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Commit 3b208e93 authored by Giacomo Strangolino's avatar Giacomo Strangolino
Browse files

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parent 9c1702ad
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#include "casupjsoniz.h"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <cudata.h>
* \brief CaSupJsoniz::jsonize returns a vector of json requests grouped by cli_id
* \param dl vector of data as CuData
* \return a vector of json requests to use with caserver, each element refers to a different cli_id
std::map<std::string, std::string> CaSupJsoniz::jsonize(const std::vector<CuData> &dl,
std::map<std::string, std::list<CuData>> & clidmap) const {
std::map<std::string, std::string> jsonma;
// group by cli_id
for(const CuData& d : dl) {
for(std::map<std::string, std::list<CuData>>::const_iterator it = clidmap.begin(); it != clidmap.end(); ++it) {
nlohmann::json src_array;
for(const CuData& d : it->second) {
nlohmann::json data_o;
nlohmann::json o, options;
data_o["subscribe-only"] = "true";
data_o["value-only"] = "true";
// option names list
// more option names may follow:
// options.push_back("blabla");
// data_o["blabla"] = "blabbbla";
// "options" key contains the list of option keys
data_o["options"] = options;
// from source (db table name) to src
data_o["src"] = d["source"].toString();
data_o["method"] = "S";
data_o["recovered-from-srv-conf"] = d["conf_id"].toString();
data_o["recovered-by"] = "casupervisor";
data_o["channel"] = d.s("chan").length() > 0 ? d.s("chan") : d.s("channel");
nlohmann::json req;
req["srcs"] = src_array;
req["id"] = it->first;
jsonma[it->first] = req.dump() + "\r\n\r\n";
return jsonma;
void CaSupJsoniz::extract(const std::string &json, std::list<CuData> &dl) const {
const std::string CaSupJsoniz::make_msg_ok() const {
nlohmann::json o;
o["msg"] = "ok";
return o.dump();
const std::string CaSupJsoniz::make_err_msg(const std::string &msg) const
nlohmann::json o;
o["msg"] = msg.length() == 0 ? "ok" : msg;
o["err"] = msg.length() > 0;
return o.dump();
bool CaSupJsoniz::is_err_msg(const std::string &json, std::string &errmsg) const
if(json.length() > 0)
try {
nlohmann::json js = nlohmann::json::parse(json);
if(js.is_array()) {
for (nlohmann::json jse : js) {
if(jse.contains("err")) {
bool err = jse["err"];
if(err && jse.contains("msg"))
errmsg = jse["msg"];
} catch (const nlohmann::detail::parse_error& pe) {
perr("CaSupJsoniz::is_err_msg: JSON parse error: %s in \"%s\"", pe.what(), json.c_str());
errmsg = std::string(pe.what());
} catch (const nlohmann::detail::type_error& te) {
perr("CaSupJsoniz::is_err_msg: nlohmann::json type error: %s", te.what());
errmsg = std::string(te.what());
return errmsg.length() > 0;
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
class CuData;
// Jsonizer
class CaSupJsoniz
std::map<std::string, std::string> jsonize(const std::vector<CuData>&dl,
std::map<std::string, std::list<CuData> > &clidmap) const;
void extract(const std::string& json, std::list<CuData>& dl) const;
const std::string make_msg_ok() const;
const std::string make_err_msg(const std::string& msg) const;
bool is_err_msg(const std::string& json, std::string& errmsg) const;
#include "casupredistrib.h"
#include "casupjsoniz.h"
#include "casupcurl.h"
#include "casuprecoverxmitevent.h"
#include <cumacros.h>
#include <map>
#include <casuplog.h>
#include <cumbia.h>
#include <cuactivity.h>
class CaSupRedistribPrivate {
CuLogImplI *log_i;
Cumbia *cumbia;
CaSupRedistrib::CaSupRedistrib(const std::string& url, bool ssl_verify_peer, CuLogImplI *li, Cumbia *cu) {
d = new CaSupRedistribPrivate;
d->sucu = new CaSupCurl(url, ssl_verify_peer);
d->log_i = li;
d->cumbia = cu;
CaSupRedistrib::~CaSupRedistrib() {
delete d->sucu;
delete d;
void CaSupRedistrib::onProgress(int step, int total, const CuData &data) {
void CaSupRedistrib::onResult(const CuData &data) {
// if(data.has("type", "init")) {
// bool err = data["err"].toBool();
// d->log_i->write("ca-supervisor", data["msg"].toString(), err ? CuLog::LevelError : CuLog::LevelInfo);
// if(err) {
// perr("ca-supervisor: %s", vtoc2(data, "msg"));
// exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
// }
// }
void CaSupRedistrib::onResult(const std::vector<CuData> &datalist)
CuData CaSupRedistrib::getToken() const {
return CuData("type", "casupredistrib");
#include <cuthreadlistener.h>
class CaSupRedistribPrivate;
class CuLogImplI;
class Cumbia;
class CaSupRedistrib : public CuThreadListener
CaSupRedistrib(const std::string& url, bool ssl_verify_peer, CuLogImplI *li, Cumbia *cu);
virtual ~CaSupRedistrib();
// CuThreadListener interface
void onProgress(int step, int total, const CuData &data);
void onResult(const CuData &data);
void onResult(const std::vector<CuData> &datalist);
CuData getToken() const;
CaSupRedistribPrivate *d;
#include "catdbcacheu.h"
#include <cudata.h>
Tango::DeviceProxy *CaTDBCacheU::m_get_dev(const std::string &nam) {
Tango::DeviceProxy *dev = nullptr;
try {
dev = new Tango::DeviceProxy(nam.c_str());
catch(const Tango::DevFailed& e) {
dev = nullptr;
error = std::string("device ") + nam + " connection error: " + tg_strerror(e);
return dev;
int CaTDBCacheU::m_att_conf_change_subscribe(Tango::DeviceProxy *dev, const std::string&devna, const string &attna, Tango::CallBack* cb) {
int evid = -1;
try {
evid = dev->subscribe_event(attna, Tango::ATTR_CONF_EVENT, cb, true);
catch(const Tango::DevFailed& e) {
error = "device " + devna + " subscribe error: " + tg_strerror(e);
return evid;
std::string CaTDBCacheU::m_dev_get_name(Tango::DeviceProxy *dev) {
std::string n;
try {
n = dev->name();
catch(const Tango::DevFailed& e) {
error = "dev->name failed: " + tg_strerror(e);
return n;
std::string CaTDBCacheU::m_mkattsrc(const string &dev, const string &att) const {
return dev + "/" + att;
void CaTDBCacheU::m_fill_from_attconf(const Tango::AttributeInfoEx *ai, CuData &dat)
dat["type"] = "property";
dat["df"] = ai->data_format;
dat["dfs"] = format_to_str(ai->data_format); /* as string */
dat["dt"] = ai->data_type;
dat["description"] = ai->description;
ai->display_unit != std::string("No display unit") ? dat["display_unit"] = ai->display_unit : dat["display_unit"] = "";
dat["format"] = ai->format;
dat["label"] = ai->label;
dat["max_alarm"] = ai->max_alarm;
dat["max_dim_x"] = ai->max_dim_x;
dat["max_dim_y"] = ai->max_dim_y;
dat["max"] = ai->max_value;
dat["min"] = ai->min_value;
dat["min_alarm"] = ai->min_alarm;
dat["name"] = ai->name;
dat["standard_unit"] = ai->standard_unit;
dat["unit"] = ai->unit;
dat["writable"] = ai->writable;
dat["writable_attr_name"] = ai->writable_attr_name;
dat["disp_level"] = ai->disp_level;
dat["root_attr_name"] = ai->root_attr_name; // Root attribute name (in case of forwarded attribute)
Tango::AttributeAlarmInfo aai = ai->alarms;
dat["delta_t"] = aai.delta_t;
dat["delta_val"] = aai.delta_val;
dat["max_alarm"] = aai.max_alarm;
dat["min_alarm"] = aai.min_alarm;
dat["max_warning"] = aai.max_warning;
dat["min_warning"] = aai.min_warning;
Tango::AttributeEventInfo ei = ai->events;
dat["archive_abs_change"] = ei.arch_event.archive_abs_change;
dat["archive_period"] = ei.arch_event.archive_period;
dat["archive_rel_change"] = ei.arch_event.archive_rel_change;
dat["abs_change"] = ei.ch_event.abs_change;
dat["rel_change"] = ei.ch_event.rel_change;
dat["periodic_period"] = ei.per_event.period;
// dim_x property contains the actual number of x elements
long int dimx = dat["value"].getSize(); // if !contains value, empty variant, 0 dimx
if(dimx > 0)
dat["dim_x"] = dimx;
string CaTDBCacheU::format_to_str(Tango::AttrDataFormat f) const {
switch(f) {
case Tango::SCALAR:
return "scalar";
case Tango::SPECTRUM:
return "vector";
case Tango::IMAGE:
return "matrix";
return "data format unknown";
std::string CaTDBCacheU::tg_strerror(const Tango::DevFailed &e) const
std::string msg;
if(e.errors.length() > 0)
msg = tg_strerror(e.errors);
return msg;
#include <tango.h>
#include <string>
class CuData;
class CaTDBCacheU
Tango::DeviceProxy *m_get_dev(const std::string &nam);
int m_att_conf_change_subscribe(Tango::DeviceProxy *dev, const string &devna, const std::string& attna, Tango::CallBack *cb);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// copied from CuTangoWorld (to avoid including cumbia-tango as dependency)
void m_fill_from_attconf(const Tango::AttributeInfoEx *ai, CuData &dat);
std::string tg_strerror(const Tango::DevFailed &e) const;
string format_to_str(Tango::AttrDataFormat f) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
std::string error;
std::string m_dev_get_name(Tango::DeviceProxy *dev);
std::string m_mkattsrc(const std::string& dev, const std::string& att) const;
std::string m_mkcmdsrc(const std::string& dev, const std::string& cmdnam) const;
#include "catdbcaredisu.h"
#include <cudata.h>
#include <optional>
#include <chrono>
class CaTDBCaRedisU_P {
CaTDBCaRedisU_P() : redis(nullptr) {}
sw::redis::Redis *redis;
std::string error;
// attribute configuration keys used by cumbia apps
// see CuTangoWorld::fillFromAttributeConfig and
// CaTDBCacheU::m_fill_from_attconf
// keeping a fixed list of keys lets us use hmget
// avoiding hgetall() and hkeys():
// It's always a bad idea to call `hkeys` on a large hash, since it will block Redis.
// It's always a bad idea to call `hgetall` on a large hash, since it will block Redis.
std::vector<std::string> attcnf_keys;
CaTDBCaRedisU::CaTDBCaRedisU(const CuData &o) {
d = new CaTDBCaRedisU_P;
// Connection options: see also
sw::redis::ConnectionOptions co;
if(o.containsKey("redis_ho")) = o.s("redis_ho");
if(o.s("redis_po").length() > 0 && atoi(o.s("redis_po").c_str()) > 0) {
co.port = atoi(o.s("redis_po").c_str());
// You don't need to check whether Redis object connects to server successfully.
// If Redis fails to create a connection to Redis server, or the connection is
// broken at some time, it throws an exception of type Error when you try to send
// command with Redis
// (
d->redis = new sw::redis::Redis(co);
CaTDBCaRedisU::~CaTDBCaRedisU() {
delete d->redis;
delete d;
bool CaTDBCaRedisU::update(const std::string &src, const CuData &c) {
if(d->attcnf_keys.size() == 0)
d->attcnf_keys = c.keys();
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> m;
for(const std::string& k : d->attcnf_keys)
m[k] = c.s(k);
try {
d->redis->hmset(src, m.begin(), m.end());
catch(const sw::redis::Error& e) {
d->error = std::string(e.what());
return d->error.length() == 0;
bool CaTDBCaRedisU::get(const std::string& src, CuData& out) {
std::vector<std::optional<std::string> > vals;
try {
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
d->redis->hmget(src, d->attcnf_keys.begin(), d->attcnf_keys.end(), std::back_inserter(vals));
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
printf("CaTDBCaRedisU::get: hmget took %ldus\n", std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end - begin).count());
int i = 0;
for(const std::optional<std::string>& val : vals) {
const std::string& k = d->attcnf_keys[i++];
if(val) {
printf("CaTDBCaRedisU.get: %s --> %s\n", k.c_str(), val->c_str());
out[k] = val.value();
else {
out[k] = "";
printf("CaTDBCaRedisU.get: %s --> null value\n", k.c_str());
catch(const sw::redis::Error& e) {
d->error = std::string(e.what());
return d->error.length() == 0;
std::string CaTDBCaRedisU::error() const {
return d->error;
#include <sw/redis++/redis++.h>
class CaTDBCaRedisU_P;
class CuData;
class CaTDBCaRedisU
CaTDBCaRedisU(const CuData &o);
bool update(const std::string& src, const CuData& c);
std::string error() const;
bool get(const std::string &src, CuData &out);
CaTDBCaRedisU_P *d;
#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
#endif // CONFIG_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cumacros.h>
#include <cumbia.h>
#include <cueventloop.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <cuserviceprovider.h>
#include <cuthreadfactoryimpl.h>
#include <cuthreadseventbridge.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <calog.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "casupredistrib.h"
#include "ca-tango-db-cache-mgr.h"
#include <ca-receiver-a.h>
#include <ca-opt-parser.h>
CuEventLoopService *loo_s = nullptr;
void on_int(int signo) {
if(signo == SIGINT || signo == SIGTERM) {
int drop_privileges(const char* user, char* msg) {
struct passwd *p = getpwnam(user);
if(p == nullptr) {
snprintf(msg, 512, "failed to find UID for user \"%s\": %s", user, strerror(errno));
return 1;
if(setgid(p->pw_gid) != 0) {
snprintf(msg, 512, "unable to drop group privileges to GID %d: %s", p->pw_gid, strerror(errno));
return 1;
if(setuid(p->pw_uid) != 0) {
snprintf(msg, 512, "unable to drop user privileges to UID %d: %s", p->pw_uid, strerror(errno));
return 1;
if (setuid(0) != -1) {
snprintf(msg, 512, "setuid back to zero succeeded, quitting as this is a security risk");
return 1;
msg[0] = '\0';
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CaOptParser options;
CuData opts = options.get_options(argc, argv, "ca-tango-db-cache-mgr");
if(options.errors.size() > 0) {
perr("main.cpp: error in command line args: \n");
for(const std::string& e : options.errors)
perr("- %s\n", e.c_str());
// logging - 1. level
CaLogFactory logfa;
CuLogImplI *log_i = nullptr;
CuLog::Level logle = static_cast<CuLog::Level>(opts["log_level"].toInt());
// logging - 2. where
// drop privileges after this so that the log file can be created anywhere
// CaFLog will change the file ownership to the unprivileged user after creation
if(opts.has("log_where", "syslog")) log_i = logfa.create(CaLogFactory::Syslog, logle);
else if(opts["log_where"].toString() != "console") log_i = logfa.create(CaLogFactory::LogFile, logle, opts["log_where"].toString().c_str(), opts.containsKey("user") ? vtoc2(opts, "user") : nullptr);
else log_i = logfa.create(CaLogFactory::LogConsole, logle);
// end logging setup
log_i->write("main.cpp", "enter: " + std::string(argv[0]) + " version " + std::string(CATANGODBCACHEMGR_VERSION), CuLog::LevelAll);
if(getuid() == 0 && !opts.containsKey("user")) {
log_i->write("main.cpp", "cannot run as root and \"-s username\" command line argument missing", CuLog::LevelError);
else if(getuid() == 0 && opts.containsKey("user")) {
char msg[512];
if(drop_privileges(vtoc2(opts, "user"), msg) != 0) {
log_i->write("main.cpp", msg, CuLog::LevelError);
printf("main.cpp: options %s\n", datos(opts));
if(!opts.containsKey("redis_ho") || !opts.containsKey("host") || !opts.containsKey("port")) {
perr("main.cpp: one or more options \"redis_ho=\", \"host\" or \"port\" missing in the configuration file \"%s\"",
vtoc2(opts, "dbfile"));
else {
signal(SIGINT, on_int);
signal(SIGTERM, on_int);
Cumbia *cumbia = new Cumbia();
// The event loop is a single object shared across all Cumbia instances
loo_s = new CuEventLoopService();
// register the service with the shared option set to true
cumbia->getServiceProvider()->registerSharedService(CuServices::EventLoop, loo_s);
CuData camgrtok("type", "catgcachemgr");
CuThreadFactoryImpl* thf_impl = new CuThreadFactoryImpl;
CuThreadsEventBridgeFactory *thread_eb_f = new CuThreadsEventBridgeFactory;
CaTgDbCacheMgr *cachemgr = new CaTgDbCacheMgr(opts, log_i);
CaReceiver_A *server_a = nullptr;
printf("\e[1;32m # \e[0mmain.cpp: starting receiver on %s\n", datos(opts));
server_a = new CaReceiver_A(opts);
cumbia->registerActivity(server_a, cachemgr, CuData("type", "catgcachemgr-receiver"), *thf_impl, *thread_eb_f);
printf("\e[1;32m # \e[0mmain.cpp: \e[1;32mca-tango-db-cache-mgr version \e[2;32m%s\e[0m started\n", CATANGODBCACHEMGR_VERSION);
delete cumbia;
printf("\e[1;32m # \e[0mmain.cpp: ca-tango-db-cache-mgr exiting\n");
log_i->write("ca-tango-db-cache-mgr", "exiting", CuLog::LevelAll);
delete log_i;
0% or .
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