# ca-tango-db-cache-mgr ## Installation ### Dependencies #### hiredis Either install from package manager or > git clone https://github.com/redis/hiredis.git > cd hiredis > mkdir build && cd build > cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/hiredis > make -j9 && sudo make install #### redis-plus-plus > git clone https://github.com/sewenew/redis-plus-plus > cd redis-plus-plus > mkdir build && cd build If redis has been manually installed in /usr/local/hiredis, then execute > cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/redis-plus-plus -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/hiredis -DHIREDIS_HEADER=/opt/redis-plus-plus/include otherwise the options -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and HIREDIS_HEADER is not necessary. We experienced that CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is not enough to let redis plus plus include hiredis files correctly, and we need to add also -DHIREDIS_HEADER. > make -j9 > sudo make install ### service Installation Assuming the paths mentioned above were used to install hiredis and redis-plus-plus: > git clone https://gitlab.elettra.eu/puma/server/ca-tango-db-cache-mgr Adjust PKG_CONFIG_PATH according to the caserver-lib, hiredis, redis-plus-plus, cumbia-libs installation paths. For example: > export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/caserver-lib/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/hiredis/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/redis-plus-plus/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH *nlohmann-json* dependency is also required. You can place a copy in the *subprojects* directory if the package is not installed system-wide ### request syntax > curl -v http://woody.elettra.eu:9296 -d $'{"srcs":[{"src":"test/device/1/double_scalar"}]}'