# PAnTHer Particle Accelerator on THreeJS (PAnTHer) is a model of particle accelerators A live demo is available at this page: https://luciozambon.altervista.org/app/panther.php A short video introduction is available at this page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53zyVab37rg ## Installation - Install JQuery and JQuery UI from https://jquery.com/ - Install Hammer.js from https://hammerjs.github.io/ - Install svg-pan-zoom from https://github.com/bumbu/svg-pan-zoom - Create a lattice file in JSON format according to the specifications: https://gitlab.elettra.eu/puma/client/panther/-/raw/master/panther_lattice.json for example: https://gitlab.elettra.eu/puma/client/panther/-/raw/master/elettra_lattice.json - create a component bundle for 3D using component.php?machine=<your_machine>&save and a coponent bundle for 2D using component.php?machine=<your_machine>&2d&save - edit file panther_conf.js, panther.php and panther2d.php and adjust according to your setup (e.g. modify the path of JQuery according to your installation)