In its simplest form, clone the repository and assuming a standard install for all dependencies:
cd alarm-handler
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make install
### pkg-config Settings
The build system uses pkg-config to find some dependencies, for example Tango. If Tango is not installed to a standard location, set PKG_CONFIG_PATH, i.e.
| BUILD_TESTE | ON/OFF | OFF | Build test devices under test directory |
### Standard CMake Flags
The build system is CMake therefore standard CMake flags can be used to influence the build and installation process. The following is a list of common useful CMake flags and their use:
| Flag | Use |
| CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | Standard CMake flag to modify the install prefix. |
| CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH | Standard CMake flag to add include paths to the search path. |
| CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH | Standard CMake flag to add paths to the library search path |
## Legacy Building
Using Elettra makefiles, clone both alarm-handler and makefile repositories, then call make: