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elettra_lattice.php 15.7 KiB
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$src = array(
	'preinjector' => '',
	'booster'=> '',
	'bts'=> '',
	'sr'=> ''
$blmSrcs = array('sr'=>'',

$blm = array('sr'=>array(),'booster'=>array(),'bts'=>array(),'preinjector'=>array());
foreach ($blmSrcs as $facility=>$blmSrc) {
	$blms = json_decode(file_get_contents($blmSrc));
	foreach ($blms as $b) {
		$c = explode(':', $b); 
		$d = strtoupper(strtr(implode('_', array_slice(explode('_',$c[2]), 2)), array('chv'=>'ch'))); 
		$blm[$facility][$d] = $c[2];
		$n = explode('/', $c[2]);
		if (isset($_REQUEST['blm']) && isset($_REQUEST['json'])) echo '				{"type": "blm", "position": xyz, "name": "'.strtoupper($n[2]).'"},<br>';
if (isset($_REQUEST['blm'])) {die("<pre>".print_r($blm, true)."</pre>\n");}

if ($_REQUEST['json']=='src') {header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); die(json_encode($src));}
if (isset($_REQUEST['src'])) {echo "<h2>elettra lattice sources</h2>"; foreach ($src as $s) {$a = explode('/', $s); echo "<a href='$s'>{$a[count($a)-1]}</a><br>";} exit();}
$prefix = array(
	"AC" => "cavitylinac",
	"B_" => "dipolebooster",
	"SI" => "si",
	"BP" => "bpm",
	"CT" => "dcct",
	"CA" => "cavity",
	"CS" => "correctorbooster",
	"CB" => "corrector",
	"CH" => "corrector",
	"CV" => "corrector",
	"HC" => "corrector",
	"VC" => "corrector",
	"CM" => "cm",
	"D_" => "drift",
	"D1" => "drift",
	"D2" => "drift",
	"D3" => "drift",
	"DK" => "drift",
	"DB" => "drift",
	"DC" => "drift",
	"DF" => "drift",
	"DM" => "drift",
	"DS" => "drift",
	"DP" => "drift",
	"DT" => "drift",
	"D0" => "drift",
	"DL" => "drift",
	"MO" => "drift",
	"FL" => "flsc",
	"ID" => "id",
	"KI" => "kicker",
	"KE" => "kicker",
	"Q_" => "quadrupole",
	"QB" => "quadrupolebooster",
	"Q1" => "quadrupole",
	"Q2" => "quadrupole",
	"Q3" => "quadrupole",
	"QD" => "quadrupole",
	"QF" => "quadrupole",
	"RF" => "rf",//"cavitylinac",
	"SE" => "spte",
	"SB" => "sextupolebooster",
	"S1" => "sextupole",
	"S2" => "sextupole",
	"S3" => "sextupole",
	"S4" => "sextupole",
	"S5" => "sextupole",
	"S6" => "sextupole",
	"S7" => "sextupole",
	"S8" => "sextupole",
	"S9" => "sextupole",
	"SF" => "sextupole",
	"SD" => "sextupole",
	"SR" => "srpm",
	"SC" => "scraper",
	"ST" => "strp",
	"TA" => "tag",
	"ZI" => "zigzag"
$latticeFile = empty($_REQUEST['lattice'])? './elettra_lattice.json': $_REQUEST['lattice'];
$json = file($latticeFile);
$buf = isset($_REQUEST['json'])? "<pre>{ <br>": "<table>\n";

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// emit diff
function eval_diff($a, $b) {
	$old_error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ALL);
	$diff = new diff;
	$text = $diff->inline($a,$b,2);
	echo '<h3>Differences between JSON lattice and references</h3>'.count($diff->changes).' changes';
	echo $text;

function component_diff() {
	global $latticeFile;
	echo '<h3>Supported components</h3><table>';
	$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($latticeFile), true);
	$comp = array();
	foreach ($json as $devname=>$device) {
		foreach ($device as $kseg=>$segment) {
			foreach ($segment['magnets'] as $m) $comp[$m['type']] = true;
	foreach ($comp as $component=>$v) {
		if (strpos($component, '_FLSC')!==false) continue;
		echo "<tr><td>$component </td><td> ".(file_exists("./components/{$component}.js")? "OK": "missing")."</td></tr>\n";

// ------------------ Preinjector -------------------
$f = file($src['preinjector']);
$pos = 2200;
$skip = true;
$p = array();
$j = 0;
function initBranch() {
	global $p, $j, $json;
	if (empty($p)) $pbuf = '	"preinjector": [<br>		{<br>'; else {$pbuf .= '			]<br>		},<br>		{<br>';};
	while (strpos($json[$j], '"start":')===false && $j<10000) {$j++;}
	$pbuf .= $json[$j];
	if (strpos($json[$j], '"bending":')!==false) {$pbuf .= $json[$j]; $j++;}
	if (strpos($json[$j], '"chamber":')!==false) {$pbuf .= $json[$j]; $j++;}
	$pbuf .= '			"magnets": [<br>';
	if (empty($p)) $pbuf .= '				{"type": "gun", "position": 0, "name": "Gun", "href": ""},<br>';
	$p[] = $pbuf;
foreach($f as $r) {
	if (strpos($r, "marker('EXIT")!==false) {$skip = true; }
	if (substr($r, 0, 2)=='B_') initBranch();
	if (!$skip) $p[] = $r;
	if (strpos($r, "marker('START")!==false) {$skip = false; }
// initBranch();
foreach($p as $r) {
	if (strpos($r, '"start":')!==false) {$buf = substr($buf, 0, -5).'<br>'.$r; continue;}
	$c = explode(',', $r);
	if (count($c)<2) continue;
	$nq = explode("'", $c[0]);
	$n = explode("=", strtr($c[0],array(' '=>'','Q_'=>$nq[1].'_', 'P1_'=>'P1.', 'PTB1_'=>'PTB1.')));
	$p = 0;
	if (strpos($c[1], "'")===false) $p = $c[1]*1000.0;
	$type = substr($n[0], 0, 2);
	if (strpos($c[0], "drift")===false && !isset($prefix[$type])) $buf .= "<h3>$r</h3>\n";
	$len = $p;
	if ($prefix[$type] == "sextupole" && $len==230) $len = 0;
	if ($prefix[$type] == "quadrupole" && $len==260) $len = 0;
	if ($prefix[$type] == "quadrupole") $type = 'QB';
	if ($type=='CV') continue;
	if ($prefix[$type] == "corrector") $type = 'CS';
	if (strpos($c[0], "ACCT")!==false) $len = $len.', "rotateY": "PI/2", "href": ""';
	if ((strpos($c[0], "drift")===false || strpos($c[0], "ACCT")!==false) && $type!='B_') $buf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '				{"type": "'.$prefix[$type].'", "position": '.($pos+$p/2).($len>0? ', "length": '.$len:'').', "name": "'.$n[0].'"},<br>': "<tr><td>{$n[0]}</td><td>".($pos+$p/2)."</td><td>$p</td></tr>\n";
	$pos += $p;
	if ($type=='B_') {$pos = $p/2;}
$buf .= '			]<br>		}<br>	],<br>';

// ------------------ BOOSTER -------------------
$pos = 4800; //-2400000000000;
$booster = '';
$f = file($src['booster']);
$section = 28; $qnum = 1;
$j = 0;
foreach($f as $r) {
	if (strpos($r, 'ring =')!==false || strpos($r, 'atringparam')!==false) continue;
	if (strpos($r, '};')!==false) break;
	$c = explode(',', $r);
	if (strpos($r, 'atsbend(')!==false) {
		if ($section == 29) {$bbuf = "$booster			]<br>		},<br>"; $booster = ''; $section = 1;} else $booster .= '			]<br>		},<br>';
		$k = "B_B{$section}.1";
		$pos += $c[1]*1000.0/2;
		if (isset($_REQUEST['json'])) {while (strpos($json[$j], $k)===false && $j<10000) {$j++;} $booster .= '		{<br>'.$json[$j-1].$json[$j].$json[$j+1].'			"magnets": [<br>';}
		else $booster .= "</table>\nlength: $pos<h3>$k</h3>\n<table>\n";
		$pos = $c[1]*1000.0/2;
		if (isset($blm['booster'][$k.'_R'])) {
			$blmfound = $blm['booster'][$k.'_R']; 
			$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['booster'][$k.'_R']));
			$booster .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
			// "<tr><td>$k.'_R'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
			$blmfound = $blm['booster'][$k.'_L']; 
			$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['booster'][$k.'_L']));
			$booster .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
			// "<tr><td>$k.'_L'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
		$qnum = 0;
	else {
		$n = explode("'", $c[0]);
		$p = 0;
		if (strpos($c[1], "'")===false) $p = $c[1]*1000.0;
		$type = substr($n[1], 0, 2);
		if (!isset($prefix[$type])) $booster .= "<h3>$r</h3>\n";
		$len = $p;
		if ($prefix[$type] == "sextupole" && $len==230) $len = 0;
		if ($prefix[$type] == "quadrupole" && $len==260) $len = 0;
		if ($prefix[$type] == "sextupole") $type = 'SB';
		if ($prefix[$type] == "quadrupole") {$type = 'QB'; $qnum++;}
		// if (strpos($r, "RF_B") $type = 'CB';
		if (strpos($r, "atmarker('DCCT')")!==false) $type = 'CT';
		if ($type=='CV') continue;
		if ($prefix[$type] == "corrector") $type = 'CS';
		$num = $type=='QB'? $qnum: 1;
		$name = "{$n[1]}_B{$section}.$num";;
		if (strpos($c[0], "drift")===false) $booster .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '				{"type": "'.$prefix[$type].'", "position": '.($pos+$p/2).($len>0? ', "length": '.$len:'').', "name": "'.$name.'"},<br>': "<tr><td>$name</td><td>".($pos+$p/2)."</td><td>$p</td></tr>\n";
		$pos += $p;
$booster = strtr($booster.substr($bbuf,0,-5), array('},<br>			]'=>'}<br>			]', "},\n			]"=>"}\n			]"));
$buf .= (isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '	"booster": [<br>': "</table><br><br><br><br><br><h1>Booster</h1><table>\n").$booster."\n	],\n";

// ------------------ BTS -------------------
$f = file($src['bts']);
$start = false;
$btsbuf = isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '	"bts": [<br>		{<br>			"start": {"x": -3100, "z": -21558},<br>			"magnets": [<br>': "<br><br><br><br><h1>BTS</h1><br>\n";
$j = 0;
$bending = array(
	'BTS_B1' => 'B_BTS1.1',
	'BTS_B2' => 'B_BTS1.2',
	'BTS_B3' => 'B_BTS1.3',
	'BTS_B4' => 'B_BTS2.1',
	'BTS_B5' => 'B_BTS2.2',
	'BTS_B6' => 'B_BTS2.3'
foreach($f as $r) {
	if ($r{0}=='%') continue;
	$eq = explode('=', $r);
	$c = explode(',', $r);
	if (strpos($r, "drift('BTS_D")!==false) {
		$drift[trim($eq[0])] = $c[1]-0;
	$Lquad = 0.495;
	if (strpos($r, "quadrupole(")!==false) {
		$quadrupole[trim($eq[0])] = $Lquad;
	if (strpos($r, "START_BTS")!==false) {$start = true; $pos = 0; continue;}
	if (strpos($r, "EXIT")!==false) {$start = false;}
	if ($start) {
		$sp = explode(' ', $r);
		foreach ($sp as $comp) {
			if (trim($comp) == '...') continue;
			if (isset($drift[$comp])) $pos += $drift[$comp]*1000;
			else {
				if (strpos($comp, 'BTS_B')!==false && strpos($comp, 'BPM')===false) {
					if (isset($_REQUEST['json'])) {while (strpos($json[$j], $bending[$comp])===false && $j<10000) {$j++;} $btsbuf .= '			]<br>		},<br>		{<br>'.$json[$j-1].$json[$j].$json[$j+1].'			"magnets": [<br>';}
					// $btsbuf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '			]<br>			"bending": {"type": "dipolebooster", "label": "show", "name": "'.trim($comp).'"},<br>			"magnets": [<br>': "</table>\nlength: $pos<h3>$comp</h3>\n<table>\n";
					$pos = $comp=='BTS_B6'? 1217: 737;
					echo "{$bending[$comp]}_R<br>";
					if (isset($blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_R'])) {
						$blmfound = $blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_R']; 
						$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_R']));
						$btsbuf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
						// "<tr><td>$comp.'_R'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
						$blmfound = $blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_L']; 
						$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['bts'][$bending[$comp].'_L']));
						$btsbuf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
						// "<tr><td>$comp.'_L'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
				else {
					$type = isset($quadrupole[$comp])? 'quadrupolebooster': (strpos($comp, 'BPM')!==false? 'bpm': $comp);
					if ($comp=='CH' || $comp=='CV') $type = 'corrector';
					$btsbuf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '				{"type": "'.$type.'", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$comp.'"},<br>': "<tr><td>{$comp}</td><td>".$pos."</td></tr>\n";
					if (isset($blm['bts'][$comp.'_R'])) {
						$blmfound = $blm['bts'][$comp.'_R']; 
						$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['bts'][$comp.'_R']));
						$btsbuf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
						// "<tr><td>$comp.'_R'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
						$blmfound = $blm['bts'][$comp.'_L']; 
						$blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['bts'][$comp.'_L']));
						$btsbuf .= '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.$pos.', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>';
						// "<tr><td>$comp.'_L'</td><td>0</td><td>$pos</td><td>$blmfound</td></tr>\n";
$btsbuf .= '			]<br>		},<br>		{<br>			"start": {"x": 38740, "z": -13180},<br>			"bending": {"rotateY": "PI"},<br>			"chamber": {"type": "chamber"},<br>			"magnets": [<br>			]<br>		}<br>	],<br>';
$buf .= strtr($btsbuf, array('},<br>			]'=>'}<br>			]')); 

// ------------------ SR -------------------
$f = file($src['sr']);
$k = 'B_S12.1';
$pos = 6996;
$buf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '	"sr": [<br>': "</table><br><br><br><br><br><h1>SR</h1><table>\n";
$srbuf = '';
foreach($f as $r) {
	$c = explode(',', $r);
	if (count($c)<2) continue;
	if (strpos($r, 'atrbend(')!==false) {
		$k = strtr($c[0], array("atrbend("=>'', "'"=>''));
		$pos += $c[1]*1000.0/2;
		if (strpos($r, "atrbend('B_S1.1")!==false) {$srtail = $srbuf; $srbuf = '';}
		if (isset($_REQUEST['json'])) {$j=0; while (strpos($json[$j], trim($k))===false && $j<10000) {$j++;} $srbuf .= (strpos($r, "atrbend('B_S1.1")===false? '			]<br>		},<br>':'').'		{<br>'.$json[$j-1].$json[$j].$json[$j+1].'			"magnets": [<br>';}
		else $srbuf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? '			]<br>			"bending": {"type": "dipole", "label": "show", "name": "'.trim($k).'"},<br>			"magnets": [<br>': "</table>\nlength: $pos<h3>$k</h3>\n<table>\n";
		$pos = $c[1]*1000.0/2;
	else {
		$n = explode("'", $c[0]);
		$p = 0;
		if (strpos($c[1], "'")===false) $p = $c[1]*1000.0;
		$type = substr($n[1], 0, 2);
		if (!isset($prefix[$type])) $srbuf .= "<h3>$r</h3>\n";
		$len = $p;
		if ($prefix[$type] == "sextupole" && $len==230) $len = 0;
		if ($prefix[$type] == "quadrupole" && $len==260) $len = 0;
		if ($type=='CV') continue;
		$blmfound = '';
		if (isset($blm['sr'][$n[1]])) {$blmfound = $blm['sr'][$n[1]]; $blmnames = explode('/', strtoupper($blm['sr'][$n[1]]));}
		if (strpos($c[0], "drift")===false) $srbuf .= isset($_REQUEST['json'])? 
			'				{"type": "'.$prefix[$type].'", "position": '.($pos+$p/2).($len>0? ', "length": '.$len:'').', "name": "'.$n[1].'"},<br>'.
			(isset($blm['sr'][$n[1]])? '				{"type": "blm", "position": '.($pos+$p/2).', "name": "'.$blmnames[2].'"},<br>': ''): 
		if (isset($blm['sr'][$n[1]])) {unset($blm['sr'][$n[1]]);}
		$pos += $p;
$srbuf .= $srtail.(isset($_REQUEST['json'])? "			]<br>		}<br>	]<br>}</pre>": "</table>\n");
$buf .= strtr($srbuf,array('},<br>			]'=>'}<br>			]', "},\n			]"=>"}\n			]"));
$envelope = $bpm = false;
if ($_REQUEST['json']=='diff') {
	foreach ($json as $i=>$j) {
		$json[$i] = rtrim($j); 
		if (strpos($j,'undulator')!==false || strpos($j,"wiggler")!==false) unset($json[$i]);
		if (strpos($j,'envelope')!==false) {
			if (strpos($j,'{')!==false && strpos($j,'}')===false) $envelope = true;
		else if ($envelope) {
			if (strpos($j,'}')!==false) $envelope = false;
		if (strpos($j,'"bpm": ')!==false) {
			if (strpos($j,'{')!==false && strpos($j,'}')===false) $bpm=3;
		else if ($bpm>0) {
			if (strpos($j,'}')!==false) $bpm--;
	$b = explode("\n", strtr($buf, array('<br>'=>"\n", '<pre>'=>'', '</pre>'=>'', "},\n			]"=>"}\n			]")));
	foreach ($b as $i=>$j) $b[$i] = rtrim($j);
	eval_diff($json, $b);
$blmend = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['blmend'])) die("<h2>BLM</h2><pre>".print_r($blm, true)."</pre>");
die(strtr($buf, array('<br>'=>"\n")));