diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d049cec5368d5087038ec79a40d09f39645db327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# exclude pyc files
diff --git a/src/dynamic-srv.py b/src/dynamic-srv.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ad43915295582b3db5dc3e6845edd87b4c32467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dynamic-srv.py
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#    "$Name:  $";
+#    "$Header:  $";
+# file :        Dynamic.py
+# description : Python source for the Dynamic and its commands. 
+#                The class is derived from Device. It represents the
+#                CORBA servant object which will be accessed from the
+#                network. All commands which can be executed on the
+#                Dynamic are implemented in this file.
+# project :     TANGO Device Server
+# $Author:  $
+# $Revision:  $
+# $Log:  $
+# copyleft :    European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+#               BP 220, Grenoble 38043
+#               FRANCE
+#          This file is generated by POGO
+#    (Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
+#         (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF
+Dynamic Server. 
+import sys
+import os
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+from UserDict import UserDict
+from xmlconfig import (ScriptXmlConfig, IS_COMMAND,READ_WRITE, READ_ONLY, WRITE_ONLY,InvalidFileError )
+import PyTango
+import time
+import numpy as np
+import signal
+def fromPyTango2NumpyType(pytango_type):
+    """ Return the numpy type based on the PyTango type
+    usage: 
+        attr=PyTango.AttributeProxy('')
+        sample=attr.read()
+        fromPyTango2NumpyType(sample.type)
+    """    
+    data_type = np.int32
+    if (pytango_type==PyTango.CmdArgType.DevUChar):
+        data_type=np.uint8
+    elif(pytango_type==PyTango.CmdArgType.DevUShort):
+        data_type = np.uint16
+    elif(pytango_type==PyTango.CmdArgType.DevULong):
+        data_type = np.uint32
+    elif(pytango_type==PyTango.CmdArgType.DevShort):
+        data_type = np.int16
+    elif(pytango_type==PyTango.CmdArgType.DevLong):
+        data_type = np.int32
+    elif(pytango_type==PyTango.CmdArgType.DevFloat):
+        data_type = np.float32
+    elif(pytango_type==PyTango.CmdArgType.DevDouble):
+        data_type = np.float32 #FIXME version 1.2.1 does not support float64
+    elif(pytango_type==PyTango.CmdArgType.DevBoolean):
+        data_type = np.bool
+    return data_type
+def fromNumpyType2PyTango(numpy_type):
+    """ Return the PyTango type based on numpy type
+    usage: 
+        attr = numpy.ones((2,2))
+        fromNumpyType2PyTango(attr.type)                
+    """        
+    data_type = PyTango.ArgType.DevDouble
+    if numpy_type == np.uint8:
+        data_type = PyTango.ArgType.DevUChar
+    elif numpy_type == np.uint16:
+        data_type = PyTango.ArgType.DevUShort
+    elif numpy_type == np.uint32:
+        data_type = PyTango.ArgType.DevULong
+    elif numpy_type == np.uint64:
+        data_type = PyTango.ArgType.DevULong
+    elif numpy_type == np.int16:
+        data_type = PyTango.ArgType.DevShort
+    elif numpy_type == np.int32:
+        data_type = PyTango.ArgType.DevLong
+    elif numpy_type == np.int64:
+        data_type = PyTango.ArgType.DevLong
+    elif numpy_type == np.float32:
+        data_type = PyTango.ArgType.DevDouble
+    elif numpy_type == np.bool:
+        data_type = PyTango.ArgType.DevBoolean
+    return data_type
+def fromNp2Tg(numpy_type):
+    data_type = "double"
+    if numpy_type == np.uint8:
+        data_type = "uchar"
+    elif numpy_type == np.uint16:
+        data_type = "ushort"
+    elif numpy_type == np.uint32:
+        data_type = "ulong"
+    elif numpy_type == np.uint64:
+        data_type = "ulong"
+    elif numpy_type == np.int16:
+        data_type = "short"
+    elif numpy_type == np.int32:
+        data_type = "long"
+    elif numpy_type == np.int64:
+        data_type = "long"
+    elif numpy_type == np.float32:
+        data_type = "double"
+    elif numpy_type == np.bool:
+        data_type = "boolean"
+    return data_type    
+def dataType2TangoType(opt_type):
+    if opt_type == "DOUBLE":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevDouble
+    elif opt_type == "SHORT":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevShort
+    elif opt_type == "LONG":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevLong
+    elif opt_type == "USHORT":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevUShort
+    elif opt_type == "ULONG":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevULong
+    elif opt_type == "FLOAT":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevFloat        
+    elif opt_type == "UCHAR":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevUChar
+    elif opt_type == "STRING":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevString
+    elif opt_type == "BOOLEAN":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevBoolean
+    else:
+        PyTango.Except.throw_exception("BadInput",
+        "BadInput: (name,data_type,[xsize,[ysize]]), received: " + 
+        str(opt_type) ,
+        "processStrings")
+    return typ
+def processInputStringArray(inp_array):
+    """ Process an input array and return the values for the creation of
+    PyTango Attribute.
+    The input array must have: 
+        name = The name of the new PyTango Attribute.
+        data_type = string DOUBLE,SHORT or LONG strings
+        optionals:
+        [X size] = number of data for 1 and 2 d arrays
+        [Y size] = number of data for 2 d arrays        
+    it will return: 
+        (name,PyTangoType,[int,[int]])
+    """
+    #FIXME: process bad input    
+    #print "processing inp",inp_array
+    name = inp_array[0].lower()
+    opt_type = inp_array[1].upper()
+    if opt_type == "DOUBLE":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevDouble
+    elif opt_type == "SHORT":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevShort
+    elif opt_type == "LONG":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevLong
+    elif opt_type == "USHORT":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevUShort
+    elif opt_type == "ULONG":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevULong
+    elif opt_type == "FLOAT":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevFloat        
+    elif opt_type == "UCHAR":
+        typ = PyTango.ArgType.DevUChar
+    else:
+        PyTango.Except.throw_exception("BadInput",
+        "BadInput: (name,data_type,[xsize,[ysize]]), received: " + 
+        str(inp_array) + " name = " +str(name) + " type = " +opt_type,
+        "processStrings")
+    if (len(inp_array) > 3):
+        y_size = int(inp_array[3])
+        x_size = int(inp_array[2])
+        return (name,typ,x_size,y_size)
+    elif (len(inp_array)>2):
+        x_size = int(inp_array[2])
+        return (name,typ,x_size)
+    else:
+        return (name,typ)
+#   Dynamic Class Description:
+#         Creation and management of dynamic attributes that will be used for 
+#         pre and pros-processing of Fermi data.
+#     Device States Description:
+#   DevState.ON :     Working
+#   DevState.FAULT :
+class CaseLessDict(UserDict):
+    def __init__(self):
+        UserDict.__init__(self)
+    def __setitem__(self,key,v):
+        UserDict.__setitem__(self,key.lower(),v)
+    def __getitem__(self,key):
+        key_l = key.lower()
+        return UserDict.__getitem__(self,key_l)
+class Dynamic(PyTango.Device_4Impl):
+#--------- Add you global variables here --------------------------
+#    Device constructor
+    def __init__(self,cl, name):
+        PyTango.Device_4Impl.__init__(self,cl,name)
+        Dynamic.init_device(self)
+#    Device destructor
+    def delete_device(self):
+	self.debug_stream("In %s::delete_device()"%self.get_name())    
+#    Device initialization
+    def init_device(self):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::init_device()"
+        self.set_state(PyTango.DevState.OFF)
+        self.get_device_properties(self.get_device_class())
+        self.myattrs = CaseLessDict()
+        self.read_functions = CaseLessDict()
+        self.write_functions = CaseLessDict()
+        aux = self.FiltersScript.split('/')
+        path = '/'.join(aux[:-1])
+        if path:
+            if path not in sys.path:
+                sys.path.insert(0, path)        
+        module_name = aux[-1].replace('.py','')
+        try:
+            self.module = __import__(module_name)
+        except ImportError, ex:
+            sys.stderr.write(str(ex)+"\n")
+            self.module = None
+            self.set_state(PyTango.DevState.FAULT)
+            self.set_status("Invalid Filters Script " + self.FiltersScript )
+            return
+	#link to the Tango DB
+        self.db = PyTango.Database()
+        #creation of dynamic attributes.                    
+        try:              
+            xml_file = ScriptXmlConfig(self.XmlConfigurator)
+        except InvalidFileError, ex: 
+            self.warn_stream("Invalid xml file\n")
+            self.set_state(PyTango.DevState.OFF)
+            return
+        for (key, value) in xml_file.entries.items():
+            if value.flag == IS_COMMAND: continue
+            if not (value.handler.lower() == self.get_name().lower() or value.handler.lower() == 'self'): 
+                try:
+                    #print 'creation of attribute proxy: ',  str(value.tango_name)
+                    attr_proxy = PyTango.AttributeProxy(str(value.tango_name))
+                    attr_value = attr_proxy.read()
+                    attr_config = attr_proxy.get_config()
+		    #  
+                    if str(attr_config.data_format) == "SCALAR":
+		      attr = PyTango.Attr(str(value.name), attr_config.data_type, attr_config.writable)
+		    elif str(attr_config.data_format) == "SPECTRUM":
+		      attr = PyTango.SpectrumAttr(str(value.name), attr_config.data_type, attr_config.writable,attr_config.max_dim_x)
+		    elif str(attr_config.data_format) == "IMAGE":
+		      attr = PyTango.ImageAttr(str(value.name), attr_config.data_type, attr_config.writable,attr_config.max_dim_x,attr_config.max_dim_y)
+		    #
+		    self.add_attribute(attr, self.read_proxy, self.write_proxy)
+                    self.myattrs[value.name] = attr_proxy
+                except PyTango.DevFailed, ex: 
+                    self.warn_stream("%s" % str(ex))		 
+                continue
+            if self.myattrs.has_key(value.name):
+                PyTango.Except.throw_exception("Exist",
+                            "Attribute "+value.name+ " already defined",
+                            "NewAttribute")
+            tango_type = dataType2TangoType(value.type.upper())
+            permission = READ_ONLY
+            if value.flag == READ_ONLY:
+                permission = PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ
+            elif value.flag == READ_WRITE:
+                permission = PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE
+            elif value.flag == WRITE_ONLY:
+                #FIXME: check if it is possible to have write only
+                permission = PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE
+            # It's possible to define python methods for calculating the attribute value
+            self.read_functions[value.name] = value.read_function
+            self.write_functions[value.name] = value.write_function
+            if value.dimension == 1:                
+                attr = PyTango.Attr(str(value.name), tango_type, permission)
+                if value.memorized == 1:
+                    attr.set_memorized()
+                self.add_attribute(attr, self.read_Scalar,self.write_Scalar)
+                if tango_type == PyTango.ArgType.DevString:
+                    self.myattrs[value.name] = ""
+                else:
+                    self.myattrs[value.name] = 0
+                if value.default:
+			self.myattrs[value.name] = eval(value.default)
+                if value.memorized == 1:
+		    	dev_attr_props = self.db.get_device_attribute_property(self.get_name(),[value.name])
+			attr_prop = dev_attr_props[value.name]
+			for pr in attr_prop.keys():
+				if (pr == '__value') and (tango_type == PyTango.ArgType.DevString):
+					self.myattrs[value.name] = attr_prop['__value'][0]
+				elif (pr == '__value') and (tango_type == PyTango.ArgType.DevFloat):
+					self.myattrs[value.name] = float(attr_prop['__value'][0])
+				elif (pr == '__value') and (tango_type == PyTango.ArgType.DevDouble):
+					self.myattrs[value.name] = float(attr_prop['__value'][0])
+				elif (pr == '__value') and (tango_type == PyTango.ArgType.DevBoolean):
+					self.myattrs[value.name] = bool(attr_prop['__value'][0] == "True")
+				elif (pr == '__value'):
+					self.myattrs[value.name] = int(attr_prop['__value'][0])
+            elif isinstance(value.dimension, tuple):
+                sizx = value.dimension[0]
+                sizy = value.dimension[1]
+                attr = PyTango.ImageAttr(str(value.name), tango_type, permission,sizx, sizy)
+                self.add_attribute(attr, self.read_Image, self.write_Image)
+                if value.default:
+			self.myattrs[value.name] = eval(value.default)
+                elif tango_type == PyTango.ArgType.DevString:
+			self.myattrs[value.name] = [[],[]]
+		else:
+			self.myattrs[value.name] = np.zeros((sizy,sizx),fromPyTango2NumpyType(tango_type))
+            else : 
+	        self.debug_stream("Creation of attribute %s, dimension = %s" % (value.name, str(value.dimension)))
+                attr = PyTango.SpectrumAttr(str(value.name), tango_type, permission,value.dimension)
+                self.add_attribute(attr, self.read_Spectrum, self.write_Spectrum)
+                if value.default:
+			self.myattrs[value.name] = eval(value.default)
+                elif tango_type == PyTango.ArgType.DevString:
+			self.myattrs[value.name] = []
+		else:
+			self.myattrs[value.name] = np.zeros(value.dimension, fromPyTango2NumpyType(tango_type))
+	#
+	self.set_state(PyTango.DevState.ON)
+#    Always excuted hook method
+    def always_executed_hook(self):
+        self.debug_stream("In %s::always_excuted_hook()"%self.get_name())    
+#    Dynamic read/write attribute methods
+#    Read Attribute Hardware
+    def read_attr_hardware(self,data):
+        self.debug_stream("In %s::read_attr_hardware()" % self.get_name())
+#    Read Scalar attribute
+    def read_Scalar(self, attr):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::read_Scalar()"
+        #    Add your own code here
+        data = self.read_dynamic_attribute(attr.get_name())
+        #
+        attr.set_value(data)
+#    Write Scalar attribute
+    def write_Scalar(self, attr):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::write_Scalar()"
+        #    Add your own code here
+        value_in = attr.get_write_value(PyTango.ExtractAs.Numpy) 
+	self.write_dynamic_attribute(attr.get_name(), value_in)
+#    Read Spectrum attribute
+    def read_Spectrum(self, attr):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::read_Spectrum()"
+        #    Add your own code here
+        data = self.read_dynamic_attribute(attr.get_name())
+	#
+	attr.set_value(data,len(data))        
+#    Write Spectrum attribute
+    def write_Spectrum(self, attr):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::write_Spectrum()"
+        #    Add your own code here
+        value_in = attr.get_write_value(PyTango.ExtractAs.Numpy) 
+	#
+	self.write_dynamic_attribute(attr.get_name(), value_in)
+#    Read Image attribute
+    def read_Image(self, attr):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::read_Image()"
+        #    Add your own code here
+        data = self.read_dynamic_attribute(attr.get_name())
+        #
+        assert isinstance(data,np.ndarray)
+        #find_zero = np.where(data == 0)
+        #data[find_zero] = data.max()
+        attr.set_value(data)
+#    Write Image attribute
+    def write_Image(self, attr):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::write_Image()"
+        #    Add your own code here
+        value_in = attr.get_write_value(PyTango.ExtractAs.Numpy) 
+	self.write_dynamic_attribute(attr.get_name(), value_in)
+    def read_proxy(self, attr):
+        #    Add your own code here
+        val = self.myattrs[attr.get_name()].read()
+	data = self.myattrs[attr.get_name()]
+        attr.set_value(val.value,val.dim_x, val.dim_y)
+    def write_proxy(self, attr):
+        val = attr.get_write_value(PyTango.ExtractAs.Numpy)
+	self.myattrs[attr.get_name()].write(val)
+#    Dynamic command methods
+#    NewScalar command:
+#    Description: 
+#    argin:  DevVarStringArray    Name - of the new scalar attribute\nDOUBLE, SHORT, LONG for the type of the attribute\n
+    def NewScalar(self, argin):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::NewScalar()"
+        #    Add your own code here
+        (name,typ) = processInputStringArray(argin)
+        attr = PyTango.Attr(name, typ,
+                                        PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE)
+        if self.myattrs.has_key(name):
+            PyTango.Except.throw_exception("Exist","Attribute "+name+ " already defined","NewAttribute")
+        self.add_attribute(attr, self.read_Scalar, self.write_Scalar,None)
+        self.myattrs[name] = 0
+#    NewSpectrum command:
+#    Description: 
+#    argin:  DevVarStringArray    Name - of the new scalar attribute\nDOUBLE, SHORT, LONG for the type of the attribute\nMaxDim of the spectrum
+    def NewSpectrum(self, argin):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::NewSpectrum()"
+        #    Add your own code here
+        (name,typ,siz) = processInputStringArray(argin)
+        attr = PyTango.SpectrumAttr(name, typ,
+                                        PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE,
+                                        siz                                        
+                                        )
+        if self.myattrs.has_key(name):
+            PyTango.Except.throw_exception("Exist","Attribute "+name+ " already defined","NewAttribute")                                        
+        self.add_attribute(attr, self.read_Spectrum, self.write_Spectrum,None)
+        self.myattrs[name] = np.zeros(siz,fromPyTango2NumpyType(typ))                                        
+#    NewImage command:
+#    Description: 
+#    argin:  DevVarStringArray    Name - of the new scalar attribute\nDOUBLE, SHORT, LONG for the type of the attribute\nMaxDimX of the image\nMaxDimY of the image
+    def NewImage(self, argin):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::NewImage()"
+        #    Add your own code here
+        (name,typ,sizx,sizy) = processInputStringArray(argin)
+        attr = PyTango.ImageAttr(name, typ,
+                                        PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE,
+                                        sizx, sizy)
+        if self.myattrs.has_key(name):
+            PyTango.Except.throw_exception("Exist","Attribute "+name+ " already defined","NewAttribute")                                        
+        self.add_attribute(attr, self.read_Image, self.write_Image,None)
+        self.myattrs[name] = np.zeros((sizy,sizx),fromPyTango2NumpyType(typ))
+        #print      self.myattrs[name].dtype   
+    def ClearAll(self):
+        #print "In ", self.get_name(), "::ClearAll()"
+        for k in self.myattrs.keys():
+            #print ' attempt to remove key = ' ,k
+            try:
+                self.remove_attribute(k.lower())
+            except :
+                pass
+        #
+        self.myattrs = CaseLessDict()
+        self.read_functions = CaseLessDict()
+        self.write_functions = CaseLessDict()
+#    DynamicClass class utilities
+    def read_dynamic_attribute(self, attr_name):
+        if self.read_functions[attr_name] != '':
+	  read_method = getattr(self.module,self.read_functions[attr_name])
+	  num_of_args = read_method.func_code.co_argcount
+	  if num_of_args == 1:
+	  	# If method allows an input parameter,
+		# it's a reference to this class
+	  	data = read_method(self)
+	  else:
+		data = read_method()
+	else:
+		data = self.myattrs[attr_name]
+        return data
+    def write_dynamic_attribute(self, attr_name, value_in):
+        if self.write_functions[attr_name] != '':
+	  write_method = getattr(self.module,self.write_functions[attr_name])
+	  num_of_args = write_method.func_code.co_argcount
+	  if num_of_args == 2:
+	  	# If method allows two input parameter,
+		# the first is a reference to this class
+	  	value = write_method(self, value_in)
+	  else:
+	  	value = write_method(value_in)
+	else:
+	  value = value_in
+        self.myattrs[attr_name] = value
+	if type(value_in) not in (int,float,str,bool,long):
+		# Only scalar values can be memorized
+		return
+	dict_in = {attr_name:{'__value':value_in}}
+	self.db.put_device_attribute_property(self.get_name(),dict_in)
+#    DynamicClass class definition
+class DynamicClass(PyTango.DeviceClass):
+    #    Class Properties
+    class_property_list = {
+        }
+    #    Device Properties
+    device_property_list = {
+        'XmlConfigurator':
+            [PyTango.DevString,
+            "Path to the xml config file",
+            [ "./xml_config.xml"] ],
+        'FiltersScript':
+            [PyTango.DevString,
+            "Path to the python script that will be executed.",
+            [ "./test/script_test.py"] ],
+        'PythonExecutable':
+            [PyTango.DevString,
+            "Path to the python executable.",
+            [ "python"] ],
+        }
+    #    Command definitions
+    cmd_list = {
+        'NewScalar':
+            [[PyTango.DevVarStringArray, "Name - of the new scalar attribute\nDOUBLE, SHORT, LONG for the type of the attribute\n"],
+            [PyTango.DevVoid, ""]],
+        'NewSpectrum':
+            [[PyTango.DevVarStringArray, "Name - of the new scalar attribute\nDOUBLE, SHORT, LONG for the type of the attribute\nMaxDim of the spectrum"],
+            [PyTango.DevVoid, ""]],
+        'NewImage':
+            [[PyTango.DevVarStringArray, "Name - of the new scalar attribute\nDOUBLE, SHORT, LONG for the type of the attribute\nMaxDimX of the image\nMaxDimY of the image"],
+            [PyTango.DevVoid, ""]],
+        'ClearAll':
+            [[PyTango.DevVoid,""],
+             [PyTango.DevVoid,""]],
+        }
+    #    Attribute definitions
+    attr_list = {
+        }
+#    DynamicClass Constructor
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        PyTango.DeviceClass.__init__(self, name)
+        self.set_type(name);
+        #print "In DynamicClass  constructor"
+#    Dynamic class main method
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    try:
+        py = PyTango.Util(sys.argv)
+        py.add_TgClass(DynamicClass,Dynamic,'Dynamic')
+        U = PyTango.Util.instance()
+        U.server_init()
+        U.server_run()
+    except PyTango.DevFailed,e:
+        print '-------> Received a DevFailed exception:',e
+    except Exception,e:
+        print '-------> An unforeseen exception occured....',e
diff --git a/src/xmlconfig.py b/src/xmlconfig.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..facb63f2dfa68104aa9532d60979afb200ab29c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/xmlconfig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+dbg_ = False    
+import sys
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from UserDict import UserDict
+#rom collections import namedtuple
+import traceback
+class InvalidFileError(Exception): 
+       def __init__(self, value):
+           self.message = value
+       def __str__(self):
+           return repr(self.message)
+import urllib                         
+import StringIO
+def open_anything(source):            
+    """URI, filename, or string --> stream
+    This function lets you define parsers that take any input source
+    (URL, pathname to local or network file, or actual data as a string)
+    and deal with it in a uniform manner.  Returned object is guaranteed
+    to have all the basic stdio read methods (read, readline, readlines).
+    Just .close() the object when you're done with it.
+    Examples::
+        >>> from xml.dom import minidom
+        >>> sock = open_anything("http://localhost/kant.xml")
+        >>> doc = minidom.parse(sock)
+        >>> sock.close()
+        >>> sock = open_anything("c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\kant.xml")
+        >>> doc = minidom.parse(sock)
+        >>> sock.close()
+        >>> sock = open_anything("<ref id='conjunction'><text>and</text><text>or</text></ref>")
+        >>> doc = minidom.parse(sock)
+        >>> sock.close()
+    """
+    if hasattr(source, "read"):
+        return source
+    if source == '-':
+        return sys.stdin
+    # try to open with urllib (if source is http, ftp, or file URL)
+    try:                                  
+        return urllib.urlopen(source)     
+    except (IOError, OSError):            
+        pass                             
+    # try to open with native open function (if source is pathname)
+    try:                                  
+        return open(source)               
+    except (IOError, OSError):            
+        pass
+    # treat source as string
+    return StringIO.StringIO(str(source))
+def _get_text(nodelist):
+    """ Extract an string from a xml node data."""        
+    rc_ = [node.data for node in nodelist 
+                if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE]                
+    return ''.join(rc_).strip().encode('ascii')
+def _get_value(node, tagname):
+    """ Extract the value from an xml node"""
+    values = node.getElementsByTagName(tagname)
+    if len(values) == 0:
+        return ''
+    internal_node = values[0]
+    return _get_text(internal_node.childNodes)
+WRITE_ONLY = 2     
+class XmlItem:
+    def __init__(self, flag , type, handler, name, tango_name, 
+                 description="", default=None, dimension = 1, 
+                 memorized = 0 , read_function = '' , write_function = ''):
+        self.flag = flag
+        self.type = type
+        self.handler = handler
+        self.tango_name = tango_name
+        self.name = name
+        self.description = description
+        self.default = default
+        self.dimension = dimension
+        self.memorized = memorized
+        self.read_function = read_function
+        self.write_function = write_function
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Attr %s = %s/%s \n %s \n %s %d \n %s \n %s"% (self.name, self.handler, 
+                                    self.name, self.description, self.default, 
+                                    self.memorized, self.read_function, self.write_function)
+class ScriptXmlConfig:
+    """
+    Parser of the XML file in python usefull class
+    attributes a dict with: 
+        - flag: read_only, write_only, read_write
+        - type: short, double, string, 
+        - handler: tango attribute associated
+        - name: name or label of this attribute
+        - description: information for the attribute
+       	- memorized: uses Tango Memorize feature, available only for scalar attributes
+        - default: default value ( WARNING: is loaded using eval() )
+       	- read_function: name of the function that will be executed for every read operation
+       	- write_function: name of the function that will be executed for every write operation
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        self.entries = dict()
+        self.doc = self._load(filename)
+        self._parse()
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "DaqXmlConfig %s %s"% (str(self.attributes))
+    def _parse(self):
+        """Parse the xml file"""
+        try:
+            self.handle_entries(self.doc.getElementsByTagName("ATTRIBUTES_RO"),flag=READ_ONLY)
+            self.handle_entries(self.doc.getElementsByTagName("ATTRIBUTES_RW"),flag=READ_WRITE)
+            self.handle_entries(self.doc.getElementsByTagName("ATTRIBUTES_WO"),flag=WRITE_ONLY)
+            self.handle_entries(self.doc.getElementsByTagName("COMMANDS"),flag=IS_COMMAND)
+        except IndexError:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            raise InvalidFileError(
+                    "Failed to parse the configuration file")        
+    @classmethod   
+    def _load(cls, source):
+        """load XML input source, return parsed XML document
+        - a URL of a remote XML file ("http://diveintopython.org/kant.xml")
+        - a filename of a local XML file ("~/diveintopython/common/py/kant.xml")
+        - standard input ("-")
+        - the actual XML document, as a string
+        """
+        sock = open_anything(source)
+        try:        
+            xmldoc = minidom.parse(sock).documentElement
+        except Exception, ex:
+            raise InvalidFileError(str(ex))
+        sock.close()
+        return xmldoc
+    def handle_entries(self, elements, flag):
+        for group_of_attributes in elements:
+            attributes = [attribute 
+                            for attribute 
+                            in group_of_attributes.childNodes if 
+                            attribute.nodeType == 1]
+            for attribute in attributes:
+                type = _get_value(attribute, 'TYPE')
+                handler = _get_value(attribute,'HANDLER')
+                attr = handler +'/' + _get_value(attribute, 'TANGONAME')
+                name = attribute.nodeName
+                desc =_get_value(attribute, 'DESCRIPTION')
+                dimension_s = _get_value(attribute, 'DIMENSION')
+                if dimension_s == '':
+                    dimension = 1
+                elif dimension_s.find('(')>= 0:
+                    dimension = eval(dimension_s)
+                else:
+                    dimension = int(dimension_s)                
+                memorized_s = _get_value(attribute, 'MEMORIZED')
+                if memorized_s == '1' and dimension == 1 :
+                    memorized = 1
+                else :
+                    memorized = 0
+                #
+                default_v = _get_value(attribute, 'DEFAULT')
+                #
+                read_function = _get_value(attribute, 'READ_FUNCTION')
+                write_function = _get_value(attribute, 'WRITE_FUNCTION')
+                #
+                attr_entry = XmlItem(flag, type,handler,name,attr,desc,default_v,dimension,memorized,read_function,write_function)
+                if dbg_: print attr_entry
+                self.entries[attr_entry.name] = attr_entry
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    xml = ScriptXmlConfig("./scripts/ldm_daq_conf.xml")