diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d14a0b49684f75da7001bedc6f54361d54f6689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+NAME_SRV = aml-srv
+include ../../../cs/ds/makefiles/Make-9.3.3.in
diff --git a/src/Aml.cpp b/src/Aml.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e1549c0e3339007283e7039f031d8657a6cb7b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Aml.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1494 @@
+static const char *RcsId = "$Header:  $";
+// file :         Aml.cpp
+// description :  C++ source for the Aml and its commands. 
+//                The class is derived from Device. It represents the
+//                CORBA servant object which will be accessed from the
+//                network. All commands which can be executed on the
+//                Aml are implemented in this file.
+// project :      TANGO Device Server
+// $Author:  $
+// $Revision:  $
+// $Log:  $
+// copyleft :     European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+//                BP 220, Grenoble 38043
+//                FRANCE
+//  		This file is generated by POGO
+//	(Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
+//         (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF
+//	The following table gives the correspondence
+//	between commands and method name.
+//  Command name        |  Method name
+//	----------------------------------------
+//  State               |  dev_state()
+//  Status              |  dev_status()
+//  Axis1_MoveRelative  |  axis1__move_relative()
+//  Axis2_MoveRelative  |  axis2__move_relative()
+//  Axis1_MoveAbsolute  |  axis1__move_absolute()
+//  Axis2_MoveAbsolute  |  axis2__move_absolute()
+//  InitMotor           |  init_motor()
+//  Stop                |  stop()
+//  GetPosition         |  get_position()
+#include <tango.h>
+#include <Aml.h>
+#include <AmlClass.h>
+namespace Aml_ns
+// method : 		Aml::Aml(string &s)
+// description : 	constructor for simulated Aml
+// in : - cl : Pointer to the DeviceClass object
+//      - s : Device name 
+Aml::Aml(Tango::DeviceClass *cl,string &s)
+	device = 0;
+	init_device();
+Aml::Aml(Tango::DeviceClass *cl,const char *s)
+	device = 0;
+	init_device();
+Aml::Aml(Tango::DeviceClass *cl,const char *s,const char *d)
+	device = 0;
+	init_device();
+// method : 		Aml::delete_device()
+// description : 	will be called at device destruction or at init command.
+void Aml::delete_device()
+	//	Delete device's allocated object
+	if (device > 0) 
+		close(device);
+	device = 0;
+// method : 		Aml::init_device()
+// description : 	will be called at device initialization.
+void Aml::init_device()
+	INFO_STREAM << "Aml::Aml() create device " << device_name << endl;
+	// Initialise variables to default values
+	//--------------------------------------------
+	get_device_property();
+	initSerialPort();
+	init_motor();
+	Motor1Name = logicalName + axis1_Name;
+	Motor2Name = logicalName + axis2_Name;
+	errorMessage="";
+	errorNumber=0;
+	logMessage="";
+// method : 		Aml::get_device_property()
+// description : 	Read the device properties from database.
+void Aml::get_device_property()
+	//	Initialize your default values here (if not done with  POGO).
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//	Read device properties from database.(Automatic code generation)
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	Tango::DbData	dev_prop;
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("LogicalName"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("SerialPort"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("ControllerVersion"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis1_Name"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis1_MinStepRate1"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis1_MinStepRate2"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis1_MinStepRate3"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis1_PhaseCurrent"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis1_Ramp"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis1_StartStopSpeed"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis1_SleewSpeed"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis1_Range"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis1_SetAccelerAndRetardPars"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis2_Name"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis2_MinStepRate1"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis2_MinStepRate2"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis2_MinStepRate3"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis2_PhaseCurrent"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis2_Ramp"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis2_StartStopSpeed"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis2_SleewSpeed"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis2_Range"));
+	dev_prop.push_back(Tango::DbDatum("Axis2_SetAccelerAndRetardPars"));
+	//	Call database and extract values
+	//--------------------------------------------
+	if (Tango::Util::instance()->_UseDb==true)
+		get_db_device()->get_property(dev_prop);
+	Tango::DbDatum	def_prop, cl_prop;
+	AmlClass	*ds_class =
+		(static_cast<AmlClass *>(get_device_class()));
+	int	i = -1;
+	//	Try to initialize LogicalName from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  logicalName;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize LogicalName from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  logicalName;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract LogicalName value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  logicalName;
+	//	Try to initialize SerialPort from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  serialPort;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize SerialPort from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  serialPort;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract SerialPort value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  serialPort;
+	//	Try to initialize ControllerVersion from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  controllerVersion;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize ControllerVersion from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  controllerVersion;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract ControllerVersion value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  controllerVersion;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis1_Name from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis1_Name;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis1_Name from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis1_Name;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis1_Name value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis1_Name;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis1_MinStepRate1 from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis1_MinStepRate1;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis1_MinStepRate1 from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis1_MinStepRate1;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis1_MinStepRate1 value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis1_MinStepRate1;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis1_MinStepRate2 from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis1_MinStepRate2;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis1_MinStepRate2 from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis1_MinStepRate2;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis1_MinStepRate2 value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis1_MinStepRate2;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis1_MinStepRate3 from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis1_MinStepRate3;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis1_MinStepRate3 from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis1_MinStepRate3;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis1_MinStepRate3 value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis1_MinStepRate3;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis1_PhaseCurrent from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis1_PhaseCurrent;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis1_PhaseCurrent from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis1_PhaseCurrent;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis1_PhaseCurrent value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis1_PhaseCurrent;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis1_Ramp from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis1_Ramp;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis1_Ramp from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis1_Ramp;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis1_Ramp value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis1_Ramp;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis1_StartStopSpeed from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis1_StartStopSpeed;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis1_StartStopSpeed from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis1_StartStopSpeed;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis1_StartStopSpeed value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis1_StartStopSpeed;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis1_SleewSpeed from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis1_SleewSpeed;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis1_SleewSpeed from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis1_SleewSpeed;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis1_SleewSpeed value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis1_SleewSpeed;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis1_Range from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis1_Range;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis1_Range from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis1_Range;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis1_Range value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis1_Range;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis1_SetAccelerAndRetardPars from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis1_SetAccelerAndRetardPars;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis1_SetAccelerAndRetardPars from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis1_SetAccelerAndRetardPars;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis1_SetAccelerAndRetardPars value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis1_SetAccelerAndRetardPars;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis2_Name from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis2_Name;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis2_Name from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis2_Name;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis2_Name value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis2_Name;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis2_MinStepRate1 from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis2_MinStepRate1;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis2_MinStepRate1 from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis2_MinStepRate1;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis2_MinStepRate1 value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis2_MinStepRate1;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis2_MinStepRate2 from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis2_MinStepRate2;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis2_MinStepRate2 from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis2_MinStepRate2;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis2_MinStepRate2 value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis2_MinStepRate2;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis2_MinStepRate3 from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis2_MinStepRate3;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis2_MinStepRate3 from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis2_MinStepRate3;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis2_MinStepRate3 value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis2_MinStepRate3;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis2_PhaseCurrent from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis2_PhaseCurrent;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis2_PhaseCurrent from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis2_PhaseCurrent;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis2_PhaseCurrent value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis2_PhaseCurrent;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis2_Ramp from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis2_Ramp;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis2_Ramp from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis2_Ramp;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis2_Ramp value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis2_Ramp;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis2_StartStopSpeed from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis2_StartStopSpeed;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis2_StartStopSpeed from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis2_StartStopSpeed;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis2_StartStopSpeed value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis2_StartStopSpeed;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis2_SleewSpeed from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis2_SleewSpeed;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis2_SleewSpeed from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis2_SleewSpeed;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis2_SleewSpeed value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis2_SleewSpeed;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis2_Range from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis2_Range;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis2_Range from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis2_Range;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis2_Range value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis2_Range;
+	//	Try to initialize Axis2_SetAccelerAndRetardPars from class property
+	cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
+	if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  axis2_SetAccelerAndRetardPars;
+	else {
+		//	Try to initialize Axis2_SetAccelerAndRetardPars from default device value
+		def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
+		if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  axis2_SetAccelerAndRetardPars;
+	}
+	//	And try to extract Axis2_SetAccelerAndRetardPars value from database
+	if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  axis2_SetAccelerAndRetardPars;
+	//	End of Automatic code generation
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+// method : 		Aml::always_executed_hook()
+// description : 	method always executed before any command is executed
+void Aml::always_executed_hook()
+// method : 		Aml::read_attr_hardware
+// description : 	Hardware acquisition for attributes.
+void Aml::read_attr_hardware(vector<long> &attr_list)
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::read_attr_hardware(vector<long> &attr_list) entering... "<< endl;
+	//	Add your own code here
+// method : 		Aml::read_Axis1_Position
+// description : 	Extract real attribute values for Axis1_Position acquisition result.
+void Aml::read_Axis1_Position(Tango::Attribute &attr)
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::read_Axis1_Position(Tango::Attribute &attr) entering... "<< endl;
+	attr_long_value=get_position(1);
+	currentPosAxis1=attr_long_value;
+	attr.set_value(&attr_long_value);
+// method : 		Aml::read_Axis2_Position
+// description : 	Extract real attribute values for Axis2_Position acquisition result.
+void Aml::read_Axis2_Position(Tango::Attribute &attr)
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::read_Axis2_Position(Tango::Attribute &attr) entering... "<< endl;
+	attr_long_value=get_position(2);
+	currentPosAxis2=attr_long_value;
+	attr.set_value(&attr_long_value);
+ *	method:	Aml::init_motor
+ *
+ *	description:	method to execute "InitMotor"
+ *
+ *
+ */
+void Aml::init_motor()
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::init_motor(): entering... !" << endl;
+	//	Add your own code to control device here
+	char *answ;
+	string cmd;
+	string selMot;
+	char *char_cmd;
+	actualSelectedMotor = -1;
+	//select 1st axis
+	selMot=string(AML_AXIS1);
+	selectMotor(selMot);
+	//set 1st axis parameters
+	if (device != 0) {
+		if (controllerVersion)
+			cmd=axis1_MinStepRate1;
+		else
+			cmd=string(AML_SET_MIN_STEP_RATE1) + "," + axis1_MinStepRate1;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor1Name<<" init_motor: setting min step rate1 failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (!controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SET_MIN_STEP_RATE2) + "," + axis1_MinStepRate2;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor1Name<<" init_motor: setting min step rate2 failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (!controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SET_MIN_STEP_RATE4) + "," + axis1_MinStepRate3;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor1Name<<" init_motor: setting min step rate4 failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if (device != 0) {
+		cmd=string(AML_REMOVE_PHASE_CURRENT) + axis1_PhaseCurrent;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor1Name<<" init_motor: setting phase current failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (!controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SET_RAMP) + axis1_Ramp;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor1Name<<" init_motor: setting ramp failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if (device != 0) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SMOOTH_STOP);
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor1Name<<" init_motor: setting smooth stop failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (!controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=string(AML_START_STOP_SPEED) + axis1_StartStopSpeed;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor1Name<<" init_motor: setting start stop speed failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (!controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SET_SLEEW_SPEED) + axis1_SleewSpeed;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor1Name<<" init_motor: setting sleew speed failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if (device != 0) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SET_INIT_POS) ;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor1Name<<" init_motor: setting init pos failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=axis1_SetAccelerAndRetardPars;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor1Name<<" init_motor: setting sleew speed failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	//select 2nd axis
+	selMot=string(AML_AXIS2);
+	selectMotor(selMot);
+	//set 2nd axis parameters
+	if (device != 0) {
+		if (controllerVersion)
+			cmd=axis2_MinStepRate1;
+		else
+			cmd=string(AML_SET_MIN_STEP_RATE1) + "," + axis2_MinStepRate1;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor2Name<<" init_motor: setting min step rate1 failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (!controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SET_MIN_STEP_RATE2) + "," + axis2_MinStepRate2;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor2Name<<" init_motor: setting min step rate2 failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (!controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SET_MIN_STEP_RATE4) + "," + axis2_MinStepRate3;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor2Name<<" init_motor: setting min step rate4 failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if (device != 0) {
+		cmd=string(AML_REMOVE_PHASE_CURRENT) + axis2_PhaseCurrent;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor2Name<<" init_motor: setting phase current failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (!controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SET_RAMP) + axis2_Ramp;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor2Name<<" init_motor: setting ramp failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if (device != 0) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SMOOTH_STOP);
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor2Name<<" init_motor: setting smooth stop failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (!controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=string(AML_START_STOP_SPEED) + axis2_StartStopSpeed;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor2Name<<" init_motor: setting start stop speed failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (!controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SET_SLEEW_SPEED) + axis2_SleewSpeed;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor2Name<<" init_motor: setting sleew speed failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if (device != 0) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SET_INIT_POS) ;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor2Name<<" init_motor: setting init pos failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	if ((device != 0) && (controllerVersion)) {
+		cmd=axis2_SetAccelerAndRetardPars;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< Motor2Name<<" init_motor: setting sleew speed failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Init Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	return;
+ *			General methods
+ */
+void Aml::initSerialPort()
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::initSerialPort(): entering... !" << endl;
+	//	Add your own code to control device here
+	struct termios tty_settings;
+	struct termios com_par;
+	char ttyport[128];
+	// Initialise variables to default values
+	//--------------------------------------------
+	sprintf(ttyport,"/dev/%s",serialPort.c_str());
+	device = open (ttyport, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
+	if (device < 0) {
+	       device = 0;
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception(
+			"Unable to open serial device",
+			"AML Init Error.",
+			"initSerialPort()",
+			Tango::ERR);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(tcgetattr(device, &com_par) == -1) {
+	       close(device);
+	       device = 0;
+	       Tango::Except::throw_exception(
+		       "Unable to get serial device attributes",
+		       "AML Init Error.",
+		       "initSerialPort()",
+		       Tango::ERR);
+	       return;
+	}
+	bzero(&tty_settings, sizeof(tty_settings));
+	tty_settings.c_oflag = 0; // raw output
+	tty_settings.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR | ICRNL; 
+	tty_settings.c_cflag = B19200 | CS7 | CSTOPB | PARODD | PARENB | CLOCAL | CREAD;
+	//timeout della seriale
+	tty_settings.c_cc[VMIN]=1; 		/* blocking read until N character arrives */
+	tty_settings.c_cc[VTIME]=0;  		/* inter-character timer  */
+	cfsetospeed(&tty_settings,B19200);   	// input baud rate
+	cfsetispeed(&tty_settings,B19200);      // output
+	if (tcflush(device,TCIOFLUSH)!=0)
+	{
+		close(device);
+		device = 0;
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception(
+			"Unable to flush serial device",
+			"AML int Error.",
+			"init_serialPort()",
+			Tango::ERR);
+			return;
+	}
+       if(tcsetattr(device, TCSANOW, &tty_settings) == -1) {
+		close(device);
+		device = 0;
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception(
+			"tcsetattr of serial device failed!!!",
+			"AML int Error.",
+			"init_serialPort()",
+			Tango::ERR);
+			return;
+       }			
+	if (tcflush(device,TCIOFLUSH)!=0)
+	{
+		close(device);
+		device = 0;
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception(
+			"Unable to flush serial device after having set tty parameters",
+			"AML int Error.",
+			"init_serialPort()",
+			Tango::ERR);
+			return;
+	}
+	tcsetattr(device, TCSANOW,&tty_settings);// changes made NOW
+	//flusho la seriale
+	if (tcflush(device,TCIOFLUSH)!=0)
+	{
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception(
+			"Unable to flush serial device",
+			"AML int Error.",
+			"init_serialPort()",
+			Tango::ERR);
+			return;
+	}
+bool Aml:: checkRangeOk(string axis,Tango::DevLong distance) 
+	Tango::DevLong Range=0;
+	bool res=false;
+	if (strcmp(axis.c_str(), AML_AXIS1)== 0)
+		Range= atol(axis1_Range.c_str());
+	else if (strcmp(axis.c_str(), AML_AXIS2)== 0)
+		Range= atol(axis2_Range.c_str());
+	else 
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception(
+			"AML setup error.",
+			"checkRangeOk()",
+			Tango::ERR);
+	res = 	((distance> -Range) && (distance<Range));
+	return res;
+void Aml::ClearError(void) {
+  errorMessage.clear();
+  errorNumber = 0;
+void Aml::SetError(char *msg, int num = 0) {
+ ClearError();
+ errorNumber = num; 
+ errorMessage = string(msg);
+void Aml::amlError(char *msg, char *answ) {
+ char buffer[AMLBUFFLEN];
+ sprintf(buffer,"%s: %s\n",logicalName.c_str(),msg);
+ if (!(strcmp(answ,"E1")))
+  sprintf(buffer+strlen(buffer),"Parity/Checksum error");
+ if (!(strcmp(answ,"E2")))
+  sprintf(buffer+strlen(buffer),"Command argument out of limit or not requested");
+ if (!(strcmp(answ,"E3")))
+  sprintf(buffer+strlen(buffer),"Error in downloaded program");
+ if (!(strcmp(answ,"E4")))
+  sprintf(buffer+strlen(buffer),"Command  not executable");
+ if (!(strcmp(answ,"E5")))
+  sprintf(buffer+strlen(buffer),"Temperature exceeded 175 C");
+ if (!(strcmp(answ,"E7")))
+  sprintf(buffer+strlen(buffer),"End of travel input at \"low\"");
+ if (!(strcmp(answ,"E8")))
+  sprintf(buffer+strlen(buffer),"Loop nesting too deep");
+ if (!(strcmp(answ,"E9")))
+  sprintf(buffer+strlen(buffer),"Program too large");
+ errorMessage=string(buffer);
+char * Aml::talkListen(char *msg, const int retry) {
+ int readmask = 0;
+ fd_set readfds;
+ int nfound, nbytes, total_read_bytes,i;
+ char errbuffer[AMLBUFFLEN],logbuffer[AMLBUFFLEN];
+ char *buffer;
+ char answ_buffer[AMLBUFFLEN];
+ struct timeval timeout;
+ tcflush(device,TCIOFLUSH);
+ DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::talkListen(): Sending: " << msg << endl;
+ buffer = strdup(msg);
+ buffer[strlen(msg)] = '\r';
+ if ( (nbytes = write(device, buffer, strlen(msg)+1)) < 0) {
+  sprintf(errbuffer,"%s: talk_listen: write failed: errno=%d",logicalName.c_str(), msg, errno); 
+  SetError(errbuffer,errno);
+  return(0);
+ }
+ usleep(1000);
+ free(buffer);
+ readmask = 1 << device;
+ bzero(answ_buffer,AMLBUFFLEN);
+ total_read_bytes = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<retry; i++) {
+// changes required
+   FD_ZERO(&readfds);
+   FD_SET(device, &readfds);
+   timeout.tv_sec = 1;
+   timeout.tv_usec = 0;
+   if((nfound = select(32, &readfds, 0, 0, &timeout)) == -1) {
+     sprintf(errbuffer,"%s: talk_listen: select failed",logicalName.c_str(), msg); 
+     SetError(errbuffer,nfound);
+     return(0);
+     }
+   else if (nfound > 0) {
+       if ( (nbytes = read(device, answ_buffer+total_read_bytes, AMLBUFFLEN)) < 0) {
+	  sprintf(errbuffer,"%s: talk_listen: read failed: errno=%d",logicalName.c_str(), msg, errno); 
+  	  SetError(errbuffer,errno);
+	  return(0);
+       }
+       total_read_bytes += nbytes;
+       if (strchr(answ_buffer,'\n') == NULL) {
+       	continue;
+       }
+       *(strchr(answ_buffer,'\n')) = 0;
+       DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::talkListen(): Received: " << answ_buffer << endl;
+       if(!strncmp(answ_buffer,AMLOKY,1) ||
+	  !strncmp(answ_buffer,AMLOKV,1) || 
+	  !strncmp(answ_buffer,AMLOKQ,1) ) {
+     	   return(strdup(answ_buffer));
+       } else
+       if (!strncmp(answ_buffer,AMLBUSY,1)) {
+	 sprintf(logbuffer,"\n%s talk_listen: answer:|%s|: busy",logicalName.c_str(),answ_buffer); 
+	 logMessage=string(logbuffer);
+       } else
+       if (!strncmp(answ_buffer,AMLERROR,1)) {
+	 sprintf(errbuffer,"%s talk_listen: answer:|%s|: error",logicalName.c_str(),answ_buffer); 
+	 amlError(errbuffer, answ_buffer);
+	 return(0);
+       } else {
+	 sprintf(errbuffer,"%s talk_listen: answer:|%s|: unknown",logicalName.c_str(),answ_buffer); 
+	 SetError(errbuffer,1);
+	 return(0);
+       } 
+   }
+   usleep(1000);
+ }
+ sprintf(errbuffer,"%s talk_listen: answer:|%s|: select timeout",logicalName.c_str(),answ_buffer); 
+ SetError(errbuffer,1);
+ return(0);
+int Aml:: checkStatus() 
+ char buffer[256];
+ char *answ;
+ if (device == 0) {
+  	sprintf(buffer,"%s: getstatus: serial not initialized",logicalName.c_str());
+	DEBUG_STREAM << buffer << endl;
+	return -1;
+	}
+ answ=talkListen("F", AML_MAX_RETRY);	
+ if (answ==0) {
+      return -1;
+ }
+ sprintf(buffer,"%s: getstatus: motor %s",logicalName.c_str(), answ);
+ DEBUG_STREAM << buffer << endl;
+ while (answ[0] == 'B') {
+  sprintf(buffer,"%s: getstatus: motor %s",logicalName.c_str(), answ);
+  DEBUG_STREAM << buffer << endl;
+  free(answ);
+  answ=talkListen("F", AML_MAX_RETRY);	
+     if (answ==0) {
+     	return -1;
+   }
+ }
+ sprintf(buffer,"%s: getstatus: motor %s",logicalName.c_str(), answ);
+ DEBUG_STREAM << buffer << endl;
+ if (answ[0] == 'Y') {
+    // motor is ready
+    free(answ);
+    return(0);
+ } else {
+    // motor in error
+    free(answ);
+    return -1;
+ }
+void Aml:: selectMotor(string selectedMotor) 
+	char *answ;
+	string cmd;
+	char *char_cmd;
+	int motnum = atoi(selectedMotor.c_str());
+	if ((device != 0) && ( actualSelectedMotor != motnum)){
+		cmd=string(AML_SEL_MOTOR) + selectedMotor;
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedMotor <<" selectMotor: selection of motor failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Select Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		} else {
+			actualSelectedMotor = motnum;
+			// Sleep a little bit before next operation
+			usleep(1000);
+		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	return;
+ *	method:	Aml::get_position
+ *
+ *	description:	method to execute "GetPosition"
+ *
+ * @return	
+ *
+ */
+//Tango::DevFloat Aml::get_position()
+//       Tango::DevFloat	argout ;
+//       DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::get_position(): entering... !" << endl;
+//       selectMotor();
+//       char *recbuffer;
+//       char logbuffer[256];
+//       string cmd;
+//       char *char_cmd;
+//       if (device != 0) {
+//	  cmd=string(AML_GET_POS) ;
+//	  char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+//	  strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+//	  recbuffer = talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);;
+//	  if ( recbuffer== NULL) {
+//		TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+//		os << "Error->"<< logicalName<<" get_position: get pos failed";
+//		Tango::Except::throw_exception("Aml::get_position(): Error", os.str(), __func__);
+// 	  }
+//		delete []char_cmd;
+//	  }
+//       argout=atof(recbuffer+1);
+//       free(recbuffer);
+//       return argout;
+ *	method:	Aml::get_position
+ *
+ *	description:	method to execute "GetPosition"
+ *
+ * @param	argin	
+ * @return	
+ *
+ */
+Tango::DevLong Aml::get_position(Tango::DevShort argin)
+	Tango::DevLong	argout ;
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::get_position(): entering... !" << endl;
+	//	Add your own code to control device here
+	string selectedMotor;
+	std::ostringstream oss;	
+	oss<<argin;
+       selectedMotor=oss.str();
+       selectMotor(selectedMotor);
+       char *recbuffer;
+       char logbuffer[256];
+       string cmd;
+       char *char_cmd;
+       if (device != 0) {
+	  cmd=string(AML_GET_POS) ;
+	  char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+	  strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+	  recbuffer = talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);;
+	  if ( recbuffer== NULL) {
+		TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+		os << "Error->"<< logicalName<<" get_position: get pos failed";
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception("Aml::get_position(): Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 	  }
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	  }
+       argout=atol(recbuffer+1);
+       free(recbuffer);
+       return argout;
+ *	method:	Aml::axis1__move_relative
+ *
+ *	description:	method to execute "Axis1_MoveRelative"
+ *
+ * @param	argin	
+ *
+ */
+void Aml::axis1__move_relative(Tango::DevLong argin)
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::axis1__move_relative(): entering... !" << endl;
+	//	Add your own code to control device here
+	string selectedAxis=string(AML_AXIS1);
+	selectMotor(selectedAxis);
+	char *answ;
+	if (checkStatus()<0) {
+		TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+		os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedAxis<<" move_relative: motor NOT ready";
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception("Motor Busy Error", os.str(), __func__);
+		return;
+	}
+	currentPosAxis1=get_position(atol(selectedAxis.c_str()));
+	Tango::DevLong dist = currentPosAxis1 + argin;	
+	if (!checkRangeOk(selectedAxis, dist)) {
+		TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+		os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedAxis<<" move_relative: out of range";
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception("Moving Error", os.str(), __func__);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (device != 0) {
+		char cmd[AMLBUFFLEN];
+		sprintf(cmd,"%s%d",AML_ABS_POS,(int)dist);
+		DEBUG_STREAM << dist << ","<< currentPosAxis1 << "," << argin << "," << AML_ABS_POS << "," << cmd << endl;
+		answ=talkListen(cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedAxis<<" move_relative: movement failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+	}
+	return;
+ *	method:	Aml::axis2__move_relative
+ *
+ *	description:	method to execute "Axis2_MoveRelative"
+ *
+ * @param	argin	
+ *
+ */
+void Aml::axis2__move_relative(Tango::DevLong argin)
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::axis2__move_relative(): entering... !" << endl;
+	//	Add your own code to control device here
+	string selectedAxis=string(AML_AXIS2);
+	selectMotor(selectedAxis);
+	char *answ;
+	if (checkStatus()<0) {
+		TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+		os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedAxis<<" move_relative: motor NOT ready";
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception("Motor Busy Error", os.str(), __func__);
+		return;
+	}
+	currentPosAxis2=get_position(atol(selectedAxis.c_str()));
+	Tango::DevLong dist = currentPosAxis2 + argin;	
+	if (!checkRangeOk(selectedAxis, dist)) {
+		TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+		os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedAxis<<" move_relative: out of range";
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception("Moving Error", os.str(), __func__);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (device != 0) {
+		char cmd[AMLBUFFLEN];
+		sprintf(cmd,"%s%d",AML_ABS_POS,(int)dist);
+		answ=talkListen(cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedAxis<<" move_relative: movement failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+	}
+	return;
+ *	method:	Aml::axis1__move_absolute
+ *
+ *	description:	method to execute "Axis1_MoveAbsolute"
+ *
+ * @param	argin	
+ *
+ */
+void Aml::axis1__move_absolute(Tango::DevLong argin)
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::axis1__move_absolute(): entering... !" << endl;
+	//	Add your own code to control device here
+	string selectedAxis=string(AML_AXIS1);
+	selectMotor(selectedAxis);      
+       char buffer[256], logbuffer[256];
+       char *answ;
+	Tango::DevLong dist = argin;	
+       if (!checkRangeOk(selectedAxis,argin)) {
+		TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+		os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedAxis<<" move_absolute: out of range";
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception("Moving Error", os.str(), __func__);
+		return;
+       }
+      //  control the motor state
+       if ( checkStatus() < 0) {  // motor not ready (e.i. busy or in error)
+		TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+		os << "Error->"<< logicalName +  selectedAxis<<" move_absolute: motor NOT ready";
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception("Motor Busy Error", os.str(), __func__);
+		return;
+      }
+	if (device != 0) {
+		char cmd[AMLBUFFLEN];
+		sprintf(cmd,"%s%d",AML_ABS_POS,(int)dist);
+		answ=talkListen(cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< logicalName +  selectedAxis<<" move_absolute: movement failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+	}
+       return;
+ *	method:	Aml::axis2__move_absolute
+ *
+ *	description:	method to execute "Axis2_MoveAbsolute"
+ *
+ * @param	argin	
+ *
+ */
+void Aml::axis2__move_absolute(Tango::DevLong argin)
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::axis2__move_absolute(): entering... !" << endl;
+	//	Add your own code to control device here
+	string selectedAxis=string(AML_AXIS2);
+	selectMotor(selectedAxis);      
+       char buffer[256], logbuffer[256];
+       char *answ;
+	Tango::DevLong dist = argin;	
+       if (!checkRangeOk(selectedAxis,argin)) {
+		TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+		os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedAxis<<" move_absolute: out of range";
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception("Moving Error", os.str(), __func__);
+		return;
+       }
+      //  controll the motor state
+       if ( checkStatus() < 0) {  // motor not ready (e.i. busy or in error)
+		TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+		os << "Error->"<< logicalName +  selectedAxis<<" move_absolute: motor NOT ready";
+		Tango::Except::throw_exception("Motor Busy Error", os.str(), __func__);
+		return;
+      }
+	if (device != 0) {
+		char cmd[AMLBUFFLEN];
+		sprintf(cmd,"%s%d",AML_ABS_POS,(int)dist);
+		answ=talkListen(cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedAxis<<" move_absolute: movement failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+	}
+       return;
+ *	method:	Aml::stop
+ *
+ *	description:	method to execute "Stop"
+ *
+ * @param	argin	
+ *
+ */
+void Aml::stop(Tango::DevShort argin)
+	DEBUG_STREAM << "Aml::stop(): entering... !" << endl;
+	//	Add your own code to control device here
+	string selectedMotor;
+	std::ostringstream oss;	
+	oss<<argin;
+	selectedMotor=oss.str();
+       selectMotor(selectedMotor);
+	char *answ;
+	string cmd;
+	char *char_cmd;
+	if (device != 0) {
+		cmd=string(AML_SMOOTH_STOP);
+		char_cmd=new char[cmd.length()+1];
+		strcpy(char_cmd, cmd.c_str());
+		answ=talkListen(char_cmd, AML_MAX_RETRY);
+		if (answ == 0) {
+			TangoSys_OMemStream os;
+			os << "Error->"<< logicalName + selectedMotor <<" stop: stopping of motor failed";
+			Tango::Except::throw_exception("Stop Motor Error", os.str(), __func__);
+ 		}
+		free(answ);
+		delete []char_cmd;
+	}
+	return;
+}	//	namespace
diff --git a/src/Aml.h b/src/Aml.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..555eb0d793e188d563f4b30e1c1cf6dbbd0b816d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Aml.h
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+// file :        Aml.h
+// description : Include for the Aml class.
+// project :	
+// $Author:  $
+// $Revision:  $
+// $Log:  $
+// copyleft :    European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+//               BP 220, Grenoble 38043
+//               FRANCE
+//  		This file is generated by POGO
+//	(Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
+//         (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF
+#ifndef _AML_H
+#define _AML_H
+//Including TANGO library
+#include <tango.h>
+//Including libraries 
+#include <string.h>
+#include <termio.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <termio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define AMLBUFFLEN 256
+#define AMLOKY "Y"
+#define AMLOKQ "Q"
+#define AMLOKV "V"
+#define AMLBUSY "B"
+#define AMLERROR "E"
+#define AML_MAX_RETRY 10
+#define AML_SEL_MOTOR "B"
+#define AML_SET_MIN_STEP_RATE1 "M1"
+#define AML_SET_MIN_STEP_RATE2 "M2"
+#define AML_SET_MIN_STEP_RATE4 	"M4"
+#define AML_SET_RAMP "R"
+#define AML_SMOOTH_STOP "Z"
+#define AML_SET_INIT_POS "I1"
+#define AML_ABS_POS "G"
+#define AML_GET_POS "V1"
+#define AML_AXIS1 "1"
+#define AML_AXIS2 "2"
+//using namespace Tango;
+ * @author	$Author:  $
+ * @version	$Revision:  $
+ */
+ //	Add your own constants definitions here.
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+namespace Aml_ns
+ * Class Description:
+ * 
+ */
+ *	Device States Description:
+ */
+class Aml: public Tango::Device_4Impl
+public :
+	//	Add your own data members here
+	//-----------------------------------------
+	void initSerialPort();
+	bool checkRangeOk(string ,Tango::DevLong );
+	void ClearError(void);
+	void SetError(char *msg, int num);
+	void amlError(char *, char *);
+	int checkStatus();
+	char * talkListen(char *, const int );
+	void selectMotor(string );
+	int device;
+	string curPos;
+	Tango::DevLong currentPosAxis1;
+	Tango::DevLong currentPosAxis2;	
+	string errorMessage;
+	string logMessage;
+	int errorNumber;
+	string Motor1Name, Motor2Name;
+	//	Here is the Start of the automatic code generation part
+	//-------------------------------------------------------------	
+ *	@name attributes
+ *	Attributs member data.
+ */
+		Tango::DevLong	*attr_Axis1_Position_read;
+		Tango::DevLong	*attr_Axis2_Position_read;
+ *	@name Device properties
+ *	Device properties member data.
+ */
+ *	
+ */
+	string	logicalName;
+ *	Serial port device (ttyS0,ttyS1, ...)
+ */
+	string	serialPort;
+ *	
+ */
+	Tango::DevShort	controllerVersion;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis1_Name;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis1_MinStepRate1;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis1_MinStepRate2;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis1_MinStepRate3;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis1_PhaseCurrent;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis1_Ramp;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis1_StartStopSpeed;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis1_SleewSpeed;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis1_Range;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis1_SetAccelerAndRetardPars;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis2_Name;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis2_MinStepRate1;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis2_MinStepRate2;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis2_MinStepRate3;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis2_PhaseCurrent;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis2_Ramp;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis2_StartStopSpeed;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis2_SleewSpeed;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis2_Range;
+ *	
+ */
+	string	axis2_SetAccelerAndRetardPars;
+/**@name Constructors
+ * Miscellaneous constructors */
+ * Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
+ *
+ *	@param cl	Class.
+ *	@param s 	Device Name
+ */
+	Aml(Tango::DeviceClass *cl,string &s);
+ * Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
+ *
+ *	@param cl	Class.
+ *	@param s 	Device Name
+ */
+	Aml(Tango::DeviceClass *cl,const char *s);
+ * Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
+ *
+ *	@param cl	Class.
+ *	@param s 	Device name
+ *	@param d	Device description.
+ */
+	Aml(Tango::DeviceClass *cl,const char *s,const char *d);
+/**@name Destructor
+ * Only one desctructor is defined for this class */
+ * The object desctructor.
+ */	
+	~Aml() {delete_device();};
+ *	will be called at device destruction or at init command.
+ */
+	void delete_device();
+/**@name Miscellaneous methods */
+ *	Initialize the device
+ */
+	virtual void init_device();
+ *	Always executed method befor execution command method.
+ */
+	virtual void always_executed_hook();
+ * @name Aml methods prototypes
+ */
+ *	Hardware acquisition for attributes.
+ */
+	virtual void read_attr_hardware(vector<long> &attr_list);
+ *	Extract real attribute values for Axis1_Position acquisition result.
+ */
+	virtual void read_Axis1_Position(Tango::Attribute &attr);
+ *	Extract real attribute values for Axis2_Position acquisition result.
+ */
+	virtual void read_Axis2_Position(Tango::Attribute &attr);
+ *	Read/Write allowed for Axis1_Position attribute.
+ */
+	virtual bool is_Axis1_Position_allowed(Tango::AttReqType type);
+ *	Read/Write allowed for Axis2_Position attribute.
+ */
+	virtual bool is_Axis2_Position_allowed(Tango::AttReqType type);
+ *	Execution allowed for Axis1_MoveRelative command.
+ */
+	virtual bool is_Axis1_MoveRelative_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
+ *	Execution allowed for Axis2_MoveRelative command.
+ */
+	virtual bool is_Axis2_MoveRelative_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
+ *	Execution allowed for Axis1_MoveAbsolute command.
+ */
+	virtual bool is_Axis1_MoveAbsolute_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
+ *	Execution allowed for Axis2_MoveAbsolute command.
+ */
+	virtual bool is_Axis2_MoveAbsolute_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
+ *	Execution allowed for InitMotor command.
+ */
+	virtual bool is_InitMotor_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
+ *	Execution allowed for Stop command.
+ */
+	virtual bool is_Stop_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
+ *	Execution allowed for GetPosition command.
+ */
+	virtual bool is_GetPosition_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
+ * 
+ *	@param	argin	
+ *	@exception DevFailed
+ */
+	void	axis1__move_relative(Tango::DevLong);
+ * 
+ *	@param	argin	
+ *	@exception DevFailed
+ */
+	void	axis2__move_relative(Tango::DevLong);
+ * 
+ *	@param	argin	
+ *	@exception DevFailed
+ */
+	void	axis1__move_absolute(Tango::DevLong);
+ * 
+ *	@param	argin	
+ *	@exception DevFailed
+ */
+	void	axis2__move_absolute(Tango::DevLong);
+ * 
+ *	@exception DevFailed
+ */
+	void	init_motor();
+ * 
+ *	@param	argin	
+ *	@exception DevFailed
+ */
+	void	stop(Tango::DevShort);
+ * 
+ *	@param	argin	
+ *	@return	
+ *	@exception DevFailed
+ */
+	Tango::DevLong	get_position(Tango::DevShort);
+ *	Read the device properties from database
+ */
+	 void get_device_property();
+	//	Here is the end of the automatic code generation part
+	//-------------------------------------------------------------	
+protected :	
+	//	Add your own data members here
+	//-----------------------------------------
+	Tango::DevLong attr_long_value;
+	int actualSelectedMotor;
+}	// namespace_ns
+#endif	// _AML_H
diff --git a/src/AmlClass.cpp b/src/AmlClass.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c040ba5b3d58cf8cbdcf472407e7892f0dcc4f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AmlClass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
+static const char *RcsId     = "$Header:  $";
+static const char *TagName   = "$Name:  $";
+static const char *HttpServer= "http://www.esrf.fr/computing/cs/tango/tango_doc/ds_doc/";
+// file :        AmlClass.cpp
+// description : C++ source for the AmlClass. A singleton
+//               class derived from DeviceClass. It implements the
+//               command list and all properties and methods required
+//               by the Aml once per process.
+// project :     TANGO Device Server
+// $Author:  $
+// $Revision:  $
+// $Log:  $
+// copyleft :   European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+//              BP 220, Grenoble 38043
+//              FRANCE
+//  		This file is generated by POGO
+//	(Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
+//         (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF
+#include <tango.h>
+#include <Aml.h>
+#include <AmlClass.h>
+namespace Aml_ns
+// method : 		StopCmd::execute()
+// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
+//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
+// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
+//		- in_any : The command input data
+// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
+CORBA::Any *StopCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)
+	cout2 << "StopCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;
+	Tango::DevShort	argin;
+	extract(in_any, argin);
+	((static_cast<Aml *>(device))->stop(argin));
+	return new CORBA::Any();
+// method : 		Axis2_MoveAbsoluteCmd::execute()
+// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
+//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
+// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
+//		- in_any : The command input data
+// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
+CORBA::Any *Axis2_MoveAbsoluteCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)
+	cout2 << "Axis2_MoveAbsoluteCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;
+	Tango::DevLong	argin;
+	extract(in_any, argin);
+	((static_cast<Aml *>(device))->axis2__move_absolute(argin));
+	return new CORBA::Any();
+// method : 		Axis1_MoveAbsoluteCmd::execute()
+// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
+//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
+// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
+//		- in_any : The command input data
+// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
+CORBA::Any *Axis1_MoveAbsoluteCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)
+	cout2 << "Axis1_MoveAbsoluteCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;
+	Tango::DevLong	argin;
+	extract(in_any, argin);
+	((static_cast<Aml *>(device))->axis1__move_absolute(argin));
+	return new CORBA::Any();
+// method : 		Axis2_MoveRelativeCmd::execute()
+// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
+//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
+// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
+//		- in_any : The command input data
+// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
+CORBA::Any *Axis2_MoveRelativeCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)
+	cout2 << "Axis2_MoveRelativeCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;
+	Tango::DevLong	argin;
+	extract(in_any, argin);
+	((static_cast<Aml *>(device))->axis2__move_relative(argin));
+	return new CORBA::Any();
+// method : 		Axis1_MoveRelativeCmd::execute()
+// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
+//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
+// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
+//		- in_any : The command input data
+// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
+CORBA::Any *Axis1_MoveRelativeCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)
+	cout2 << "Axis1_MoveRelativeCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;
+	Tango::DevLong	argin;
+	extract(in_any, argin);
+	((static_cast<Aml *>(device))->axis1__move_relative(argin));
+	return new CORBA::Any();
+// method : 		GetPositionClass::execute()
+// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
+//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
+// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
+//		- in_any : The command input data
+// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
+CORBA::Any *GetPositionClass::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)
+	cout2 << "GetPositionClass::execute(): arrived" << endl;
+	Tango::DevShort	argin;
+	extract(in_any, argin);
+	return insert((static_cast<Aml *>(device))->get_position(argin));
+// method : 		InitMotorCmd::execute()
+// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
+//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
+// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
+//		- in_any : The command input data
+// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
+CORBA::Any *InitMotorCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)
+	cout2 << "InitMotorCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;
+	((static_cast<Aml *>(device))->init_motor());
+	return new CORBA::Any();
+//	Initialize pointer for singleton pattern
+AmlClass *AmlClass::_instance = NULL;
+// method : 		AmlClass::AmlClass(string &s)
+// description : 	constructor for the AmlClass
+// in : - s : The class name
+AmlClass::AmlClass(string &s):DeviceClass(s)
+	cout2 << "Entering AmlClass constructor" << endl;
+	get_class_property();
+	set_default_property();
+	write_class_property();
+	cout2 << "Leaving AmlClass constructor" << endl;
+// method : 		AmlClass::~AmlClass()
+// description : 	destructor for the AmlClass
+	_instance = NULL;
+// method : 		AmlClass::instance
+// description : 	Create the object if not already done. Otherwise, just
+//			return a pointer to the object
+// in : - name : The class name
+AmlClass *AmlClass::init(const char *name)
+	if (_instance == NULL)
+	{
+		try
+		{
+			string s(name);
+			_instance = new AmlClass(s);
+		}
+		catch (bad_alloc)
+		{
+			throw;
+		}		
+	}		
+	return _instance;
+AmlClass *AmlClass::instance()
+	if (_instance == NULL)
+	{
+		cerr << "Class is not initialised !!" << endl;
+		exit(-1);
+	}
+	return _instance;
+// method : 		AmlClass::command_factory
+// description : 	Create the command object(s) and store them in the 
+//			command list
+void AmlClass::command_factory()
+	command_list.push_back(new Axis1_MoveRelativeCmd("Axis1_MoveRelative",
+		Tango::DEV_LONG, Tango::DEV_VOID,
+		"",
+		"",
+		Tango::OPERATOR));
+	command_list.push_back(new Axis2_MoveRelativeCmd("Axis2_MoveRelative",
+		Tango::DEV_LONG, Tango::DEV_VOID,
+		"",
+		"",
+		Tango::OPERATOR));
+	command_list.push_back(new Axis1_MoveAbsoluteCmd("Axis1_MoveAbsolute",
+		Tango::DEV_LONG, Tango::DEV_VOID,
+		"",
+		"",
+		Tango::OPERATOR));
+	command_list.push_back(new Axis2_MoveAbsoluteCmd("Axis2_MoveAbsolute",
+		Tango::DEV_LONG, Tango::DEV_VOID,
+		"",
+		"",
+		Tango::OPERATOR));
+	command_list.push_back(new InitMotorCmd("InitMotor",
+		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
+		"",
+		"",
+		Tango::OPERATOR));
+	command_list.push_back(new StopCmd("Stop",
+		Tango::DEV_SHORT, Tango::DEV_VOID,
+		"",
+		"",
+		Tango::OPERATOR));
+	command_list.push_back(new GetPositionClass("GetPosition",
+		Tango::DEV_SHORT, Tango::DEV_LONG,
+		"",
+		"",
+		Tango::OPERATOR));
+	//	add polling if any
+	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<command_list.size(); i++)
+	{
+	}
+// method : 		AmlClass::get_class_property
+// description : 	Get the class property for specified name.
+// in :		string	name : The property name
+Tango::DbDatum AmlClass::get_class_property(string &prop_name)
+	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<cl_prop.size() ; i++)
+		if (cl_prop[i].name == prop_name)
+			return cl_prop[i];
+	//	if not found, return  an empty DbDatum
+	return Tango::DbDatum(prop_name);
+// method : 		AmlClass::get_default_device_property()
+// description : 	Return the default value for device property.
+Tango::DbDatum AmlClass::get_default_device_property(string &prop_name)
+	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<dev_def_prop.size() ; i++)
+		if (dev_def_prop[i].name == prop_name)
+			return dev_def_prop[i];
+	//	if not found, return  an empty DbDatum
+	return Tango::DbDatum(prop_name);
+// method : 		AmlClass::get_default_class_property()
+// description : 	Return the default value for class property.
+Tango::DbDatum AmlClass::get_default_class_property(string &prop_name)
+	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<cl_def_prop.size() ; i++)
+		if (cl_def_prop[i].name == prop_name)
+			return cl_def_prop[i];
+	//	if not found, return  an empty DbDatum
+	return Tango::DbDatum(prop_name);
+// method : 		AmlClass::device_factory
+// description : 	Create the device object(s) and store them in the 
+//			device list
+// in :		Tango::DevVarStringArray *devlist_ptr : The device name list
+void AmlClass::device_factory(const Tango::DevVarStringArray *devlist_ptr)
+	//	Create all devices.(Automatic code generation)
+	//-------------------------------------------------------------
+	for (unsigned long i=0 ; i < devlist_ptr->length() ; i++)
+	{
+		cout4 << "Device name : " << (*devlist_ptr)[i].in() << endl;
+		// Create devices and add it into the device list
+		//----------------------------------------------------
+		device_list.push_back(new Aml(this, (*devlist_ptr)[i]));							 
+		// Export device to the outside world
+		// Check before if database used.
+		//---------------------------------------------
+		if ((Tango::Util::_UseDb == true) && (Tango::Util::_FileDb == false))
+			export_device(device_list.back());
+		else
+			export_device(device_list.back(), (*devlist_ptr)[i]);
+	}
+	//	End of Automatic code generation
+	//-------------------------------------------------------------
+//	Method: AmlClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
+void AmlClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
+	//	Attribute : Axis1_Position
+	Axis1_PositionAttrib	*axis1__position = new Axis1_PositionAttrib();
+	att_list.push_back(axis1__position);
+	//	Attribute : Axis2_Position
+	Axis2_PositionAttrib	*axis2__position = new Axis2_PositionAttrib();
+	att_list.push_back(axis2__position);
+	//	End of Automatic code generation
+	//-------------------------------------------------------------
+// method : 		AmlClass::get_class_property()
+// description : 	Read the class properties from database.
+void AmlClass::get_class_property()
+	//	Initialize your default values here (if not done with  POGO).
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//	Read class properties from database.(Automatic code generation)
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//	Call database and extract values
+	//--------------------------------------------
+	if (Tango::Util::instance()->_UseDb==true)
+		get_db_class()->get_property(cl_prop);
+	Tango::DbDatum	def_prop;
+	int	i = -1;
+	//	End of Automatic code generation
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+// method : 	AmlClass::set_default_property
+// description: Set default property (class and device) for wizard.
+//              For each property, add to wizard property name and description
+//              If default value has been set, add it to wizard property and
+//              store it in a DbDatum.
+void AmlClass::set_default_property()
+	string	prop_name;
+	string	prop_desc;
+	string	prop_def;
+	vector<string>	vect_data;
+	//	Set Default Class Properties
+	//	Set Default Device Properties
+	prop_name = "LogicalName";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "MOTOR_";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("MOTOR_");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "SerialPort";
+	prop_desc = "Serial port device (ttyS0,ttyS1, ...)";
+	prop_def  = "ttyS0";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("ttyS0");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "ControllerVersion";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "0";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("0");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis1_Name";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "";
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis1_MinStepRate1";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "100";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("100");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis1_MinStepRate2";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "70";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("70");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis1_MinStepRate3";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "50";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("50");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis1_PhaseCurrent";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "50";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("50");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis1_Ramp";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "100";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("100");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis1_StartStopSpeed";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "400";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("400");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis1_SleewSpeed";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "500";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("500");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis1_Range";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "15000";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("15000");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis1_SetAccelerAndRetardPars";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "X400,500,100";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("X400,500,100");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis2_Name";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "";
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis2_MinStepRate1";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "100";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("100");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis2_MinStepRate2";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "70";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("70");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis2_MinStepRate3";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "50";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("50");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis2_PhaseCurrent";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "50";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("50");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis2_Ramp";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "100";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("100");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis2_StartStopSpeed";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "400";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("400");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis2_SleewSpeed";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "500";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("500");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis2_Range";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "15000";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("15000");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+	prop_name = "Axis2_SetAccelerAndRetardPars";
+	prop_desc = "";
+	prop_def  = "X400,500,100";
+	vect_data.clear();
+	vect_data.push_back("X400,500,100");
+	if (prop_def.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
+		data << vect_data ;
+		dev_def_prop.push_back(data);
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
+	}
+	else
+		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);
+// method : 		AmlClass::write_class_property
+// description : 	Set class description as property in database
+void AmlClass::write_class_property()
+	//	First time, check if database used
+	//--------------------------------------------
+	if (Tango::Util::_UseDb == false)
+		return;
+	Tango::DbData	data;
+	string	classname = get_name();
+	string	header;
+	string::size_type	start, end;
+	//	Put title
+	Tango::DbDatum	title("ProjectTitle");
+	string	str_title("");
+	title << str_title;
+	data.push_back(title);
+	//	Put Description
+	Tango::DbDatum	description("Description");
+	vector<string>	str_desc;
+	str_desc.push_back("  ");
+	description << str_desc;
+	data.push_back(description);
+	//	put cvs location
+	string	rcsId(RcsId);
+	string	filename(classname);
+	start = rcsId.find("/");
+	if (start!=string::npos)
+	{
+		filename += "Class.cpp";
+		end   = rcsId.find(filename);
+		if (end>start)
+		{
+			string	strloc = rcsId.substr(start, end-start);
+			//	Check if specific repository
+			start = strloc.find("/cvsroot/");
+			if (start!=string::npos && start>0)
+			{
+				string	repository = strloc.substr(0, start);
+				if (repository.find("/segfs/")!=string::npos)
+					strloc = "ESRF:" + strloc.substr(start, strloc.length()-start);
+			}
+			Tango::DbDatum	cvs_loc("cvs_location");
+			cvs_loc << strloc;
+			data.push_back(cvs_loc);
+		}
+	}
+	//	Get CVS tag revision
+	string	tagname(TagName);
+	header = "$Name: ";
+	start = header.length();
+	string	endstr(" $");
+	end   = tagname.find(endstr);
+	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
+	{
+		string	strtag = tagname.substr(start, end-start);
+		Tango::DbDatum	cvs_tag("cvs_tag");
+		cvs_tag << strtag;
+		data.push_back(cvs_tag);
+	}
+	//	Get URL location
+	string	httpServ(HttpServer);
+	if (httpServ.length()>0)
+	{
+		Tango::DbDatum	db_doc_url("doc_url");
+		db_doc_url << httpServ;
+		data.push_back(db_doc_url);
+	}
+	//  Put inheritance
+	Tango::DbDatum	inher_datum("InheritedFrom");
+	vector<string> inheritance;
+	inheritance.push_back("Device_4Impl");
+	inher_datum << inheritance;
+	data.push_back(inher_datum);
+	//	Call database and and values
+	//--------------------------------------------
+	get_db_class()->put_property(data);
+}	// namespace
diff --git a/src/AmlClass.h b/src/AmlClass.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89f190e608848d1a19bfce143ca795be03e7f58c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AmlClass.h
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+// file :         AmlClass.h
+// description :  Include for the AmlClass root class.
+//                This class is represents the singleton class for
+//                the Aml device class.
+//                It contains all properties and methods which the 
+//                Aml requires only once e.g. the commands.
+// project :      TANGO Device Server
+// $Author:  $
+// $Revision:  $
+// $Log:  $
+// copyleft :     European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+//                BP 220, Grenoble 38043
+//                FRANCE
+//  		This file is generated by POGO
+//	(Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
+//         (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF
+#ifndef _AMLCLASS_H
+#define _AMLCLASS_H
+#include <tango.h>
+#include <Aml.h>
+namespace Aml_ns
+//	Define classes for attributes
+class Axis2_PositionAttrib: public Tango::Attr
+	Axis2_PositionAttrib():Attr("Axis2_Position", Tango::DEV_LONG, Tango::READ) {};
+	~Axis2_PositionAttrib() {};
+	virtual void read(Tango::DeviceImpl *dev,Tango::Attribute &att)
+	{(static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->read_Axis2_Position(att);}
+	virtual bool is_allowed(Tango::DeviceImpl *dev,Tango::AttReqType ty)
+	{return (static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->is_Axis2_Position_allowed(ty);}
+class Axis1_PositionAttrib: public Tango::Attr
+	Axis1_PositionAttrib():Attr("Axis1_Position", Tango::DEV_LONG, Tango::READ) {};
+	~Axis1_PositionAttrib() {};
+	virtual void read(Tango::DeviceImpl *dev,Tango::Attribute &att)
+	{(static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->read_Axis1_Position(att);}
+	virtual bool is_allowed(Tango::DeviceImpl *dev,Tango::AttReqType ty)
+	{return (static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->is_Axis1_Position_allowed(ty);}
+//	Define classes for commands
+class GetPositionClass : public Tango::Command
+	GetPositionClass(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out,
+				   const char        *in_desc,
+				   const char        *out_desc,
+				   Tango::DispLevel  level)
+	:Command(name,in,out,in_desc,out_desc, level)	{};
+	GetPositionClass(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out)
+	:Command(name,in,out)	{};
+	~GetPositionClass() {};
+	virtual CORBA::Any *execute (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any);
+	virtual bool is_allowed (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any)
+	{return (static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->is_GetPosition_allowed(any);}
+class StopCmd : public Tango::Command
+	StopCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out,
+				   const char        *in_desc,
+				   const char        *out_desc,
+				   Tango::DispLevel  level)
+	:Command(name,in,out,in_desc,out_desc, level)	{};
+	StopCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out)
+	:Command(name,in,out)	{};
+	~StopCmd() {};
+	virtual CORBA::Any *execute (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any);
+	virtual bool is_allowed (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any)
+	{return (static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->is_Stop_allowed(any);}
+class InitMotorCmd : public Tango::Command
+	InitMotorCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out,
+				   const char        *in_desc,
+				   const char        *out_desc,
+				   Tango::DispLevel  level)
+	:Command(name,in,out,in_desc,out_desc, level)	{};
+	InitMotorCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out)
+	:Command(name,in,out)	{};
+	~InitMotorCmd() {};
+	virtual CORBA::Any *execute (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any);
+	virtual bool is_allowed (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any)
+	{return (static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->is_InitMotor_allowed(any);}
+class Axis2_MoveAbsoluteCmd : public Tango::Command
+	Axis2_MoveAbsoluteCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out,
+				   const char        *in_desc,
+				   const char        *out_desc,
+				   Tango::DispLevel  level)
+	:Command(name,in,out,in_desc,out_desc, level)	{};
+	Axis2_MoveAbsoluteCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out)
+	:Command(name,in,out)	{};
+	~Axis2_MoveAbsoluteCmd() {};
+	virtual CORBA::Any *execute (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any);
+	virtual bool is_allowed (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any)
+	{return (static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->is_Axis2_MoveAbsolute_allowed(any);}
+class Axis1_MoveAbsoluteCmd : public Tango::Command
+	Axis1_MoveAbsoluteCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out,
+				   const char        *in_desc,
+				   const char        *out_desc,
+				   Tango::DispLevel  level)
+	:Command(name,in,out,in_desc,out_desc, level)	{};
+	Axis1_MoveAbsoluteCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out)
+	:Command(name,in,out)	{};
+	~Axis1_MoveAbsoluteCmd() {};
+	virtual CORBA::Any *execute (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any);
+	virtual bool is_allowed (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any)
+	{return (static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->is_Axis1_MoveAbsolute_allowed(any);}
+class Axis2_MoveRelativeCmd : public Tango::Command
+	Axis2_MoveRelativeCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out,
+				   const char        *in_desc,
+				   const char        *out_desc,
+				   Tango::DispLevel  level)
+	:Command(name,in,out,in_desc,out_desc, level)	{};
+	Axis2_MoveRelativeCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out)
+	:Command(name,in,out)	{};
+	~Axis2_MoveRelativeCmd() {};
+	virtual CORBA::Any *execute (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any);
+	virtual bool is_allowed (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any)
+	{return (static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->is_Axis2_MoveRelative_allowed(any);}
+class Axis1_MoveRelativeCmd : public Tango::Command
+	Axis1_MoveRelativeCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out,
+				   const char        *in_desc,
+				   const char        *out_desc,
+				   Tango::DispLevel  level)
+	:Command(name,in,out,in_desc,out_desc, level)	{};
+	Axis1_MoveRelativeCmd(const char   *name,
+	               Tango::CmdArgType in,
+				   Tango::CmdArgType out)
+	:Command(name,in,out)	{};
+	~Axis1_MoveRelativeCmd() {};
+	virtual CORBA::Any *execute (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any);
+	virtual bool is_allowed (Tango::DeviceImpl *dev, const CORBA::Any &any)
+	{return (static_cast<Aml *>(dev))->is_Axis1_MoveRelative_allowed(any);}
+// The AmlClass singleton definition
+#ifdef WIN32
+	__declspec(dllexport)
+	AmlClass : public Tango::DeviceClass
+//	properties member data
+//	add your own data members here
+	Tango::DbData	cl_prop;
+	Tango::DbData	cl_def_prop;
+	Tango::DbData	dev_def_prop;
+//	Method prototypes
+	static AmlClass *init(const char *);
+	static AmlClass *instance();
+	~AmlClass();
+	Tango::DbDatum	get_class_property(string &);
+	Tango::DbDatum	get_default_device_property(string &);
+	Tango::DbDatum	get_default_class_property(string &);
+	AmlClass(string &);
+	static AmlClass *_instance;
+	void command_factory();
+	void get_class_property();
+	void attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &);
+	void write_class_property();
+	void set_default_property();
+	void device_factory(const Tango::DevVarStringArray *);
+}	//	namespace Aml_ns
+#endif // _AMLCLASS_H
diff --git a/src/AmlStateMachine.cpp b/src/AmlStateMachine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd3b2d96c2ede4c7fda166f8ea65c5acb6796dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AmlStateMachine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+static const char *RcsId = "$Header:  $";
+// file :         AmlStateMachine.cpp
+// description :  C++ source for the Aml and its alowed. 
+//                method for commands and attributes
+// project :      TANGO Device Server
+// $Author:  $
+// $Revision:  $
+// $Log:  $
+// copyleft :     European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+//                BP 220, Grenoble 38043
+//                FRANCE
+//  		This file is generated by POGO
+//	(Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
+//         (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF
+#include <tango.h>
+#include <Aml.h>
+#include <AmlClass.h>
+ *	This file contains the methods to allow commands and attributes
+ * read or write execution.
+ *
+ * If you wand to add your own code, add it between 
+ * the "End/Re-Start of Generated Code" comments.
+ *
+ * If you want, you can also add your own methods.
+ *====================================================================
+ */
+namespace Aml_ns
+//		Attributes Allowed Methods
+// method : 		Aml::is_Axis1_Position_allowed
+// description : 	Read/Write allowed for Axis1_Position attribute.
+bool Aml::is_Axis1_Position_allowed(Tango::AttReqType type)
+		//	End of Generated Code
+		//	Re-Start of Generated Code
+	return true;
+// method : 		Aml::is_Axis2_Position_allowed
+// description : 	Read/Write allowed for Axis2_Position attribute.
+bool Aml::is_Axis2_Position_allowed(Tango::AttReqType type)
+		//	End of Generated Code
+		//	Re-Start of Generated Code
+	return true;
+//		Commands Allowed Methods
+// method : 		Aml::is_InitMotor_allowed
+// description : 	Execution allowed for InitMotor command.
+bool Aml::is_InitMotor_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any)
+		//	End of Generated Code
+		//	Re-Start of Generated Code
+	return true;
+// method : 		Aml::is_Stop_allowed
+// description : 	Execution allowed for Stop command.
+bool Aml::is_Stop_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any)
+		//	End of Generated Code
+		//	Re-Start of Generated Code
+	return true;
+// method : 		Aml::is_GetPosition_allowed
+// description : 	Execution allowed for GetPosition command.
+bool Aml::is_GetPosition_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any)
+		//	End of Generated Code
+		//	Re-Start of Generated Code
+	return true;
+// method : 		Aml::is_Axis1_MoveRelative_allowed
+// description : 	Execution allowed for Axis1_MoveRelative command.
+bool Aml::is_Axis1_MoveRelative_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any)
+		//	End of Generated Code
+		//	Re-Start of Generated Code
+	return true;
+// method : 		Aml::is_Axis2_MoveRelative_allowed
+// description : 	Execution allowed for Axis2_MoveRelative command.
+bool Aml::is_Axis2_MoveRelative_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any)
+		//	End of Generated Code
+		//	Re-Start of Generated Code
+	return true;
+// method : 		Aml::is_Axis1_MoveAbsolute_allowed
+// description : 	Execution allowed for Axis1_MoveAbsolute command.
+bool Aml::is_Axis1_MoveAbsolute_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any)
+		//	End of Generated Code
+		//	Re-Start of Generated Code
+	return true;
+// method : 		Aml::is_Axis2_MoveAbsolute_allowed
+// description : 	Execution allowed for Axis2_MoveAbsolute command.
+bool Aml::is_Axis2_MoveAbsolute_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any)
+		//	End of Generated Code
+		//	Re-Start of Generated Code
+	return true;
+}	// namespace Aml_ns
diff --git a/src/ClassFactory.cpp b/src/ClassFactory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4bf31e4ec838a39df65269f51d399455ce0492cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ClassFactory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+static const char *RcsId = "$Header:  $";
+// file :        ClassFactory.cpp
+// description : C++ source for the class_factory method of the DServer
+//               device class. This method is responsible to create
+//               all class singletin for a device server. It is called
+//               at device server startup
+// project :     TANGO Device Server
+// $Author:  $
+// $Revision:  $
+// $Log:  $
+// copyleft :    European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+//               BP 220, Grenoble 38043
+//               FRANCE
+//  		This file is generated by POGO
+//	(Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
+//         (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF
+#include <tango.h>
+#include <AmlClass.h>
+ *	Create AmlClass singleton and store it in DServer object.
+ */
+void Tango::DServer::class_factory()
+	add_class(Aml_ns::AmlClass::init("Aml"));
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..615d29dafb83047835f9b29ece4f09a4dd16e33c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# file :        Makefile
+# description : Makefile to generate a TANGO device server.
+# project :     Aml motors
+# $Author:  $
+# $Revision:  $
+# $Log:  $
+#                This file is generated by POGO
+#        (Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
+# MAKE_ENV is the path to find common environment to buil project
+MAKE_ENV = /opt/tango-8.1.2c/share/pogo/preferences
+# PACKAGE_NAME is the name of the library/device/exe you want to build
+# #=============================================================================
+# # - DEBUG     : debug symbols - no optimization
+# # - OPTIMIZED : no debug symbols - optimization level set to O2
+# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# OUTPUT_TYPE can be one of the following :
+#   - 'STATIC_LIB' for a static library (.a)
+#   - 'SHARED_LIB' for a dynamic library (.so)
+#   - 'DEVICE' for a device server (will automatically include and link
+#            with Tango dependencies)
+#   - 'SIMPLE_EXE' for an executable with no dependency (for exemple the test tool
+#                of a library with no Tango dependencies)
+# OUTPUT_DIR  is the directory which contains the build result.
+# if not set, the standard location is :
+#	- $HOME/DeviceServers if OUTPUT_TYPE is DEVICE
+#	- ../bin for others
+OUTPUT_DIR = ./bin/$(BIN_DIR)
+# INC_DIR_USER is the list of all include path needed by your sources
+#   - for a device server, tango dependencies are automatically appended
+#   - '-I ../include' and '-I .' are automatically appended in all cases
+# LIB_DIR_USER is the list of user library directories
+#   - for a device server, tango libraries directories are automatically appended
+#   - '-L ../lib' is automatically appended in all cases
+# LFLAGS_USR is the list of user link flags
+#   - for a device server, tango libraries directories are automatically appended
+#   - '-ldl -lpthread' is automatically appended in all cases
+# !!! ATTENTION !!!
+# Be aware that the order matters. 
+# For example if you must link with libA, and if libA depends itself on libB
+# you must use '-lA -lB' in this order as link flags, otherwise you will get
+# 'undefined reference' errors
+# CXXFLAGS_USR lists the compilation flags specific for your library/device/exe
+# This is the place where to put your compile-time macros using '-Dmy_macro'
+# - TRUE  : your project depends on TANGO
+# - FALSE : your project does not depend on TANGO
+# - NOTE : if PROJECT_TYPE is set to DEVICE, TANGO will be auto. added
+#	include Standard TANGO compilation options
+include $(MAKE_ENV)/tango.opt
+#	POST_PROCESSING: action to be done after normal make.
+#	e.g.:  change executable file name, .....
+# SVC_OBJS is the list of all objects needed to make the output
+SVC_OBJS =      \
+            $(OBJDIR)/$(PACKAGE_NAME).o \
+            $(OBJDIR)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)Class.o \
+            $(OBJDIR)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)StateMachine.o \
+            $(OBJDIR)/ClassFactory.o  \
+            $(OBJDIR)/main.o \
+            $(ADDITIONAL_OBJS) 
+#------------  Object files for additional files  ------------
+#	include common targets
+include $(MAKE_ENV)/common_target.opt
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41f82bf8cd77edb63e7eb5fa87b3d35a4e7d1be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+static const char *RcsId = "$Header:  $";
+// file :        main.cpp
+// description : C++ source for a TANGO device server main.
+//               The main rule is to initialise (and create) the Tango
+//               system and to create the DServerClass singleton.
+//               The main should be the same for every Tango device server.
+// project :     TANGO Device Server
+// $Author:  $
+// $Revision:  $ $
+// $Log:  $
+// copyleft :    European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+//               BP 220, Grenoble 38043
+//               FRANCE
+//  		This file is generated by POGO
+//	(Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
+//         (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF
+#include <tango.h>
+int main(int argc,char *argv[])
+	Tango::Util *tg;
+	try
+	{
+		// Initialise the device server
+		//----------------------------------------
+		tg = Tango::Util::init(argc,argv);
+		// Create the device server singleton 
+		//	which will create everything
+		//----------------------------------------
+		tg->server_init(false);
+		// Run the endless loop
+		//----------------------------------------
+		cout << "Ready to accept request" << endl;
+		tg->server_run();
+	}
+	catch (bad_alloc)
+	{
+		cout << "Can't allocate memory to store device object !!!" << endl;
+		cout << "Exiting" << endl;
+	}
+	catch (CORBA::Exception &e)
+	{
+		Tango::Except::print_exception(e);
+		cout << "Received a CORBA_Exception" << endl;
+		cout << "Exiting" << endl;
+	}
+	tg->server_cleanup();
+	return(0);