added PDU FEL1 and FEL2 Safety Hutch (sh/pdu/pdu-pfe-sh-01) and renamed PDU 1/PDU2
legacy turbo_pump app replaced with new turbopump-gui
22451: MojoDojo browser removed, MojoDojo Launcher moved up
added Out Pitch Delay Line TMR after TMR Filters (PUMP)
additions requested by M.Manfredda. End of sept/beginning of Oct 2023 VUO #20529
try install padres.xml to magnedyn facility
added delay line fast shutter under POS Experimental Hall/Delay Line (ACDC).
added vgfr_pos_tmr.06, save restore and used the {HOME} placeholder for felmon
added FELMON (python) under FERMI status - added path option for python3 (/usr/bin)
added FELMON (python) under FERMI status
Added Decimation panels for MagneDYN, TIMER and TIMEX beamlines
Added Decimation panels for DiProI and LDM beamlines
Release 1.0.36
Release 1.0.35
i0mapmon issue 8:
- title: Filters PRESTO(EH)