fill = conf.stateLabelColor[stat];}
+		// console.log(i, status[i], stat);
+	}
+	function clearStatus() {
+		$('.ps').hide();
+	}
+	function updateStatus() {
+		fetch(conf.stateUrl, {cache: "no-store"}).then((response) => {return response.text();}).then((data) => {
+			const statVal = data.split(';');
+			// console.log(conf.stateUrl, statVal, status);
+			for (let i=0; i<status.length; i++) {
+				if (status[i].statsrc==state) {
+					if (status[i].statindex) showStatus(i, statVal[status[i].statindex]);
+					// console.log(statVal, status, status[i].name, i, status[i].statindex, statVal[status[i].statindex]);
+				}
+			}
+			setTimeout(clearStatus, 600);
+		});
+	}
+	function updateVlv() {
+		fetch(conf.vlvUrl, {cache: "no-store"}).then((response) => {return response.text();}).then((data) => {
+			const vlvVal = data.split(':')[1].split(';');
+			// console.log('updateVlv()', conf.vlvUrl, vlvVal, vlvs);
+			for (let i=0; i<vlvs.length; i++) {
+				if (vlvs[i].type=='vlv') $('#'+vlvs[i].name).css('fill', vlvVal[vlvs[i].vlvindex]=='CLOSED'? 'yellow': (vlvVal[vlvs[i].vlvindex]=='OPENED'? 'limegreen': 'grey'));
+				if (vlvs[i].type=='bst') {
+					if (typeof vlvVal[vlvs[i].vlvindex] != 'string') continue;
+					const val = vlvVal[vlvs[i].vlvindex].split(',');
+					// console.log('updateVlv(): ', i, vlvs[i], vlvs[i].type, vlvs[i].vlvindex, vlvVal[vlvs[i].vlvindex], '#'+vlvs[i].name, vlvs[i].comp, val[0]=='true'? 'limegreen': (val[1]=='true'? 'yellow': 'grey'));
+					$('#'+vlvs[i].name).css('fill', val[0]=='true'? 'limegreen': (val[1]=='true'? 'yellow': 'grey'));
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	function rescale(x) {return x;}
+	String.prototype.replaceAt = function(index, replacement) {
+		return this.substring(0, index) + replacement + this.substring(index + replacement.length);
+	};
+	function evalId(base) {
+		if (base.indexOf('.')>-1) return base;
+		return base.replaceAt(base.lastIndexOf('_'), '.').replace('RTBPM','BPM');
+	}
+	function openTooltip(event) {
+		if ('debug')==-1) {
+			const type = this.href? this.href.baseVal.replace('#',''): ('BLM')>-1 ||'BERGOZ')>-1? 'blm': '???');
+			mylog('openTooltip()',type,, event, event.clientY);
+			$('#tooltip').css('left', event.clientX+30);
+			$('#tooltip').css('top', event.clientY+30);
+			document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src = conf.tooltipApp+'?s='+type.replace('fast', '')+'&param=';
+			console.log('openTooltip(event)', type.toLowerCase(), type.toLowerCase().indexOf('beamline'));
+			document.getElementById('tooltip').style.display = 'block';
+			if (hideTimeout!==false) clearTimeout(hideTimeout);
+			hideTimeout = setTimeout(hideTooltip, 120000);
+			document.getElementById('compdb').style.display = (type.indexOf('rv')==0 || type.indexOf('rc')==0 || type.indexOf('rid')==0 || type.indexOf('rd')==0 || type.indexOf('rps')==0 || type.indexOf('plc')==0)? 'none': 'block';
+			const id = evalId(;
+			document.getElementById('compname').innerHTML = id;
+			document.getElementById('compdb').href = conf.compdb + id;
+			document.getElementById("compdb").addEventListener("click", compLink);
+			if (type.toLowerCase().indexOf('beamline')>-1) {
+				document.getElementById('compdb').href = '';
+				document.getElementById('compdb').innerHTML = 'search '' in ADAM Beamwatch';
+			}
+			else if (machine=='elettra') document.getElementById('compdb').setAttribute("disabled", true);
+			event.stopPropagation();
+		}
+		else {
+			for (let l in lattice) {
+				if (l=='confg') continue;
+				let servicearea = false;
+				for (let i in lattice[l].sections) {
+					for (let j in lattice[l].sections[i].components) {
+						if ([l].sections[i].components[j].name.replace('.', '_')) {mylog('openTooltip()', lattice[l].sections[i].components[j], lattice[l].sections[i].components[j]'offset=')[1].split('&')[0]);}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function hideTooltip() {
+		if (hideTimeout!==false) clearTimeout(hideTimeout);
+		hideTimeout = false;
+		// mylog('hideTooltip');
+		if ('debug')==-1) {
+			document.getElementById('tooltipFrame').src = '';
+			document.getElementById('tooltip').style.display = 'none';
+		}
+	}
+	function transformLabel(x, y, beta, labelReverse) {
+		if (typeof labelReverse == 'object') return "translate("+rescale(x)+" "+rescale(y)+") rotate("+(beta+labelReverse[0])+") translate("+labelReverse[1]+" "+labelReverse[2]+")";
+		return labelReverse==180? "translate("+rescale(x)+" "+rescale(y)+") rotate("+(beta-90)+") translate(1800 100)":
+				"translate("+rescale(x)+" "+rescale(y)+") rotate("+(beta+90)+") translate("+(labelReverse? -250: 250)+" "+(labelReverse? 200: 300)+")";
+	}
+	function appendLabel(id, labelclass, display, x, y, beta, labelReverse) {
+		if ((beta+3600)%360 <180 && typeof labelReverse != 'object') labelReverse = [-90, -250, -100];
+		appendSvg("text", {
+			id: id+'label', 
+			class: labelclass, 
+			x:0, y:0, style:"display: "+display, fill:"white", stroke:"#eeeeee","stroke-width":10, "font-family":"Arial", "font-size":200, "font-weight":"bold", 
+			"text-anchor": (labelReverse? "end": "start"),
+			transform: transformLabel(x, y, beta, labelReverse)
+		}, false, id);
+	}
+	function appendLabel2(param, labelclass, display, x, y, beta, labelReverse) {
+		const id =;
+		const fontsize = labelclass.indexOf('bl')>-1? 800: 500;
+		console.log("appendLabel2()",param, labelclass, display, x, y, beta, labelReverse);
+		if (labelclass.indexOf('bl')>-1 && typeof labelReverse != 'object') {
+			labelReverse = [180, 17000, param.type=='beamlineUp'? -500: +800];
+			if ((beta+3690)%360 < 180) labelReverse = [0, -14000, param.type=='beamlineUp'? 1000: -300];
+		}
+		else if ((beta+3600)%360 < 180 && typeof labelReverse != 'object') labelReverse = [-90, -250, -100];
+		appendSvg("text", {
+			id: id+'label', 
+			class: labelclass, 
+			x:0, y:0, style:"display: block", fill:"red", stroke:"pink","stroke-width":10, "font-family":"Arial", "font-size":fontsize, "font-weight":"bold", 
+			"text-anchor": (labelReverse? "end": "start"),
+			transform: transformLabel(x, y, beta, labelReverse)
+		}, false, id);
+	}
+	function appendSvg(tagName, attrib, onClickCall=false, text=false, myclass=false) {
+		const elem = document.createElementNS("", tagName);
+		if (onClickCall) elem.addEventListener("click", onClickCall, false);
+		if (text) {				
+			const textNode = document.createTextNode(text);
+			elem.appendChild(textNode);
+		}
+		const jelem = $(elem);
+		if (myclass) {/*mylog(elem, jelem, myclass);*/ elem.classList.add(myclass);}
+		for (let i in attrib) {
+			jelem.attr(i, attrib[i]);
+		}
+		$("svg").append(jelem);
+	}
+	function appendSearch(component, facility) {
+		// mylog('appendSearch()',component, facility);
+		if (component) {
+			const comp = component.type.replace('booster', '');
+			if (comp && comp!=' ' && $('#'+comp)[0]) {
+				const id = extractId(;
+				names.push(id[0]);
+				if (facility=='servicearea') serviceareanames.push(id[0]);
+				if (component.devices) {
+					for (let j=0; j<component.devices.length; j++)  {names.push(component.devices[j]); alias.push([id[0],component.devices[j]]);}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function appendComponent(components, x0, y0, x1, y1, facility) {
+		const dx = x1 - x0;
+		const dy = y1 - y0;
+		const d = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
+		const beta = 180*Math.atan2(y0-y1, x0-x1)/Math.PI;
+		if (components) for (let i=0; i<components.length; i++) {
+			const comp = components[i].type.replace('booster', '');
+			let x = x0+components[i].position/d*dx;
+			let y = y0+components[i].position/d*dy;
+			if (components[i].offset2d) {x += components[i].offset2d[0]; y += components[i].offset2d[1];}
+			if (typeof blm != 'undefined' && comp=='blm') {
+				const name = components[i].name.replace('BPM','BLM');
+				// mylog('appendComponent(), ', name, blm.obj);
+				blm.obj.push(name);
+				blm.dir.push(beta);
+				appendSvg("rect", {id:name, name:name, x:0, y:0, width:40, height:40, rx:20, ry:20, transform:"translate("+rescale(x)+" "+rescale(y)+") rotate("+(name.indexOf('_L')>-1? beta + 180: beta)+")"}, openTooltip, false, "blm");
+			}
+			if (typeof bpmData != 'undefined' && comp=='bpm') {
+				// mylog('appendComponent()',components[i], x0, y0, x1, y1, beta, facility, 180*Math.atan2(y0-y1, x0-x1)/Math.PI);
+				bpmData[facility].obj.push(components[i].name);
+				bpmData[facility].dir.push(beta);
+				bpmData[facility].pos.push([rescale(x), rescale(y)]);
+			}
+			if (typeof bpmData != 'undefined' && comp=='corrector') {
+				corr[facility].obj.push(components[i].name);
+				corr[facility].dir.push(beta);
+				corr[facility].pos.push([x, y]);
+			}
+			if ($('#'+comp)[0]) {
+				// mylog('components['+i+']',components[i]);
+				const id = extractId(components[i].name);
+				const section = components[i].name.indexOf('_')>-1? components[i].name.split('_')[1].split('.')[0]+' ': '';
+				const offset = components[i].type == 'beamlineUp'? "-2100 -3500": "0 -200";
+				const transform = "translate("+rescale(x)+" "+rescale(y)+") rotate("+(beta+180)+") translate("+offset+")";
+				appendSvg("use", {href:"#"+comp, id: id[0], name:components[i].name, class: comp+' '+section+facility, style:"cursor: pointer", transform:transform}, openTooltip);
+				if (components[i].type == 'label' || components[i].type == 'beamlineDown' || components[i].type == 'beamlineUp') 
+					appendLabel2(components[i], section+facility, 'none', x, y, beta, components[i].labelReverse);
+				else
+					appendLabel(components[i].name, comp+' label '+section+facility, 'none', x, y, beta, components[i].labelReverse);
+				names.push(id[0]);
+				if (components[i].devices) {
+					for (let j=0; j<components[i].devices.length; j++)  {names.push(components[i].devices[j]); alias.push([id[0],components[i].devices[j]]);}
+				}
+				if (id[1]) {names.push(id[1]); alias.push(id);}
+				if (state) {
+					if (components[i].ps) {
+						for (let pi=0; pi<components[i].ps.length; pi++) {
+							const name = components[i].ps[pi].replace('PS','').replace('.','_') + '_status';
+							status.push({name: name});
+							appendSvg('circle', {id: name, class: facility+' ps', style:"display: none", cx: 150+pi*100, cy: 200, transform:transform, r: 80, stroke: 10, strokeColor: 'blue', fill: 'gray'}, false, false, 'status');
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+						status.push({name: id[0]+'_status'});
+						appendSvg('circle', {id: id[0]+'_status', class: facility+' ps', style:"display: none", cx: 200, cy: 200, transform:transform, r: 80, stroke: 10, strokeColor: 'blue', fill: 'gray'}, false, false, 'status');
+					}
+					if (components[i].name.toUpperCase().indexOf('KICK')>-1) console.log('PS: ', components[i].name, components[i].name.toUpperCase().indexOf('KICK'), status);
+				}
+				if (vlv && (components[i].type == 'vlv' || components[i].type == 'bst')) { 
+					// appendSvg('rect', {id: id[0]+'_disable', style:"display: none", x: x+75, y: y-90, width: 50, height: 200, stroke: 10, fill: 'black'}, false, false, 'vlvs');
+					vlvs.push({name: id[0], type: components[i].type});
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (!String.prototype.replaceAll) {
+		String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replace) {
+			return this.split(search).join(replace);
+		};
+	}
+	function extractId(name) {
+		if (name.indexOf('(')>-1) {
+			let tok = name.split('(');
+			return [tok[0].replaceAll('.','_').replaceAll(' ','_').replace(/_+$/, ''), tok[1].replaceAll('.','_').replaceAll(' ','_').replaceAll(')','').replace(/_+$/, '')];
+		}
+		// .replace(/_+$/, '') =>
+		return [name.replaceAll('.','_').replaceAll(' ','_').replace(/_+$/, ''), false];
+	}
+	function highlightobjects(objclass) {
+		$("use").css('opacity',0.3);
+		$("text").css('opacity',0.3);
+		$("."+objclass).css('opacity',1);
+	}
+	function magnifyobjects(objclass) {
+		$("text").css('opacity',0.15);
+		$("text."+objclass).css('opacity',1);
+		$('.scale').attr('transform', "scale(1) translate(90,100)");
+		let x = -40;
+		let y = -40;
+		let s = 3;
+		if (objclass=="vlv") {x = -50; y = -50; s = 5;}
+		$('.'+objclass+'scale').attr('transform', "scale("+s+") translate("+x+","+y+")");
+	}
+	function initSearch(sections, facility) { 
+		for (i=0; i<sections.length; i++) { // if(i>1) break;
+			// if (sections[i].bending && sections[i].bending.type) {appendSearch(sections[i].bending, facility);}
+			if (typeof sections[i].components == 'object') for (let j=0; j<sections[i].components.length; j++) appendSearch(sections[i].components[j], facility);
+		}
+	}
+	function initLattice(sections, facility) { 
+		if ('facility=')>-1 && facility!'facility=')[1].split('&')[0]) return;
+		if (typeof bpmData != 'undefined') {
+			bpmData[facility] = {obj: [], dir: [], pos: []};
+			corr[facility] = {obj: [], dir: [], pos: []};
+		}
+		// vacuum chamber
+		let d = '';
+		let m = true;
+		let wall = false;
+		for (let i=0; i<sections.length; i++) {
+			d = d + (m? 'M ': ' L ')+rescale(sections[i].start.x)+' '+rescale(sections[i].start.z);
+			if (i<sections.length-1 && typeof sections[i+1].chamber == 'undefined') {m = true;} else if (i<sections.length-1 && sections[i+1].chamber.type=="chamber") {m = false;}
+			if (i<sections.length-1 && typeof sections[i+1].chamber != 'undefined' && sections[i+1].chamber.type=="wall") wall = true;
+		}
+		if (sections[0].chamber && sections[0].chamber.type=='chamber') d = d + ' Z';
+		console.log('sections', sections);
+		if (d!='') {
+			if (wall) appendSvg("path", {d: d, fill: "none", stroke: "#990000", "stroke-dasharray": "200 200", "stroke-width": 50, id:"wall"+facility});
+			else appendSvg("path", {d: d, fill: "none", stroke: "#999999", "stroke-width": 20, id:"chamber"+facility});
+		}
+		let j = 0;
+		let i = sections.length - 1;
+		let k = sections.length - 2;
+		let alpha = 180/Math.PI*Math.atan2(sections[j].start.z-sections[i].start.z, sections[j].start.x-sections[i].start.x);
+		for (i=0; i<sections.length; i++) { // if(i>1) break;
+			j = (i + 1) % sections.length;
+			k = (i + sections.length - 1) % sections.length;
+			let beta = 180/Math.PI*Math.atan2(sections[j].start.z-sections[i].start.z, sections[j].start.x-sections[i].start.x);
+			let gamma = (beta+alpha)/2;
+			if (sections[k] && sections[j].start.z<sections[i].start.z && sections[i].start.z>sections[k].start.z) gamma = gamma + 180;
+			if (alpha>beta && gamma<0) gamma = gamma + 180;
+			if (sections[i].bending && sections[i].bending.type) {
+				const section = sections[i]'_')>-1? sections[i]'_')[1].split('.')[0]+' ': '';
+				appendSvg("use", {href:"#"+sections[i].bending.type.replace('dipolefermi','bending'), id:sections[i], class: 'bending '+section+facility, style:"cursor: pointer", transform:"translate("+rescale(sections[i].start.x)+" "+rescale(sections[i].start.z)+") rotate("+gamma+") translate(-600 -200)"}, openTooltip);
+				appendLabel(sections[i], 'bending '+section+facility, 'block', sections[i].start.x, sections[i].start.z, gamma+180, sections[i].bending.labelReverse);
+				// appendSvg("text", {id:sections[i]'label', class: 'bending '+section+facility, x:0, y:0, fill:"white", stroke:"#888888","stroke-width":10, "font-family":"Arial", "font-size":300, "font-weight":"bold", transform:"translate("+rescale(sections[i].start.x)+" "+rescale(sections[i].start.z)+") rotate("+gamma+") translate(-600 -250)"}, false, sections[i];
+			}
+			alpha = beta;
+			appendComponent(sections[i].components, sections[i].start.x, sections[i].start.z, sections[j].start.x, sections[j].start.z, facility);
+		}
+		if (typeof bpmData != 'undefined') bpmInit(facility);
+	}
+	$(document).ready(function() {
+		$("svg").attr('height', window.innerHeight+'px');
+		init();
+	});
+	var eventsHandler;
+	let myhammer;
+	eventsHandler = {
+		haltEventListeners: ['touchstart', 'touchend', 'touchmove', 'touchleave', 'touchcancel','tap', 'pinch','pinchstart','pinchmove'], 
+			init: function(options) {
+			var instance = options.instance, initialScale = 1, pannedX = 0, pannedY = 0;
+			// mylog('init', options, panZoomPanther);
+			myhammer = Hammer(options.svgElement, {
+				inputClass: Hammer.SUPPORT_POINTER_EVENTS ? Hammer.PointerEventInput : Hammer.TouchInput
+			});
+			myhammer.get('pinch').set({enable: true});
+			myhammer.on('panstart panmove', function(ev){
+				if (ev.type === 'panstart') {
+					pannedX = 0;
+					pannedY = 0;
+				}
+				panZoomPanther.panBy({x: ev.deltaX - pannedX, y: ev.deltaY - pannedY});
+				pannedX = ev.deltaX;
+				pannedY = ev.deltaY;
+			});
+			myhammer.on('pinchstart pinchmove', function(ev){
+				if (ev.type === 'pinchstart') {
+					initialScale = panZoomPanther.getZoom();
+					panZoomPanther.zoomAtPoint(initialScale * ev.scale, {x:, y:}, zoom, ev.scale);
+					// mylog(''); mylog('panZoomPanther.zoomAtPoint('+(initialScale * ev.scale)+', {x: '', y: ''})');
+				}
+				if (ev.type === 'pinchmove') {
+					oldZoom = zoom;
+					zoom = initialScale * ev.scale;
+					// mylog('zoom', zoom,;
+					point.x =;
+					visibleX = 0 - point.x/zoom;
+					visibleWidth = document.getElementById('panther').clientWidth/zoom;
+				}
+				panZoomPanther.zoomAtPoint(initialScale * ev.scale, {x:, y:});
+				zoom = panZoomPanther.getZoom();
+				if (zoom>2) $('.label').show(); else $('.label').hide();
+				// mylog('panZoomPanther.zoomAtPoint('+(initialScale * ev.scale)+', {x: '', y: ''})', zoom, ev.scale);
+			});
+			options.svgElement.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e){e.preventDefault(); });
+		}, 
+		destroy: function(){
+			myhammer.destroy();
+		}
+	};
+	function myPanZoomDelayed(event) {
+		if (event) event.preventDefault();
+		visibleX = 0 - point.x/zoom;
+		visibleWidth = document.getElementById('panther').clientWidth/zoom;
+		// mylog('myPanZoomDelayed, event', event, 'point', point, 'zoom:', zoom, 'visibleX', visibleX, 'visibleWidth', visibleWidth);
+		myPanZoomTimer = null;
+		oldZoom = zoom;
+	}
+	let firstUrl = true;
+	function setUrl(name, value) {
+		let t = + new Date();
+		if (t - historytime < 100) return;
+		historytime = t;
+		parameters[name] = value;
+		const pp = [];
+		for (let i in parameters) {pp.push(i+'='+parameters[i]);}
+		const url = document.location.origin+document.location.pathname+'?'+pp.join('&').replaceAll('=undefined', '').replace('search=','s=');
+		// console.log('setUrl()',name, value, url);
+		if (firstUrl) window.history.pushState({"html":'panther2d.php',"pageTitle":'PAnTHer'},"", url);
+		else window.history.replaceState({"html":'panther2d.php',"pageTitle":'PAnTHer'},"", url);
+		firstUrl = false;
+	}
+	function myPan(oldPan, newPan) {
+		setUrl('pan', Math.round(newPan.x*100)/100+','+Math.round(newPan.y*100)/100);
+		point.x = newPan.x;
+		point.y = newPan.y;
+		if (myPanZoomTimer == null &&'&autoPanZoom')==-1) myPanZoomTimer = setTimeout(myPanZoomDelayed, panZoomTime);
+		// mylog('myPan', p,q);
+	}
+	function myZoom(oldScale, newScale) {
+		setUrl('zoom', Math.round(newScale*100)/100);
+		zoom = newScale;
+		if (newScale>2) $('.label').show(); else $('.label').hide();
+		if (myPanZoomTimer == null &&'&autoPanZoom')==-1) myPanZoomTimer = setTimeout(myPanZoomDelayed, panZoomTime);
+		// mylog('myZoom', zoom);
+	}
+SVGElement.prototype.getTransformToElement = SVGElement.prototype.getTransformToElement || function(elem) {
+    return elem.getScreenCTM().inverse().multiply(this.getScreenCTM());
diff --git a/panther2d.php b/panther2d.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4f190b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/panther2d.php
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+	<head>
+		<title>PAnTHer</title>
+		<meta charset="utf-8">
+		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
+		<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/jquery/jquery-ui.min.css">
+		<script src="../lib/jquery/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+		<script src="../lib/jquery/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+		<script src="../lib/node_modules/three/examples/jsm/libs/lil-gui-0.19.min.js"></script>
+	</head>
+	<body style="overflow: hidden; background-color: #333333;">
+		<style>
+			.vlv {fill: white;}
+			.bst {fill: white;}
+			.blm {display: none;}
+			.lil-gui.autoPlace {z-index: 1 !important;}
+		</style>
+		<div id='pin' style='position:absolute; display:none;'>
+			<img src='./pin.svg'>
+		</div>
+		<div id='tooltip' style='position:absolute; display:none;'>
+			<div style='width: 490px; background-color: white; padding:5px; border-width: 3px; border-color: blue; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px;'><button id='compdb'>search in <b>components</b> DB <span id='compname'/></button></div>
+			<iframe id='tooltipFrame' style="border:0; position:absolute; background:transparent; " width="500px" height="220px" src=''></iframe>
+		</div>
+		<div onClick="hideTooltip()">
+		<?php
+			$machine = empty($_REQUEST['machine'])? 'elettra': strtolower($_REQUEST['machine']);
+			file_put_contents('./logs2d'.date('Y').'.txt', date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'].' - '.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].PHP_EOL , FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
+			$f = file_get_contents("./panther_conf.js");
+			echo "\n<script>\n".strtr($f, array('export '=>''))."</script>\n";
+			$f = file_get_contents("./components/bundle_{$machine}2d.svg");
+			if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Firefox/63') !== false) $f = strtr($f, array('fill="url(#Pattern)"'=>'fill="#a6a4c9"'));
+			echo $f;
+		?>
+		</div>
+		<div id='notice' style='display:<?php echo $_REQUEST['machine']=='elettra2'? 'block': 'none';?>; position:absolute; right:5px; bottom:5px; max-width:600px; z-index: 10000;'>
+			Data source <a href='' target="_blank"></a>
+		</div>
+		<script type="text/javascript" src="../spa/js/svg-pan-zoom.min.js"></script>
+		<!--script type="text/javascript" src="./svg-pan-zoom-rotate.js"></script-->
+		<script type="text/javascript" src="../spa/js/hammer.min.js"></script>
+		<script type="text/javascript" src="./blm2d.js"></script>
+		<script type="text/javascript" src="./bpm2d.js"></script>
+		<script type="text/javascript" src="./panther2d.js"></script>
+	</body>
diff --git a/panther_conf.js b/panther_conf.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80fcdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/panther_conf.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+	export const conf = {
+		default_machine: 'elettra',
+		machineList: ['elettra', 'elettra2', 'fermi', 'esrf','nsls2'],
+		tooltipApp: "<your_URL_for_tooltip_app_with_parameters_s=screen&param=otherparam>",
+		tooltipAppNormal: '<URL_of_alternative_tooltip_app>',
+		rchan: "<your_URL_for_reading_the_field>src="
+	};
diff --git a/panther_lattice.json b/panther_lattice.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b1fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/panther_lattice.json
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+	"$schema": "", 
+	"$id": "", 
+	"title": "PAnTHer",
+	"description": "Schema of the lattice file needed by PAnTHer",
+	"type": "object",
+	"patternProperties": {
+		"^.*$": {
+			"description": "identifier of a part of the accelerator, any unique string is valid",
+			"type": "object",
+			"properties": {
+				"sections": {
+					"description": "Stright sections only",
+					"type": "array",
+					"items": {
+						"type": "object",
+						"properties": {
+							"start": {
+								"type": "object",
+								"properties": {
+									"x": {"type": "number"}, 
+									"z": {"type": "number"}
+								},
+								"required": [ "x", "z" ]
+							},
+							"bending": {
+								"type": "object",
+								"properties": {
+									"type": {"type": "string"},
+									"length": {"type": "number"},
+									"label": {"type": "string"}, 
+									"rotateY": {"type": "string"}, 
+									"lengthIndex": {"type": "number"},
+									"name": {"type": "string"}
+								}
+							},
+							"chamber": {
+								"description": "Vacuum chamber towards the start position of the previous element of array (or towards the last element in the case of the first element)",
+								"type": "object",
+								"properties": {
+									"type": {"type": "string"}
+								},
+								"required": [ "type" ]
+							},
+							"components": {
+								"type": "array",
+								"items": {
+									"type": "object",
+									"properties": {
+										"type": {"type": "string"},
+										"position": {"type": "number","description": "distance in millimeters from the start position"},
+										"name": {"type": "string"}
+									},
+									"required":["type","position","name"]
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"servicearea": {
+					"description": "racks in service areas",
+					"type": "array",
+					"items": {
+						"type": "object",
+						"properties": {
+							"start": {
+								"type": "object",
+								"properties": {
+									"x": {"type": "number"}, 
+									"y": {"type": "number"}, 
+									"z": {"type": "number"}
+								},
+								"required": [ "x", "y", "z" ]
+							},
+							"components": {
+								"description": "racks or other objects",
+								"type": "array",
+								"items": {
+									"type": "object",
+									"properties": {
+										"type": {"type": "string"},
+										"position": {"type": "number","description": "distance in millimeters from the start position"},
+										"name": {"type": "string"},
+										"size":  {
+											"type": "object",
+											"properties": {
+												"dx": {"type": "number"}, 
+												"dy": {"type": "number"}, 
+												"dz": {"type": "number"}
+											}
+										}
+									},
+									"required":["type","position","name"]
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"blm": {
+					"description": "Beam Loss Monitors",
+					"type": "object",
+					"properties": {
+						"confsrc": {"type": "string"},
+						"datasrc": {"type": "string"},
+						"skip": {"type": "string"}
+					},
+					"required":["confsrc","datasrc"]
+				},
+				"bpm": {
+					"description": "Beam Position Monitors",
+					"type": "object",
+					"properties": {
+						"pos": {"type": "string"},
+						"rms": {"type": "string"},
+						"length": {"type": "integer"},
+						"offset": {"type": "integer"},
+						"skip": {"type": "array","items": {"type": "string"}}
+					},
+					"required":["pos","length","offset"]
+				},
+				"envelope": {
+					"description": "Beam Statistical envelope",
+					"type": "object",
+					"properties": {
+						"src": {"type": "string"},
+						"length": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "number"}}
+					},
+					"required":["src","length"]
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/save.svg b/save.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f90fa03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/save.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="512" height="512" style="background-color:#000000;">
+<path fill="#00c040" d="M19,0H3A3,3,0,0,0,0,3V24H24V5ZM7,2H17V6H7ZM22,22H2V3A1,1,0,0,1,3,2H5V8H19V2.828l3,3Z"/>
diff --git a/updater.php b/updater.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e485767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/updater.php
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+function logdata($request, $filename) {
+	$timestamp = isset($_REQUEST['timestamp'])? $_REQUEST['timestamp']: time();
+	$data = $timestamp.':'.strtr($_REQUEST[$request],array('nan'=>'null'));
+	$f = file_put_contents('/run/panther/'.$filename, $data);
+	$debug = '';
+	if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) $debug = ", filename: $filename, written $f bytes\n";
+    if ($f==strlen($data)) die("OK$debug");
+    die("ERROR: cannot write data, written $f bytes VS ".strlen($data));
+if (isset($_REQUEST['check']) && !empty($_REQUEST['filename'])) {
+echo '<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+	<head>
+		<title>PAnTHer admin</title>
+		<meta charset="utf-8">
+		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+		<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css">
+		<script src="../lib/bootstrap/jquery.js"></script>
+		<script src="../lib/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js"></script>	
+	</head>
+	<body>
+	td {vertical-align: top;}
+	list($ts, $srcStr) = explode(':', file_get_contents(''.$_REQUEST['filename'].'.src'),2);
+	$src = explode(',', $srcStr);
+	if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {echo "<pre>"; print_r($src); echo "</pre><br>";}
+	list($ts, $dataStr) = explode(':', file_get_contents(''.$_REQUEST['filename']),2);
+	$data = explode(';', $dataStr);
+	if (!empty($_REQUEST['check'])) {
+		$period = $_REQUEST['check'] - 0;
+		if ($period < 1) $period = 2;
+		echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='$period' >\n";
+	}
+	echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts/1000)."<br>\n<table class='table table-striped table-hover'>\n";
+	foreach ($data as $i=>$v) {
+		echo "<tr><td> $i </td><td> ".strtr($v, [','=>'<br>'])." </td><td> {$src[$i]} </td></tr>\n";
+	}
+	die('</table>');
+if (isset($_REQUEST['read']) && !empty($_REQUEST['filename'])) {
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='preinjector.100.bpm') {
+		list($trash, $f) = explode(':', file_get_contents('/run/panther/elettra.100.bpm'));
+		$d = explode(';', $f);
+		die("[[".implode(',', array_slice($d, 0, 7)).'],['.implode(',', array_slice($d, 7, 7))."]]");
+	}
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='preinjector.100.bpm.src') {
+		list($trash, $f) = explode(':', file_get_contents('/run/panther/elettra.100.bpm.src'), 2);
+		$d = explode(',', $f);
+		die("[[".implode(',', array_slice($d, 0, 7)).'],['.implode(',', array_slice($d, 7, 7))."]]");
+	}
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='bts.100.bpm') {
+		list($trash, $f) = explode(':', file_get_contents('/run/panther/elettra.100.bpm'));
+		$d = explode(';', $f);
+		die("[[".implode(',', array_slice($d, 14, 10)).'],['.implode(',', array_slice($d, 24, 10))."]]");
+	}
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='bts.100.bpm.src') {
+		list($trash, $f) = explode(':', file_get_contents('/run/panther/elettra.100.bpm.src'), 2);
+		$d = explode(',', $f);
+		die("[[".implode(',', array_slice($d, 14, 10)).'],['.implode(',', array_slice($d, 24, 10))."]]");
+	}
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='sr.100.bpm') {
+		list($trash, $f) = explode(':', file_get_contents('/run/panther/elettra.100.bpm'));
+		$d = explode(';', $f);
+		die("[[".$d[34].'],['.$d[35]."]]");
+	} 
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='sr.100.bpm.src') {
+		$f = file_get_contents('');
+		if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) print_r($f);
+		$d = json_decode(strtr($f, [',""'=>'', '"LGBPM_S2.1","LGBPM_S2.2",'=>'', '"LGBPM_S7.1","LGBPM_S7.2",'=>'']));
+		$h = $v = [];
+		foreach ($d as $name) {
+			$h[] = "srv-tango-sre-01:20000/sr/feedback/$name/HorPos";
+			$v[] = "srv-tango-sre-01:20000/sr/feedback/$name/VerPos";
+		}
+		die('[['.implode(',', $h).'],['.implode(',', $v).']]');
+	}
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='elettra.100.bpm') {
+		header('Content-Type: application/json');
+		list($trash, $f) = explode(':', strtr(file_get_contents('/run/panther/elettra.100.bpm'), array('e '=>'e')));
+		$d = explode(';', $f);
+		die("{\"preinjector\":{\"x\":[".implode(',', array_slice($d, 0, 7)).'],"y":['.implode(',', array_slice($d, 7, 7))."]},\"bts\":{\"x\":[".implode(',', array_slice($d, 14, 10)).'],"y":['.implode(',', array_slice($d, 24, 10))."]},\"sr\":{\"x\":[".$d[34].'],"y":['.$d[35]."]}}");
+	}
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='elettra.100.bpm.src') {
+		$f = file_get_contents('');
+		$d = json_decode(strtr($f, [',""'=>'', '"LGBPM_S2.1","LGBPM_S2.2",'=>'', '"LGBPM_S7.1","LGBPM_S7.2",'=>'']));
+		$h = $v = [];
+		foreach ($d as $name) {
+			$h[] = "srv-tango-sre-01:20000/sr/feedback/$name/HorPos";
+			$v[] = "srv-tango-sre-01:20000/sr/feedback/$name/VerPos";
+		}
+		list($trash, $f) = explode(':', file_get_contents('/run/panther/elettra.100.bpm.src'), 2);
+		$d = explode(',', $f);
+		die("[[".implode(',', array_slice($d, 0, 7)).','.implode(',', array_slice($d, 14, 10)).','.implode(',', $h).'],['.implode(',', array_slice($d, 7, 7)).','.implode(',', array_slice($d, 24, 10)).','.implode(',', $v)."]]");
+	}
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='fermi.1000.vlv') {
+		list($trash, $f) = explode(':', file_get_contents('/run/panther/padres.1000.vlv'));
+		die(file_get_contents('/run/panther/fermi.1000.vlv').';'.$f);
+	}
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='fermi.1000.vlv.src') {
+		list($trash, $f) = explode(':', file_get_contents('/run/panther/padres.1000.vlv.src'),2);
+		die(file_get_contents('/run/panther/fermi.1000.vlv.src').','.$f);
+	}
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='elettra.1000.vlv') {
+		$f = explode(';', file_get_contents('/run/panther/elettra.1000.vlv'));
+		foreach ($f as $i=>$l) {
+			if (substr_count($l, ',')>15) {
+				$k = explode(',', $l);
+				$f[$i] = "UNKNOWN";
+				if ($k[0]=='true') $f[$i] = "OPENED";
+				if ($k[1]=='true') $f[$i] = "CLOSED";
+			}
+		}
+		die(implode(';', $f));
+	}
+	if ($_REQUEST['filename']=='elettra.1000.vlv.src') {
+		die(strtr(file_get_contents('/run/panther/elettra.1000.vlv.src'), array('rpcbridge/rpc2tangobridge'=>'sr', '_STAT_RF'=>'/state')));
+	}
+	if (!empty($_REQUEST['read']) || $_REQUEST['read']==='0') {
+		$f = explode(';',file_get_contents('/run/panther/'.$_REQUEST['filename']));
+		if ($_REQUEST['read']==='0') list($trash, $f[0]) = explode(':', $f[0]);
+		header('Content-Type: application/json');
+		$factor = 2000000000000;
+		$x = $z = [];
+		$v = explode(',', $f[$_REQUEST['read']-0]);
+		for ($i=0; $i<96; $i++) {$x[] = $v[$i*15] * $factor + (rand(0,2000)-1000)/10000; $z[] = ($v[$i*15] * $factor + (rand(0,2000)-1000)/10000)/4;}
+		die("[[".implode(',', $x).'],['.implode(',', $z)."]]");
+		die("[[{$f[$_REQUEST['read']-0]}],[{$f[$_REQUEST['read']+1]}]]");
+	}
+	readfile('/run/panther/'.$_REQUEST['filename']);
+	exit();
+if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '' || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']=='' || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '' || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '' || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '' || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '' || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') {
+	if (empty($_REQUEST['data']) && $_REQUEST['data']!=='0' && empty($_REQUEST['src']) && empty($_REQUEST['stat'])) die("ERROR: empty data\n");
+    if (strlen($_REQUEST['data'])>2000000) die("ERROR: data too long: ".strlen($_REQUEST['data'])." bytes\n");
+	$filename = isset($_REQUEST['filename'])? strtr($_REQUEST['filename'],array("'"=>'')): 'data.txt';
+	if (!empty($_REQUEST['stat'])) {logdata('stat', $filename.'.stat');}
+	if (!empty($_REQUEST['src'])) {logdata('src', $filename.'.src');}
+	if ($filename=='stat' || $filename=='src') die("ERROR: invalid filename: $filename\n");
+	logdata('data', $filename);
+	exit();
+function multiply($factor, $array) {
+	foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
+		$array[$key]=$value*$factor;
+	}
+	return $array;