Milan Prica authored71d71d74
X-Ray Fluorescence beamline (XRF)
Ref. (SPE): Milan Prica, Roberto Borghes, Valentina Chenda
Ref. (XRF): https://www.elettra.eu/lightsources/elettra/elettra-beamlines/microfluorescence/de.html
Experimental Activities
XRF beamline is developed by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and operated in partnership with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
X-Ray Fluorescence is a versatile technique which can investigate solids, liquids, artworks, air particulates, inks, etc… It provides information on the elemental composition of a sample.
At the XRF beamline, experiments can be carried out under ambient conditions or in the ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) endstation, where the pressures can be lowered down to 10-9mbar.
The UHV endstation is equipped with a 7-axes manipulator to adjust the sample orientation with respect to the X-ray beam and/or the detectors.
Available techniques
- 2D XRF and XANES: quantitative chemical analysis over different areas of the sample;
- Grazing Incidence XRF and XANES: ideal for nano-layered structures or shallow dopants in semiconductors with nm depth resolution.
- Total Reflection XRF and XANES: for ultra-trace elemental/chemical characterization of liquid samples residues and micro/nanoparticles on smooth surfaces;
- X-Ray Reflectivity (XRR): for structural analysis of thin films and multi-layers.
There is extensive user documentation on the Elettra website written by the beamline scientist, Ilaria Carlomagno.
Fluorescence experiments are controlled by IAEA software running on their Windows machines. We can reach IAEA tango database from our network and vice-versa. IAEA Tango database is iaea-server.elettra.trieste.it:20000
XRF Monochromator is prone to malfunctions due to a very complex design. It includes a collimator and a refocusing mirror in the same chamber with the monochromator. The monochromator has 5 channels: Si, InSb, HE, ME and LE. For the first two, the crystal separations may be regulated. Motor controllers include Galil, SmarAct, PI and Newfocus.
On the xrf-desktop-01 workstation the network speed has changed a few times from gigabit to the slowest setting, 10Kb/s. The cause is yet unknown. <-- Issue fixed in 2022.
Control system machines
Beamline controls and EXAFS experiments run on Elettra hardware and software.
xrf-control-01.blcs.elettra.trieste.it: Dismissed in 2023.
xrf-control-02.blcs.elettra.trieste.it: Virtual machine that hosts the Tango database (port 20000) and all the Tango devices (except the IAEA ones, see below). Ubuntu 18.04 and Tango-9.3.4. Login with the VUO account as on the latest installations. Devices are deployed in /runtime/bin, configurations in /runtime/etc (user: controls).
iaea-server.elettra.eu: is the old Windows PC located in the corner of the XRF control room. Remote access is only possible with TightVNC. Beamline staff has the login credentials. Tango devices (all C++) for IAEA detectors and 7-axes manipulator run on another host that is inside the hutch and accessed from this PC. An Astor-simulating application that starts and stops tango devices is running on the host. Regular Astor cannot be used due to the starter issues but Jive is available. TANGO_HOST is iaea-server.elettra.trieste.it:20000
Beamline workstations
Both xrf-desktop-01 and xrf-desktop-02 have been reinstalled in 2023 with the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Tango-9.3.4. Python3 versions of all important packages are available (PyTango, hdf, numpy...) Login with the VUO credentials.